Bouvardia: description, types, tips for growing


Bouvardia is an evergreen shrub plant that is part of the Marenov family. Distribution area - tropics and subtropics of Central America and Mexico.

Bouvardia Description

Flower height from 50 cm to half a meter. The trunk is erect, branched. The foliage is short-leaved, located opposite, length from 30 to 110 mm. The surface is leathery, smooth.

The flowers are tubular, have 4 petals. Inflorescences resemble bouquets.

Types of Bouvardia

The following types of bouvardia can be grown in the room:

YellowUp to 1 m high, lanceolate foliage.Color is yellow.
Long floweredIt grows to 1 m. The leaves are ovoid, slightly pointed at the ends.White, very fragrant.
JasmineflowerThe trunk is about 60 cm. Flowering occurs in winter.White, fragrant, similar in appearance to jasmine.
HomeThe most popular type of plant. Reaches 70 cm. The foliage is ovoid, pointed at the edges, up to 5 cm long.Color from light pink to raspberry.
PinkFrom 65 to 70 cm. The leaves are ovoid with sharp edges.The color is pale pink.
Smooth-floweredShrub plant reaching a height of 60 cm. Flowering long, begins in mid-July.They are located at the top of the bush, with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. The outer side is bright red, the inside is pale pink.

Bouvard care at home

Home care for bouvardia depends on the time of year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingLocated on the south window, shaded. The lighting is bright, with a lack of color fades.Cover up with phytolamps.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° ะก.+12 ° C. But during winter flowering, a rest period is not satisfied, and the temperature is kept the same as in summer. The minimum allowable indicator is +7 ° C.
HumidityMedium, do not spray. Occasionally, a flower is sent under the shower to remove accumulated dust.Showers stop.
WateringPerform after drying the top layer of the earth.Moderate, prevent stagnation of water.
Top dressingOnce every 2 weeks.Once a month in the presence of flowering in the winter. In other cases, fertilizer is stopped.

Pruning, transplanting

The life span of the bouvardia is small, but in the first year of cultivation, the plant still needs to be transplanted into a new pot. The best time is spring.

Transplanting soil suitable for universal flowering domestic plants. But the substrate can be prepared independently, combining in the ratio 4: 2: 1: 1 such components:

  • soddy soil;
  • peat;
  • sheet soil;
  • sand.

Pruning is performed to stimulate the flowering process and give the bouvardia a beautiful appearance. Spend it a year after planting, up to this point you can occasionally pinch the tops of the flower. A suitable time is spring, when the plant leaves its dormant state. Make a cut of all the long shoots and fattening branches.


Reproduction of bouvardia is performed in several ways:

  • apical cuttings;
  • division of a bush;
  • by seeds;
  • root offspring.

The most common method is considered the first. Cuttings are prepared at the end of the winter or the beginning of the spring season. They should have 2-3 internodes and a length of at least 10 cm.

Rooting is performed in pure water with the addition of a root stimulant (Kornevin). When the root length is 1 cm, the cuttings are moved into containers with nutrient soil.

Diseases and pests attacking the bouvard

When grown, bouvardia can suffer from a number of diseases and pests:

CausesSymptoms on foliage and other parts of the plantTroubleshooting
Spider miteLight spotting and cobweb.Increase the frequency of irrigation, process with Aktar.
AphidStickiness of the tips of the shoots, twisting and yellowing.Cut the affected areas of the flower. It is treated with a soapy solution with further bathing in the shower.
Root rotYellowing and falling, excessive soil moisture.Cut off all injured roots, and then treat with carbon powder. Transplanted into a new pot and reduce the frequency of watering.
Leaf chlorosisBlanching along the veins.Sprayed with a tool that contains iron chelate.
Infectious spottingGray or brown spotting.The affected leaves are removed, sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

With quality care for the bouvardia, the likelihood of diseases and pest attacks is reduced to almost zero.


Watch the video: Set of 2 Potted Bouvardia (October 2024).