Palm areca: description, types, home care


Areca refers to palm plants. Now there are almost sixty of its varieties, the main part in the south and east of Asia, in Australia and New Zealand.

The archipelagos of the Indian and Pacific Ocean are also rich in them. The plant is called areca by the indigenous people of Hindustan.


Usually the trunk of a plant is one, but sometimes there are several. The crown, which the feathers form, looks very impressive, which allows you to use a palm tree as a decor for any room.

Areca is growing rapidly. Five years after planting, this is an adult plant. Home conditions limit its growth, and buds when grown indoors are almost impossible to see. In nature, male flowers grow higher, while female flowers grow lower.

After fertilization, berries with one bone appear. In the wild, the palm often grows like a bush.

The newer name for areca is chrysalidocarpus. Translated from the ancient Greek chryseus - "golden", karpos - "fruit", and it came from the yellow berries of this plant.


Catechu (betel)A large palm tree, indoors, can grow up to 3 m, and in nature up to 20 m. Cirrus leaves reach 2 m in length. The plant has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and provides a light stupefying effect, although it is not one of the drugs.
Areca yellowing (lutuskens)A smaller variety. In nature, its height is usually 10 m, at home - 2 m. The leaves are yellowish, have a curved shape.
Three-stalked arecaWhen grown indoors, it reaches 3 m, foliage with a glossy surface, smells like lemon, has more than one trunk.

Areca care at home

Home care is needed to recreate natural conditions for palm trees. The plant is photophilous and prefers a high level of humidity in the room. Water for irrigation can be used with the addition of lemon juice or distilled. As fertilizing should alternate mineral fertilizers and organics.

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
LightingProvide powerful diffused light. Put on the windowsill facing south. Shade at noon. Can be placed on the north window, but subject to sufficient lighting.Rearrange to the south window. No additional lighting required.
HumidityBorn in humid places, she loves moisture. Spray with non-chlorinated and fairly soft water.Do not spray the areca if there is no battery nearby.
Temperature+ 25 ... +30 ° С, not higher than +35 ° С.+ 18 ... +23 ° С, but not lower than + 16 ° С. Ventilate but avoid drafts.
WateringAbundant, 2-3 times a week.More rare. Monitor soil moisture when temperatures are especially low.
Top dressingThe time of most activity, twice every month.Once a month.

Transplant, soil

It is best to transplant areca in April. The plant has a negative attitude towards it, so even young palm trees should be moved to new soil only once every two years. Adults with a properly selected container can be transplanted every 4 years.

Transplant Rules:

  • save the earthball;
  • select the pot strictly according to size;
  • not to allow deepening, the soil should remain at the same level.

The substrate must be chosen neutral or acidic. The soil should assume a quick drain of water. It should not be allowed that the soil contains swampy components.

Better add to the soil for palm trees:

  • turf soil;
  • leafy soil;
  • humus;
  • coarse sand.

The ratio is 4: 2: 1: 1.

Breeding methods

Reproduction is generative and vegetative, that is, by means of seeds or division.

Rules for germinating seeds step by step:

  1. Best of all - in April-May, at the beginning of summer.
  2. Soak the seeds for several days in a solution of one of the biostimulants (Epin).
  3. Pour peat and perlite into the cups.
  4. Seeds should be placed in a moistened, but already absorbed, substrate. Cover with polyethylene or glass.
  5. After 1.5-2.5 months, they will begin to emerge. Keep seedlings in the dark and warm.
  6. Spray and ventilate the soil regularly.
  7. When there is permanent foliage on the process, move to the ground for adult palm trees.


  • expose the roots of the plant by shaking it slightly;
  • treat damaged areas with chalk or activated carbon;
  • move to the prepared new pot (according to the size of the roots);
  • provide a comfortable temperature and the necessary hydration;
  • after 7-12 days, when the plant adapts, feed it with the composition of the mineral substance, where the concentration is halved;
  • after a month, transplant the palm into ordinary soil.

Possible difficulties

Problem (what happens to the leaves)CausePrevention and treatment
Stained and curled.Not enough potassium.Take into account the likelihood of such a situation, choosing fertilizing.
Become brighter. The growth of the plant is slowed down.Not enough nitrogen.
Start to turn yellow.Lack of moisture.Water carefully, do not overdo it, but do not start. Wait until the top of the substrate dries.
Dry, bright spots appear.Excess light.Shade, especially if the plant is young. Older palm trees should also be protected at noon from excess light.
Wither and darken.The temperature is insufficient.The room should be warm.
The ends are dry.A little moisture.Spray the plant, especially when it is hot and dry.
Darken and fall.Aging.It is impossible to save the palm; it must be removed from other indoor plants.
Fade, red-brown spots form.Excess moisture.Treat with any fungicide, strictly following the instructions. Watering stop.


Root rotWet dark spots, near the base of the trunk mold forms, which has an unpleasant odor.Dig out of the tank, free from rotten roots and diseased tissues. Sprinkle damaged areas with well-crushed chalk, activated charcoal. Put for a few hours in the open air. To lay another soil in a clean pot and enrich it with Glyocladine and Trichodemine. Pour with a solution of Diskora, Baikal-EM, Alirin-B.
PenicillosisLight spotting appears on the leaves. After 10 days, a white coating forms, they lose their shape.Water only once a day. Sick leaves cut off. Spray wood and soil with fugicides for three months.
ThripsThere are silver or beige scratches and black spots.2-3 hours to keep foam on the foliage (green potash soap or laundry soap). Then wash it off with warm water. Treat with Fitoferm, Mospilan, Actellik. Repeat every week. If two or three of these procedures fail, change the soil and the pot.


PestSymptomsControl measuresPrevention
MealybugWax-like coating. Exhaustion of juices from areca and its weakening.To process with the help of insecticides, for example, Fitoferm, Arrivo, Actellic. Follow the instructions exactly, because the preparations contain toxic substances.Inspect the tree in time and identify insects.
Remove them manually or with a cloth moistened with a solution of alcohol and soap. Spray the plant with tincture with one chopped onion and a glass of boiling water. Onions pre-infuse in boiling water for an hour. Then strain the tincture.
ShieldOn plants tubercles of dark brown shades. Spots appear and whole parts of the palm tree die.The same drugs. Before removing the pests, apply vinegar, car oil, turpentine or kerosene to their shells.
WhiteflyLeaves bend and turn yellow. Plaque, reminiscent of sugar.Vacuum a palm tree. Place it in the shower and rinse. Processed by the Commander, Admiral, Iskra-Bio, Intra-Vir.To get rid of pests, you can use glue traps. Provide sufficient humidity.
Spider mitePetioles are braided by a spider web. On the inside, whitish spots blur. Leaves lose their shape and dry out.Treat the palm with any alcohol tincture. After 15-20 minutes, put it under warm water. Spray and water well. It is recommended to hold it for 3 days in an airtight bag. If it does not help, once every 7-12 days, treat it two or three times with Omayta, Neoron, Aktofita preparations.Detect the presence of the pest in time.

Subject to the rules for the care of areca, the palm will become an adornment of any room, conservatory, veranda or greenhouse.


Watch the video: How to Grow Healthy and lush green Areca Palm-Soil, Fertilizers,sunlight,Pest attack and care info (October 2024).