Strongilodon - home care, photo species


Strongylodon is an exotic legume from the legume family. Appreciated for luxurious turquoise flowers gathered in large brushes. The total length of the vine reaches 20 meters. The diameter of the stem base of an adult plant can be up to 6.5 cm. The leaves are triple with a shiny, glossy surface.

The flowering period lasts from spring to late summer. The plant is characterized by very intensive growth. Under favorable conditions, in the first year of life, growth can be up to 6 meters in 10 days. Homeland Strongilodon Philippines. Under natural conditions, the plant is on the verge of extinction.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants as tamarind and hatiora.

High growth rate.
It blooms no earlier than two years of age.
The average difficulty of growing. Growing experience will be required.

Strongilodon Facts

Strongilodon is also called the jade flower. And a number of interesting facts are associated with it:

  1. Strongilodon flowers have a luminescent effect and therefore glow in the dark.
  2. Under natural conditions, pollination of a plant occurs with the help of bats.
  3. In the first year of life, the daily increase in lianas can be more than half a meter.
  4. Strongilodon is a very rare plant in its homeland.

Strongylodone: home care. Briefly

Strongyldon at home requires a fairly complicated care:

Temperature modeYear-round within + 22-30 °.
Air humidityHigh, if necessary spraying.
LightingIntense with lots of sunshine.
WateringAbundant, after a little drying out of the topsoil.
PrimingHighly nutritious peat based substrate.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn the spring-summer period 2 times a month.
Strongilodon transplantFor young plants, annual, for older ones every few years.
BreedingSeeds and stem cuttings.
Growing FeaturesThe plant needs support.

Strongylodone: home care. In detail

Caring for Strongylodone at home requires some experience. The plant is sensitive to moisture and prone to fungal infections.

Strongilodon Bloom

Young plants bloom for 2 years after the stem diameter reaches 2 or more centimeters. Strongilodon flowers are collected in hanging brushes up to 3 meters long. Their number in one inflorescence can reach almost 100 pieces. The size of each flower is 7-10 cm.

After pollination, fruits are formed in the form of beans up to 5 cm long.

What is necessary for abundant flowering

Strongilodon needs a large amount of bright, sunlight for plentiful flowering. Also, the plant must be fed in a timely manner with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. Reliable and durable supports are required for the liana itself and heavy flower brushes.

Temperature mode

Strongilodon does not have a pronounced resting period, therefore, throughout the year, the optimum temperature for it is in the range + 22-28 °.

When it drops below + 20 °, the risk of developing fungal infections increases sharply.


Strongyldon at home needs high humidity. To maintain it at the proper level, a pot with a plant is placed on a pallet with a layer of wet moss or pebbles. If necessary, the plant is sprayed daily with warm, previously settled water.

Strongilodon Watering

Strongilodon plant at home should be watered frequently and abundantly. But at the same time, you can not allow the bay, since the plant is very quickly affected by fungal diseases.

Irrigation water must be soft and warm. Due to the lack of a dormant period, the intensity of irrigation in winter remains the same.


Strongilodon has a powerful, rapidly developing root system. For its cultivation choose deep, spacious pots made of durable plastic or ceramic. The main requirement for them is the presence of a drainage hole.


Home Strongilodon is grown in highly fertile nutrient soil. It is made up of equal parts of peat, humus and sand. At the same time, at the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay is necessarily equipped.

Fertilizing and fertilizers

Fertilizers are applied throughout the growing season. For feeding strongyloodon, you can use universal mineral complexes for flowering plants in half a dose. Fertilizers are applied once every 2 weeks after watering.


Due to the large size and weight, transplantation of strongylodone in adulthood is rare. In large, strongly overgrown specimens, they are limited to replacing the topsoil. Young plants are transplanted annually in the spring.

Rest period

Strongilodon has no resting period. In winter, he is usually taken care of.

Growing Strongylodon from Seeds

Strongilodon seeds lose their germination very quickly, so they are sown immediately after harvest. Before sowing, they are subjected to scarification and soaked in warm water with a growth stimulator. Seeds are planted in a mixture of moss and peat. After about 10 days, they germinate.

Strongilodon propagation by cuttings

Strongilodon can be propagated by stem cuttings. They are cut in the spring. To accelerate the process of root formation, the sections are treated with Kornevin powder before planting. Rooting is best done using lower heat in humid conditions.

Therefore, cuttings are planted in miniature greenhouses, which are placed in a warm, well-lit place. As a substrate, they use a mixture of moss and peat.

When creating the appropriate conditions for rooting, it takes about 6 weeks.

Diseases and Pests

If the care rules are not followed, Strongylodone may suffer from a number of problems:

  • Brown spots on the leaves. Occur during the spread of fungal diseases due to the bay. Check for drainage.
  • Darkening of the leaves. The plant suffers from a lack of moisture. Watering should be more plentiful and frequent.

Of the pests, strongylodone is most often affected: a spider mite, mealybug and aphids.

Types of Strongilodon home with photos and names

Strongilodon macrobotrys (Strongilodon macrobotrys)

Under natural conditions, the species grows along streams, rivers, in lowlands and in other places with high humidity. Very often used as a decorative culture. With proper care, the length of the vine can reach 20 meters.

Leaves are triple with a smooth surface of a deep green color. The flowers resemble large butterflies with folded wings. Flowering is possible only in adulthood. Fruits are beans consisting of 10-12 seeds.

Strongilodon red (Strongilodon ruber)

Powerful vine with strong, well-developed shoots over 15 meters long. In natural conditions, prefers dense forests with small streams and streams. It uses tree trunks as a support, climbing them to a considerable height.

Flowers of red color, collected in racemose inflorescences. The species belongs to typical endemic species, as it grows only in the Philippine archipelago.

Now reading:

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