All About Successful Tomato Growing Bull Heart: A Favorite Variety of Pink Tomatoes


There are extremely many varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. Therefore, now, in order to gain steady popularity among gardeners, any variety must stand out with something extraordinary or have one solid merit. Perfection, as you know, is unattainable, but the Bull’s variety has completely coped with the first task. These tomatoes differ from their "relatives" in an unusual shape, large (sometimes just huge) size and excellent taste. This is not to say that getting a crop will be easy, because the variety is quite demanding in care. But the unique taste of the fruit will pay off all the chores.

Description and description of the tomato variety Bull's heart and its varieties

The tomato variety Bull's Heart was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2003. There are no restrictions on the growing region. But in terms of ripening, it refers to late or medium late. Accordingly, cultivation in open ground is possible only in the warm southern regions. When planting in the garden in a moderate climate of the crop, you just can not wait. It takes 120-130 days to ripen the fruit.

Tomato Bull's heart is loved by gardeners for productivity, large-fruited and excellent taste of tomatoes

The bush is slightly leafy, determinant. This property means that its growth is spontaneously limited at the height "set" by breeders, a fruit brush is formed in place of the growth point. Nevertheless, the bush, in contrast to the vast majority of determinant tomatoes, is tall, powerful and spreading. In open ground, it extends up to 1.5-1.8 m, in a greenhouse - up to 2 m. The plant will definitely need a fairly strong support and regular formation.

Most often, determinant tomatoes are compact low plants, but the Bull’s variety is an exception

The first inflorescence is formed over the 8-9th leaf. This is quite low, and the tomatoes are large. A trellis or other support is necessary, otherwise the bushes will bend under the weight of the crop or simply break. And the fruits lying on the ground are almost inevitably infected with rot.

Fruits with a smooth matte pink-scarlet skin, slightly ribbed. The shape is irregular, they resemble the heart in the anatomical sense of the word - the oval tomatoes are noticeably flattened. The minimum weight of the fetus is 108-225 g. But the experience of gardeners indicates that with proper care, tomatoes ripen much larger, up to 500-800 g. Moreover, not individual copies, but in large quantities. The largest tomatoes ripen on the lower hands, the higher, the smaller they are. On each bush, 5-7 brushes are formed, almost simultaneously.

The weight of individual fruits of a tomato Bull’s heart is approaching a kilogram

Productivity is 3-4 kg from a bush when cultivated without shelter and 8-12 kg in greenhouses, but here too a lot depends on agricultural technology. If you follow all the recommendations for care, you can significantly exceed the stated indicator.

A bull’s heart is not a hybrid. Accordingly, seeds from personally grown fruits are quite suitable for planting for the next season. But still periodically planting material needs to be updated. At least once every 4-5 years, you need to acquire new seeds, otherwise the tomatoes are noticeably smaller, lose their unique taste.

For planting, not only purchased, but also independently harvested tomato seeds Bull’s heart are suitable

And the taste of the fruit Bull’s heart is simply excellent - sweet, with a slightly sourness emphasizing this. The pulp without whitish veins, homogeneous, dense, sugar, grainy at the cut, resembles a watermelon. The solids content is high, so tomatoes do not differ in juiciness. Seed chambers are few (4-5 pieces), small seeds.

Tomato pulp Bull heart is very dense, almost without juice

The presence of "innate" immunity variety Bull's heart can not boast. Nevertheless, the resistance to fungal diseases typical of the culture is quite good for him, he is sick relatively rarely. An exception is late blight, the prevention of which will have to be given special attention.

The peel of the fruit is quite thin, but they are notable for good transportability. When transported over long distances, no more than 5% of tomatoes deteriorate. Shelf life is also good. In the refrigerator or in another place where a slight plus temperature is constantly maintained, they will lie for up to 12-15 days without losing shape, density of the pulp and taste.

The experience of gardeners indicates that in the tomato variety Bull's heart, the fruits on the lower hands are significantly larger than on the upper

The large size of tomatoes severely limits their use. Bull's heart is consumed mostly fresh. For pickling and pickling, the variety is not suitable because of the sweet taste, and because the fruits simply do not fit into jars. But this is a suitable raw material for the preparation of tomato paste, ketchup, sauces.

Tomatoes Bull’s heart are not suitable for full-canning, but they make very tasty ketchup

Video: What a tomato looks like Bull's heart

On the basis of tomato Bull's heart, many hybrids are bred. Most of them are included in the State Register very recently, in 2017-2018. They, like the "parent", are suitable for cultivation throughout Russia, where gardening is possible.

  • Golden. The bush is indeterminate. Fruits are more regular in shape, round-cone-shaped. The peel is lemon. There are many seed chambers, more than six. The average weight of the fruit is 240-280 g. The yield during cultivation in the greenhouse is 13.6 kg / m².
  • Compact Hybrid early ripening. The bush is indeterminate. The inflorescence is complex. Fruits are rounded, pointed at the base, the ribs are almost invisible. The skin is rich scarlet. Seed chambers six or more. Tomato weight - 160-200 g. Productivity when planting in covered ground - 6-6.7 kg / m².
  • Creamy. By maturity dates refers to mid-season. The bush is indeterminate. Inflorescence of the intermediate type. The pulp is less dense than other varieties. Ribs are mild. The skin is an unusual creamy beige color with a slight yellowish tint. The average weight of flattened tomato is 350-400 g. Productivity is 10.6-12.8 kg / m² when planted in greenhouses. Fruits up to the first frost.
  • Raspberry Mid-season hybrid. The bush is indeterminate, densely leafy. Fruits without ribbing, round shape. The average weight is 350-500 g. The skin is saturated crimson-scarlet color. Seed chambers 4-6, seeds are very small. From 1 m² remove up to 6 kg of fruit.
  • Orange By maturity dates refers to mid-season or mid-late. The bush is indeterminate. Leaves are unusually long. Fruits with a pronounced ribbing, the pulp is extremely dense, almost without juice. The skin is very beautiful saffron hue. The fruits are one-dimensional, weighing 300-350 g. The characteristic taste is somewhat less pronounced than in other varieties. Productivity in the greenhouse is up to 11 kg / m². Compared with "relatives" has better immunity, more resistant to drought. Regular stepsoning is necessary.
  • Peach. Early ripening, ripens the very first of the entire series. The bush is indeterminate. The inflorescence is complex. The pulp is noticeably watery. The skin is orange-pink. The fruits are noticeably ribbed. Average weight - 200-300 g. Productivity - 7.8-8.5 kg / m².
  • Pink. Hybrid of medium ripening. The bush is densely leafy, determinant, rarely stretches above one and a half meters. Fruits are pinkish, slightly ribbed. The pulp is not particularly dense. The weight of tomato is 250-350 g. Productivity - 7.5-8 kg / m².
  • Black Early ripening. The bush is indeterminate. The leaves are elongated. Fruits are slightly ribbed, almost one-dimensional (350-400 g). The skin is very unusual brownish-purple with a greenish tint. But to get this shade, you need good lighting. The pulp is very tender, almost seedless. Productivity for the series is almost a record - 12.9-13 kg / m².
  • Chocolate Mid-season hybrid. The bush is indeterminate. Fruits are round in shape, with almost no ribs. The skin is reddish brown. The average weight of a tomato is 240-280 g. The yield is very high - 12.9-13.1 kg / m².
  • Amber. Hybrid of medium ripening. The bush is indeterminate. Fruits are rounded, with almost imperceptible ribs. The skin is dark orange or terracotta. The average weight of a tomato is 350-400 g. From 1 m² 10-12 kg of fruits are removed from the greenhouses.

Photo Gallery: Tomato-derived Hybrids Bull Heart

Growing tomato seedlings

Seedling method of growing - the only possible for tomatoes Bull's heart, this is due to the maturity. When planting seeds in open ground, crops can not wait even in regions with a subtropical climate. Due to late ripening, varieties are sown early, already in early March.

Planting material undergoes preliminary preparation in several stages. First, the seeds are checked for germination using a solution of ordinary table salt (15-20 g / l). Those in which there is an embryo are noticeably heavier than empty ones, so they go to the bottom, and unsuitable for planting float. 7-10 minutes are enough to discard seeds that will definitely not germinate.

Salt solution helps to immediately reject substandard tomato seeds

Then they are immersed for 12-14 hours in cold water, preferably thawed. It is useful for activating developmental processes and stimulating growth. Water can be replaced with any biostimulant. Along with purchased drugs (Epin, Emistim-M, potassium humate, Immunocytophyte), folk remedies (baking soda, aloe juice, succinic acid tablets, potato juice) are widely used. In the latter case, the processing time is increased to a day.

Processing with any biostimulant, including aloe juice, helps to “wake up” the seed germ

The final stage of preparation is disinfection. The resistance of pathogenic fungi in the Bull's heart is not bad, but it will not hurt to play safe. The most common remedy is a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. But copper-containing preparations, preferably of biological origin, are quite suitable. This, for example, Tsineb, Strobi, Alirin-B, Fitosporin-M. The fungicide etching time is no more than 15-20 minutes. In potassium permanganate seeds are soaked for 5-6 hours. After that, they must be washed in clean water.

Potassium permanganate - one of the most common disinfectants

Next, the treated seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth, gauze, a napkin and provide them with heat for several days. You can, for example, put a saucer on the battery. After 2-4 days, they hatch, and you can plant.

Seedlings from sprouted tomato seeds appear 3-4 days faster

Soil and containers for seedlings are also prepared in advance. Grade Bull Heart is a good fit for the purchased Solanaceae substrate. If the soil mixes on its own, you need to consider that its nutritional value is important to these tomatoes at any stage of development. A mandatory component is humus, to which for looseness add about half as much peat crumbs and sand. Bullseed seeds are planted in common containers or crates, shallow and wide. Then the seedlings will still need a pick, so you can slightly save space on the windowsill. Both soil and containers must be disinfected. The soil is roasted in an oven or microwave, frozen, steamed. Containers can be rinsed with boiling water.

Tomatoes Bull heart is quite satisfied with the purchase of shop soil for seedlings

Directly growing tomato seedlings Bull heart is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The containers are filled with soil, creating a layer 4–5 cm thick. The substrate is watered a little with warm water and the surface is leveled.

    Both purchased and self-mixed substrate must be disinfected before planting tomatoes

  2. Seeds are planted one at a time, with an interval between them of 4-5 cm, and between rows - 8-10 cm. Sprinkle with a thin layer of humus (up to 1.5 cm) mixed with fine sand on top.

    Tomato seeds are planted, trying to comply with the recommended interval - so they will be easier to dive

  3. Whenever possible, containers are sealed with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Light does not need sprouted seeds, but heat is important. The temperature in the room is maintained at a level of at least 25 ° C, and if possible, they provide lower heating. Shelter is cleaned daily for a short time to get rid of accumulated condensate.

    The polyethylene film creates a greenhouse effect, accelerating the emergence of seedlings

  4. As soon as the tomatoes sprout, the greenhouse is harvested for good. The temperature of the content is lowered to 15-18 ° C. Now the seedlings need to provide daylight hours of at least 12-14 hours. In most of Russia, the sun can not do, so you have to use artificial light sources - fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps.

    The phytolamp is placed 25-30 cm above the containers with seedlings at a slight angle

  5. Diving seedlings is carried out in the phase of the second real leaf, about 3 weeks after emergence. Unlike the vast majority of garden crops, for which the procedure is a lot of stress, it is even useful for tomatoes, since the root system of plants after it is noticeably strengthened, which further facilitates adaptation to new environmental conditions. Seedlings are watered about half an hour before it, then they are removed from a common container along with a lump of earth on the roots and planted one by one in plastic or peat cups with a diameter of 8-10 cm, filled with the same substrate.

    For most horticultural seedlings, diving is very stressful, but tomatoes tolerate the procedure calmly

  6. 7-10 days after the picking, the tomatoes are fed with any complex fertilizer for seedlings. The procedure is repeated after another 2 weeks. Water them sparingly, but often, as soon as the top layer of the substrate dries.

    Tomato seedlings are fed, strictly observing the dosage of fertilizer recommended by the manufacturer

  7. Harden seedlings begin 12-15 days before planting in a permanent place. First, stay in the open air is limited to 2-3 hours, then prolonged until the whole night. In the last 2-3 days before planting, seedlings can not be brought home at all. The optimum temperature for hardening is 10-14 ° C.

    Hardening positively affects the immunity of plants, facilitates their adaptation to a new place

Bull seedlings can be transferred to the soil 55-60 days after sowing seeds. By this time, the seedlings should be at least 25 cm long and have 5-8 true leaves. In central Russia, when grown under shelter, they are transplanted in the first ten days of May, and transferred to open ground at the junction of spring and summer.If the climate in the region is milder, the dates are shifted 1.5-2 weeks ago. Accordingly, seeds for seedlings must be planted earlier.

It is not worth delaying planting tomato seedlings in the garden; overgrown specimens are worse and adapt longer

Video: planting tomato seeds for seedlings and further care for it

Planting seedlings and preparing for it

The tomato variety Bull's heart is quite moody. This also applies to the requirements for cultivation conditions. The place for a bed is selected open. The culture does not tolerate a thick shadow, but also does not like too much direct sunlight. Therefore, it is advisable to grow these tomatoes under a canopy of any white covering material.

Tomatoes Bull's heart is planted so that each bush has enough space for food

Plots where groundwater is located a meter or closer below the surface of the earth are immediately excluded. In the complete absence of an alternative, you will have to build high beds (0.5 m or more).

The bushes of this variety are quite large, the root system is developed. Therefore, no more than two plants are placed per 1 m² in the greenhouse and three in the open ground. The interval between adjacent bushes is about 1 m, the row spacing is 70-90 cm. Still need to provide a place for trellis or other support.

Obtaining a plentiful harvest is not possible in a substrate of inadequate quality. The soil must be highly nutritious, but at the same time quite light, providing the possibility of normal aeration and not allowing moisture to stagnate at the roots. The most suitable substrate is sierozem or loam. If its composition is far from optimal, make sand (for heavy soil) or powder clay (for light).

The quality of the substrate is also affected by the culture previously grown at this place. A bull’s heart is never planted after other tomatoes and any Solanaceae in general, if less than three years have passed. Good predecessors for the culture are siderates, spicy herbs, onions, garlic, plants from the family Pumpkin, Legumes and Cruciferous. And the Bull’s heart really benefits from the neighborhood with wild strawberries. In both crops, the fruits ripen larger, respectively, and increases productivity.

Eggplants, like other plants from the Solanaceae family, are undesirable precursors for tomatoes

You need to take care of the preparation of the garden well in advance, last fall. Immediately find out the acid-base balance of the soil. If it differs from neutral, dolomite flour, wood ash or egg shell powder (250-450 g) are added together with the necessary fertilizers during the process of digging. To increase fertility, manure (necessarily rotted) or compost, about 10 liters per linear meter, is distributed over the bed. Of fertilizers in the fall, potash and phosphorus are needed - 25-30 g and 40-50 g, respectively. Nitrogen (10-15 g) is applied in the spring, simultaneously with loosening the beds, which is carried out about two weeks before the landing of the Bull's heart.

Humus - a natural remedy to increase soil fertility

Video: soil preparation for tomatoes

A greenhouse for tomatoes is also prepared in the fall. If possible, it is advisable to completely change the soil. Or at least add 8-10 cm of fresh humus. They dig up the soil, simultaneously getting rid of all plant debris, and pour it with boiling water or a saturated raspberry solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Glass and in general all surfaces with the same purpose are wiped with slaked lime solution. Or you can burn with a tightly closed door and windows a small piece of sulfuric saber.

Ideally, before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is necessary to replace the entire soil, if this is not possible, the substrate should be at least disinfected

To enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its quality in the greenhouse in early autumn, you can plant any green manure (leaf mustard, vetch, phacelia). After about two months, the greens are cut and planted in the soil.

It is advisable to plant tomatoes in cloudy, not too hot weather. Soil by this time should warm up enough. It is enough if during the previous week the daily temperature does not drop below 17 ° C.

Previously, both seedlings and holes are well shed with warm water. At the bottom put a handful of humus and a little ash. Seedlings are planted so that at least 3-4 cm remains from the ground to the bottom pair of leaves. The bushes are once again well watered; The next watering is carried out only when the seedlings take root in a new place and start growing. This usually takes about 10 days. Around the same time, they will need to be tied to a support. After another 1.5 weeks, it is advisable to hush up the bushes to stimulate the development of additional roots. Tomatoes in the open ground at least for the first two weeks protect from direct sunlight with the help of covering material on arcs.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground is practically no different from a similar procedure for other garden crops

Video: planting tomato seedlings in the garden

Tomato care in the open ground and in the greenhouse

The need for regular and thorough care is considered one of the main disadvantages of the Bull Heart variety. But for the sake of large and remarkably tasty fruits, gardeners are willing to tolerate something like that.


Tomatoes Bull's heart, if the weather is not too hot on the street, watered with an interval of 4-5 days. The rate as the bush grows is gradually increased from 5-7 liters per plant to 10-12 liters at the time of flowering. In the heat, water more abundantly, up to 15 liters. The best time for the procedure is early morning or late evening. Only warm, settled water is used. The leaves of the bushes, which lack water, darken and wind down, curling along the central vein.

The most preferred method for a Bull’s heart is drip irrigation. It allows you to deliver water directly to the roots without eroding the soil. If there is no technical possibility to organize such a system, water along the annular grooves around the base of the stem or along the longitudinal rows between rows. Sprinkling for a crop is a completely inappropriate option. Drops of water falling on the plant provoke a massive fall of buds, flowers and fruit ovaries. The pathogens of many fungal diseases spread through them, in the greenhouse they can cause sunburn. And if you pour water under the roots from a watering can or hose, the substrate is quickly washed off from them, they are exposed and dry out.

Ideal for any tomato variety - drip irrigation

In the greenhouse, in addition to sufficient soil moisture, you will also have to monitor the level of air humidity. The Bull Heart variety is hygrophilous, but this only applies to the soil, not the atmosphere. For the latter, the optimal indicator is 65-70%. Therefore, every time after watering, the greenhouse must be aired. The water tank in it is covered with a lid. The temperature in the room is maintained at 22-25 ° C during the day and 16-20 ° C at night.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, in addition to the level of soil moisture, you will have to monitor air humidity

Proper watering during the formation of fruit ovaries is especially important. Moisture deficiency provokes their mass decline. And about a month before harvesting, it is recommended to reduce it to the required minimum. Otherwise, the fruits of the Bull’s heart will turn out to be watery, the flesh will not acquire the taste characteristic of the variety.

Irrigation from a watering can, hose and any other method of watering, in which drops of water fall on a bush, categorically does not suit tomatoes

This tomato shows good drought tolerance, but still not worth experimenting. If you cannot permanently reside in the garden, mulch the soil. It is still extremely harmful to alternate periods of prolonged drought with sparse but plentiful irrigation. This provokes massive cracking of the fruit.

Video: Tips for cultivating tomatoes outdoors

Fertilizer application

Tomato Bull heart needs high doses of nutrients throughout the growing season. The type of fertilizer does not matter, the bushes respond equally well to both organic matter and mineral fertilizing. They are brought in every 12-15 days.

The first time the bushes are fertilized 2-2.5 weeks after planting in a permanent place. During the first month, Bull's heart tomatoes need nitrogen. This macro element helps bushes to actively build green mass. In the future, it must be abandoned completely. Excess nitrogen in the soil increases the risk of infection by pathogenic fungi, inhibits the formation and ripening of fruits, and negatively affects their taste.

Like other nitrogen fertilizers, urea in the right doses is necessary for the tomato bush only in the early stages of development

During the first month after planting, nitrogen-based fertilizers are used mainly (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate), diluting 10-12 g in 10 l of water. On a bush spend 2-3 liters of solution.

Next, you can alternate complex fertilizers for tomatoes with any organic fertilizer. This, for example, infusions of nettle and dandelion leaves, banana peels, yeast, black bread, fresh cow manure, bird droppings.

Nettle infusion is prepared for 3-4 days, filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 8 before use

In the last month before the fruit ripens, wood ash is very useful. It is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus. Experienced gardeners advise spraying emerging fruit ovaries with a solution of boric acid (2-3 g / l) so that they become stronger.

In the greenhouse, the interval between top dressing increases to 15-20 days. There are no rains leaching nutrients from the soil. And its oversaturation with micro and macro elements for tomatoes is harmful.

Video: the nuances of caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

Bush formation

Variety Bull’s heart belongs to the category of determinants, nevertheless it needs to be formed. Lead a bush in one, a maximum of two stems. In the first case, all stepchildren (lateral shoots growing from the axils of the leaves) and foliage to the first fruit brush are removed. Over the last ovary leave 2-3 sheets, no more. In the second, the role of another stalk is assigned to the first stepson. The main pinch after 2-3 fruit brushes are formed on it.

In order for the fruits of tomato variety Bull’s heart to ripen large, you need to remove all the "excess" from the bush

Stepchildren carefully break out or cut with a sharp knife so as not to damage the main stem. The bushy heart bushes do not differ in dense foliage, therefore, additional removal of leaves is not necessary.

Tomato stepson - lateral shoot formed in the leaf sinus

As the bush grows, it is tied to a trellis or other support. Most likely, there will be a need to fix fruit brushes, because they are massive at the Bull’s heart. Also tying will help to avoid their contact with the ground. The simplest trellis is a few supports along the bed and a wire or rope stretched between them in 3-4 rows. In the greenhouse, you can tie bushes to the ceiling. Its height must be at least 2.5 m, so that the Bull's heart tomatoes feel comfortable.

When growing a tomato, a Bull’s heart will have to tie not only the stems, but also fruit brushes to the support

The fight against late blight

The first symptom of late blight is grayish-brown rapidly increasing spots on the leaves and stems. In conditions of high humidity, the underside of the sheet is drawn in by a whitish cotton-like coating. Then spots of a brownish tint appear on the fruits. The fabrics underneath soften and rot. Crop losses can be up to 70%.

Late blight is the real scourge of all plants from the Solanaceae family

To prevent the development of late blight, the seeds must be disinfected before planting. Seedlings are sprayed 2-3 days after planting with a solution of colloidal sulfur, soda ash or kefir diluted with water with the addition of iodine. Further, such treatments are preferably carried out weekly, alternating means. Another folk remedy for prevention is a piece of copper wire tied around the base of the stem. The soil on the bed is periodically sprinkled with sifted wood ash, and several crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water for irrigation.

If nothing is done, late blight will deprive the gardener of a significant part or even the entire tomato crop

Fungicides are used to combat the disease. Most gardeners prefer modern biological products (Ecosil, Bayleton, Baikal-EM), but there are also those who prefer time-tested chemicals (copper chloride, Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol).

If the moment for the struggle is missed, and almost all the leaves are already affected, the tomatoes are immediately treated with a salt solution (1 kg per 10 l). This will destroy all the foliage, both infected and healthy, but will not allow the fungus to pass to the fruits, they will have time to ripen.

Video: late blight and methods to combat it

Growing tomatoes Bull heart at home

For growing at home, the tomato variety Bull's heart and any of the varieties derived from it are not very suitable. The main reason is the dimensions of the plant. For such bushes it’s not spacious enough even on the balcony, not like on the windowsill. The root system they have is powerful, developed, in a close volume of the pot it will not feel too good.

In addition, early-ripening varieties with a ripening period of no more than 90-100 days are most often chosen for planting a house. A bull’s heart does not satisfy this criterion either.

For planting on the windowsill and on the balcony, tomato varieties are chosen, whose appearance is radically different from the exterior of the Bull's heart

Plants of this variety are difficult to provide with nutrients in the right amount. With their deficiency, the fruits simply will not ripen. But to raise the dose or reduce the intervals between dressings is also not an option.

Ideally suited for the windowsill are superdeterminant varieties of tomatoes from the category of ampelous or standard, the bush of which does not stretch more than 0.5 m in height. It is also desirable that they be small-fruited - such tomatoes ripen faster. As you can see, Bull's heart is from a completely different opera.

Tomato Reviews Bull Heart

I raised Bull’s heart two seasons ago. Indeed, the fruits are much smaller after the second brush. Of course, tomatoes are excellent, but low-yielding. I switched to an analog of the Bull's heart - Cardinal. Also large, raspberry, heart-shaped, breeders call it an improved Bull heart.



For a long time, Bull's heart refused the variety due to low productivity. The taste is good. Abundantly discards the color, on the bush accounts for, even scary to say, several pieces of tomatoes.



About the taste of tomato Bull's heart - in the context of sugar, crumbly, almost without seeds, the weight of the fruit on the scales is 500 g. The color does not fly around, the inflorescences are powerful, plentiful, but left the first 5 pieces on the bush, the rest mercilessly cut off, was afraid, would not ripen. After all, the seedlings are late, from April 14. I will plant a couple of bushes from my seeds. The fruits, by the way, are not red, as in many photos, but scarlet, hefty, slightly ribbed, like on the market in childhood. Would plant earlier ...



Bull's heart - just yum-yum! I am a first-year gardener, growing everything for the first time. Tomatoes Bull's heart grew delicious, large, almost without seeds, the largest was 670 g. But they are indeterminate, that is, high. I was growing them in a glass greenhouse (unheated).



Black bull heart grew. Yes, the tomato is not very productive, but perhaps I will plant this time too, let the guests be surprised.



The bull’s heart is an indeterminate bush, in open ground the height was 1.7 m. Mid-season, heart-shaped, maroon, the fruits are sweet, tasty. Weight 250-500 g, some more.



Yes, indeed, Bull's heart is a very sweet and delicious tomato. Of course, this variety has its own characteristics. For example, it ripens late enough compared to other varieties.Well, it’s not suitable for blanks - it does not fit into a jar. But what a delicious !!!

Elena Tsareva


Toughness in tomatoes Bull's heart is not very good. And they are not suitable for pickling, too juicy. Eat - yes, no doubt, very tasty, but otherwise unsuitable. They’ll probably do for tomato paste.



That year, she planted tomatoes for the first time in her life and fell into the Bull’s heart variety. No problem, the tomatoes ripened right on the bush. And what sweet, fleshy ... Everyone ate and rejoiced.

Nadezhda Lazareva


Feel free to plant a Bull's heart, only early. Cover and feed well on the street, then everything will work out. But for salting, they are too large and sweet.

Svetlana Trapeznikova


The tomato variety Bull's Description has attracted many gardeners. But far from everyone gets a bountiful harvest. The first problem is late ripening. If you delay in planting, you can simply not wait for the fruits, especially in a temperate climate and in the open ground. And their large-scale fertility means the need for increased doses of nutrients and moisture, the competent formation of a bush. Accordingly, you will have to regularly devote time to caring for the plantings. Nevertheless, the original taste and high yield with proper agricultural technology compensate for all the inconvenience.


Watch the video: Pruning Indeterminate Tomatoes in Containers and Identifying Tomato 'Suckers' (October 2024).