Kallizia - growing and care at home, photo species


Kallizia, golden mustache (Callisia) is a perennial herbaceous shrub, belonging to the family Commeline. The birthplace of callisia is Central and South America, its shoots, when developed at home, reach 1 meter in height. With proper care, healthy plants increase in size by several centimeters per year.

Flowering occurs from late winter to early spring. The flowers are characterized by small dimensions, white tint. They gather in small inflorescences. The leaves of the callisia plant, depending on the variety, are distinguished by a large plate thickness and a characteristic tone of the reverse side: it can be purple, silver, reddish or burgundy.

Average growth rate, 7-10 cm per year.
Flowering occurs from late winter to early spring.
The plant is easy to grow.

The healing properties of callisia

The leaves of the plant are able to release beneficial phytoncides into the atmosphere, so it is recommended to move the plantation to the head of the bed at night. It will help get rid of insomnia and nightmares. Golden mustache juice is useful and used in folk medicine:

  • promotes wound healing;
  • treats skin diseases;
  • eliminates lichen, ulcers, eczema;
  • helps get rid of ulcers and bowel problems.

The vein part of the plantation can be chewed before bedtime - swallow the juice and discard the pulp.

Callis care at home. Briefly

The plant is not whimsical, so care for it is simple. Kallizia at home is characterized by an average growth rate, the cultivation features are as follows:

TemperatureIn summer, a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees Celsius is required. In the winter season, the plant will feel great with indicators of at least 12 degrees above zero.
Air humidityTo prevent the tips of the leaves from drying out, it is necessary to place it away from heating radiators in winter. The plant tolerates moderate spraying well with softened water in the summer, while the dry air is not afraid of it.
LightingThe golden mustache does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to use diffused light for the plant. If there is no light, the stems will stretch.
WateringSummer and spring watering is characterized by a frequency of 1 time in 3 days, the water should be settled. In autumn, watering is carried out once a week, and in winter - no more than once every 10 days.
PrimingSoil for callisia is selected special, a mixture of sand, peat, humus, as well as leaf and garden soil is well suited.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFertilizing and fertilizing occurs only in the summer and spring. For this, liquid feeding diluted with water is used.
TransferIt is carried out annually in late May - this must be done with young plants.
BreedingOccurs by cuttings, layering and mustache.
Growing FeaturesThe leaves will rot if the liquid gets into the center of the outlet when watering. Do not expose the planting to drafts and temperature extremes. Some varieties are suitable for hanging plants.

Callis care at home. In detail

In indoor conditions, callisia elegant and creeping is most in demand for growing. The planting is kept in warm and spacious rooms, care does not contain serious difficulties.

Flowering callisia

The flowers do not have decorative indicators, but thin a pleasant, delicate aroma. Flowering begins in early summer, but if the region’s climate is cold, then this process can start later. Home callis blooms in small white inflorescences, collected in three pieces at the tops of the shoots.

The plant can not boast of abundant flowering at room conditions due to temperature conditions. Fragrant callisia flowers have the sweetest aroma, other species rarely bloom.

Temperature mode

Plant growers choose callisia due to its unpretentiousness. Kallizia feels great at room temperature, one of the important conditions for development is to prevent drafts. It is also not recommended to place the plant in rooms with a strong fluctuation in temperature indicators.

Optimum performance for different times of the year:

  • in the summer - +20 - 25 degrees;
  • in winter - 16 degrees.

The temperature should not fall below + 14 degrees in the room, otherwise the leaves of the plant will become soft. If you put the pot in a room too warm in the winter, then the callis will stretch out a lot.


The origin of the plant belongs to the tropics, so callisia at home should always be in high humidity. Spraying takes place with special accuracy: the leaves should not be plunged by the strong pressure of the spray gun. The best option would be to spray the settled water from a distance of 1 meter.

In winter, callisia also needs moisture. Due to the constant presence of the batteries, it begins to dry, so you should abandon the regular exposure to dry air.

In winter, the leaves also need to be sprayed, however, it is important to monitor the amount of liquid - the drops should be small.


Since the plant has a bright color of leaves, it requires soft, but diffused light. It is not recommended to place the pot in shady areas of the room - this will harm development. If the pot with callis stands on the windowsill of the window on the south side, then you need to shade the stems from direct UV light.

Several features of plant lighting:

  • in the warm season, callisia is best placed on a western or eastern window;
  • cultivation in the middle of a bright room is allowed;
  • the kitchen is not suitable for growing - it contains a lot of extraneous odors;
  • in the summer, for better lighting, callisia is taken out to the balcony.

The plant is great for growing in the office. If the planting is put in a shady place, it will grow rapidly.


For watering callisia, only soft water is used. Settled or rain liquid is well suited for this. Summer and spring should be characterized by regular watering, as the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere gradually rises. The frequency of watering is determined by the drying of the earth.

In winter, the plant is watered irregularly - it depends on the temperature of the room. Pouring liquid into the center of the outlet is prohibited - this will rot the leaves. If the soil is dry, the plantation will die.

Pot for callis

After acquiring a plant in a flower shop, it is not transplanted. When the young plantation grows slightly, you can transplant it. To do this, choose the right container: the pot should be wide, but have a shallow depth.

It is better to choose a container made of ceramics, but often people buy plastic pots - they are also suitable.

One of the important conditions is the availability of a durable spacious pallet.

Callis soil

The soil mixture must be composed correctly.

To do this, apply turf land, humus and sand. All components are taken in proportions of 1: 3: 1. Soddy porous earth, enriched with nutrients that positively affect growth.

Humus consists of manure rotted in a greenhouse with soil. Sand helps the plant - it plays the role of drainage and perfectly passes air. The above three components in the mixture can be prepared independently, or you can buy ready-made compositions in flower shops.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Callisia flower at home is unpretentious, but fertilizers still have to. Experienced plant breeders note that planting needs to be fed from March to August. This must be done once every 14 days.

Ready-made mineral complexes for deciduous plants are used as top dressing. The dose indicated on the package should be halved, and in winter fertilizers are not applied.

Callis transplant

The plant is characterized by rapid growth, so adult plants can be transplanted in spring or autumn every year.

The new pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter of the old. Before transplanting, it is necessary to water the soil well in 1 day in order to easily remove the roots.

The transplant process looks like this:

  • soil preparation from sand, humus and sod land;
  • preparation of a drainage layer from expanded clay or pebbles;
  • taking a plant from an old pot with an earthen lump;
  • planting plantings in a new pot.

If mold has formed in the old soil or other problems have appeared, it is recommended to rinse the roots well so that there is no trace of the disease. If necessary, the roots are disinfected.


Like any plant, callisia at home care needs timely pruning. It is better to do this in the spring, when there is a plentiful increase in shoots. Pruning helps to give the bush a traditional shape.

To make the plant more magnificent, several cuttings are planted at once in the pot. Planting painlessly tolerates pruning.

Callisia reproduction

Rejuvenation of the plant occurs by cuttings, because over time, the shoots of callis at the base are exposed. Reproduction is also carried out using layering and mustache.

Propagation of callisia by cuttings

The shoot for cuttings is taken only when at least 10 new “joints” have grown on it. To do this, the upper part is cut 2 "joints" below, where the middle of the third "joint" is located. Cuttings are planted for rooting in water and covered with a plastic cap.

In order for the shoots to take root, it will take at least 2 weeks. As soon as a formed root system has formed in the handle, it can be transplanted into the ground. Fragrant Kallizia requires the organization of support, as it is distinguished by high stems.

Propagation by layering

You can plant layering both in the parent pot, or separately, if there is not enough space in it. Escape must be laid and sprinkled with earth at the level of 2-3 "joints". When the roots appear, the layers are cut from the mother plant and transplanted into another container.

Mustache Callisia Reproduction

You can use a mustache for reproduction in fragrant callisia. It is she who forms at the end of the mustache a small process with roots. It is cut and planted in a separate pot. You can also direct the whisker to an adjacent container without trimming. Once the mustache takes root, it can be transplanted.

Diseases and Pests

Kallizia when grown at home is subject to the following problems:

  1. Callisia stalks stretch - the plant does not have enough light.
  2. Kallizia is slowly growing - there is a lack of fertilizing.
  3. Small and pale young leaves - not enough mineral fertilizers.
  4. Soft callisia leaves - the ambient temperature is too low.
  5. Leaf bases rot - liquid gets into the center of the outlet when watering.
  6. Brown spots on callisia leaves - the air in the room is too dry.
  7. Plant grows fast - It is considered a natural process to prevent it, use rejuvenation by cuttings.

Among other common problems, plant breeders note damage to the root and stem rot. Diseases appear due to the moisture of the earthen coma and improperly organized drainage. Pests that affect callisia: spider mites, thrips and scale insects.

Types of callis home with photos and names

Callisia elegant (graceful)

Herbaceous perennial with creeping stems. Plant height - 30-40 cm, oval leaves pointed at the ends are located on both sides of the stem. The surface of the leaves is velvety, there are silver-white stripes, which on the back have a purple color. White flowers appear in late summer.

Fragrant Callisia

The famous second name is Golden mustache. The plant has healing properties, its height reaches 70-120 cm. The leaves are thick and fleshy on both sides, they are represented by two species: upright and oblong up to 30 cm long, as well as horizontal lianike shoots. Flowering occurs at the end of winter, food buds are noticeable, but the aroma is bright.

Kallizia creeping

Perennial with small leaves, reaching a height of up to 10 cm. The stems are characterized by thick leaves arranged in two rows. The peculiarity of creeping callisia is that it grows very quickly. The bush spreads over the surface, forming a green carpet.

Navicular scaly

This plant belongs to the type of succulents, its stems are short, the leaves are thickened, with a lot of juice. The leaves are up to 2 cm long, being long under the sun, they acquire a red tint.

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