Cattleya Orchid - home care, transplant, photo species and varieties


Cattleya (Cattleya) - one of the most beautiful representatives of the genus of orchids. This perennial epiphytic plant in nature lives on the bark of trees or among stones and obtains its own nutrition with the help of a developed system of aerial roots. The homeland of Cattleya orchids is the tropical region of South and Central America.

A distinctive feature of this orchid is the presence of long pseudobulbs bearing 1-2 dense bright green leafy plates. During flowering, large, spectacular flowers appear on the plant. Their petals can be thin, elongated, rounded, corrugated, etc. They are painted in various colors: from white and olive to gold and lilac-raspberry. The flower also has a lip of an unusual shape and a contrasting shade to the petals.

Also see how to grow orchids such as dendrobium and vanda.

Low growth rate.
Flowering time - up to 4 weeks.
A difficult plant to grow.

Cattleya Orchid: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn the warm season - about + 25 ° С, in winter - about + 10 ° С.
Air humidityDepends on temperature (lower when kept in cool, high in a hot room, range - 40-70%).
LightingVery bright, long lasting with shading at noon.
WateringAs the substrate dries by immersing the pot in another container with water or bathing the plants in a warm shower.
Cattleya soilA mixture of pine bark, polystyrene and sphagnum moss.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active growth, weak solutions of special preparations for orchids.
Cattleya transplantOnce every 2-3 years as the bush grows or with a significant deterioration in the quality of the substrate.
BreedingKids or dividing pseudobulbs.
Growing FeaturesCattleya orchid at home can not bloom for a long time, if even minor at first glance mistakes are made in caring for it. The plant needs to strictly observe the balance of temperature and humidity, lighting, watering, etc.

Cattleya orchid care at home. In detail

Cattleya Orchid Bloom

The Cattleya orchid plant at home blooms only when it reaches a certain age and size. Typically, flower stalks begin to actively form those instances that have 4 or more ripened pseudobulbs.

Cattleya flowers have extraordinary beauty, a variety of colors and a delicate pleasant aroma. In order for the flowering to last as long as possible, the plant, after the buds open, is removed from the direct sun at partial shade.

How to make cattleya orchid blossom

In order for Cattleya orchid to regularly please with abundant and prolonged flowering at home, it is necessary to organize the most comfortable living conditions for it: bright light, moderate air humidity, proper watering, etc.

As an additional measure of flowering stimulation, it is recommended that the plant during the active growing season have a difference in day and night temperatures of at least 7 ° C.

Temperature mode

Cattleya needs warmth for active growth and development: in the daytime, the air temperature should be + 22- + 25 ° С, at night - it should drop to + 18 ° С. During the rest, the plant is transferred to a cool room with an air temperature of about + 10 ° C.


Cattleya orchid care at home does not have to include an event such as spraying. This can be done if it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room where the plant is located, while not allowing water drops to fall on young shoots and to growth points.


For the formation of flower buds and the subsequent flowering of Cattleya, constant bright sunlight is required. However, on hot days, the plant can overheat under the sun, so in the summer at noon it should be shaded. This measure will also protect against the appearance of burns on the leaves.

Cattleya Orchid Watering

In the summer, Cattleya is often watered, but the substrate is allowed to dry between waterings. When carrying out top watering, it is important to ensure that moisture does not remain on the young shoots of the plant, this can trigger the appearance of rot.

The best way to moisten the substrate is by immersing the pot in another container of water for 20-30 minutes. You can also have a warm shower from time to time.

Cattleya Orchid Pot

Capacity for growing Cattleya can be any: the plant is kept in plastic or ceramic pots, in hanging baskets and pots, just on pieces of bark. If a flower is grown with a closed root system, when choosing a pot for it, you should immediately think about a future transplant.

It is important to perform it in such a way as to minimize possible damage to the root system, so it is better to take a pot that will not be a pity later to be cut or broken if necessary.


For indoor Cattleya cultivation, they use a special orchid substrate, sold in flower shops, or prepare the soil mixture on their own, mixing fine fraction pine bark with polystyrene and sphagnum moss fibers.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Cattleya home orchid needs additional nutrition only during the period of active growth. At the beginning of the growing season, the plant is fertilized with preparations with a high nitrogen content, later phosphorus and potassium fertilizing is used. When preparing nutrient solutions, carefully monitor the dosage of fertilizers, since their excessive application can lead to the death of the root system. Cattleya overfeeding also often provokes increased growth of greenery to the detriment of flowering.


Cattleya really dislike being bothered by their root system, therefore, they should be transplanted only in case of real need: when the plant becomes too crowded in the pot or when the old substrate is almost completely decomposed.

Cattleya orchid transplantation is carried out as follows: the plant is carefully "squeezed out" by removing it from the pot along with the substrate, washing off the old soil with water. Damaged and decayed roots are cut off, the slices are treated with crushed coal. The new substrate is soaked for some time in water, allowed to drain, after which the plant is carefully placed in a new pot.


Cut Cattleya is not necessary. To maintain an attractive appearance, it is possible and necessary to periodically remove damaged leaves, wilted flowers and old peduncles.

Rest period

A properly organized resting period for Cattleya is a prerequisite for their regular and abundant flowering. In order for the plant to rest as much as possible and gain strength before the new season, it is placed in a moderately cool, very well-lit room, while watering is reduced to a minimum (only to maintain the turgor of leaves and bulb), feeding is stopped.

Cattleya orchid propagation by children

Children periodically appearing on the mother plant are carefully separated, treated with a growth stimulant and planted in a prepared substrate. Young plants organize the same growing conditions as adult specimens.

Cattleya orchid propagation by dividing the bush

Adult, well-formed plants reproduce quite easily by simple division. The procedure is recommended as follows:

  1. Water the orchid abundantly and leave it for several hours so that the roots are saturated with moisture.
  2. Carefully remove the plant from the pot and thoroughly, but carefully rinse the roots in warm water to remove the old substrate.
  3. With a sharp pre-disinfected knife, divide the bush into parts so that each of them has at least 3 formed bulbs and strong healthy roots. Sprinkle slices with crushed coal.
  4. Delenki planted in individual pots.

Cattleya propagation in this way is best combined with a plant transplant so as not to disturb him once again with manipulations with the root system.

Diseases and Pests

Cattleya orchid is a demanding plant that painfully responds to errors in caring for it. Health problems may include the following symptoms:

  • Dry brown spots on the leaves of Cattleya. They testify that the plant is too long in the sun. Burns can not be cured, an orchid should be shaded from midday sunlight.
  • Cattleya leaf redness. By itself, it is not a symptom of the disease, the plant should be closely monitored, and if other alarming signs appear, proceed with the necessary treatment.
  • Gray fluffy coating on the leaves of Cattleya (gray rot). Usually appears when the plant is kept in a too cool room with high humidity. The disease is successfully treated with modern fungicidal agents.
  • Black rot. Appears due to waterlogging, root overheating or excess nitrogen in the substrate. All areas damaged by the disease are removed, after drying the sections, the plant is treated with fungicide.
  • Gray plaque on the leaves and buds of Cattleya (powdery mildew). Causes of occurrence: excess nitrogen, high humidity at high air temperature. Treatment - treatment with fungicide.
  • Cattleya leaves turned yellow and became covered with brown spots (bacterial spotting). Such changes in appearance are the result of non-compliance with the irrigation regime in combination with too high air temperature. All damaged areas are removed with a sharp disinfected knife, after cattleya treated with a fungicidal preparation.

In addition to bacterial and fungal diseases, orchids can be affected by pests: mealybug, aphids, scale insects, spider mites. Special insecticides help rid a flower of dangerous insects.

Types of Cattleya orchid home with photos and names

Cattleya hybrida (Cattleya hybrida)

A name that unites a group of hybrid varieties obtained by crossing Cattleya sponge and its many forms.

Cattleya x venosa

A compact, plentifully flowering variety with graceful flowers that have long greenish-lemon petals and a small lip of a pale purple hue with a bright yellow spot in the center.

Cattleya Earl Imperials

A popular variety with a classic color of flowers: white highly corrugated petals surround a large spectacular lip of the same shade with a lemon-yellow spot in the center.

Cattleya Eclipse

A common hybrid with large flowers of an unusual shape: thin curved petals of a purple-raspberry hue frame a long purple lip, decorated with a grid of bright purple veins.

Cattleya Miyuki

The original fast-growing variety, characterized by abundant flowering. Numerous inflorescences combine bright flowers with petals of a beautiful raspberry shade and a lip of a saturated violet-orange color.

Cattleya Luteous Forb

A compact plant blooming twice a year with greenish-yellow flowers with a spectacular golden lip and a very pleasant aroma.

Now reading:

  • Orchid Wanda - growing and care at home, photo
  • Orchid Dendrobium - care and reproduction at home, photo
  • Cymbidium - home care, photo species, transplantation and reproduction
  • Tabernemontana - home care, photo species and varieties
  • Heliconia - growing and care at home, photo species


Watch the video: How to identify Orchids without flowers - A simple guide for beginners! (October 2024).