Cyclamen: home care


Bright and beautiful flowering differs among indoor plants cyclamen or alpine violet. Often, after the purchase and the end of flowering, he quickly dies. For this reason, home care is considered difficult. But with the proper organization of cultivation, it can grow 10 years, blooming every year.


This is a perennial flowering plant of the primrose family. It is distinguished by heart-shaped leaves and flowers on high pedicels. In diameter, they reach 8 cm, from white to purple. The smell of cyclamen is persistent and delicate.

There are more than 20 species in the genus. They vary in height from 15 cm to 35 cm, the presence of terry and simple flowers. The birthplace of cyclamen is the Mediterranean. But over time, they were spread across many countries.

It grows in Spain, Iraq, in the north and east of the African continent. In Russia it is found on the Black Sea coast.

Persian and European cyclamen, their photo

Florists recommend for home breeding European (blushing) and Persian species. European

The latter is patient at home. He has beautiful leaves. The flowers are large, delicate shades. The plant is tall up to 30 cm.

The European species of alpine violets has dark green leaves. The flowers are small but bright. It is easier to care for him, since he does not have a resting phase.

Breeders-breeders are trying to breed other varieties for the home, for example, ivy, Cretan, and Kos. But they need difficult conditions, this prevents their wide distribution. Persian

Mr. Dachnik explains: periods of activity of cyclamen

In nature, cyclamen has three phases of development. In autumn, this flower grows rapidly, actively blooms in winter, and rests in summer and spring. This cycle is different from ordinary colors. But this makes the alpine violet attractive for growing, since few plants please the eye in winter.

Hybrid varieties blooming all year round have been bred.

The intricacies of cyclamen care at home

Work with cyclamen carefully, this is a poisonous plant.

It is better to wear gloves so that there is no skin irritation. Put the pot in places inaccessible to pets and small children.

Basic plant care methods:

LocationThe best place would be a window that faces east or west. On the south side, the plant will need to be shaded during the day; on the north, it will not have enough sunlight to grow. You can dig it in the garden in the summer, but with protection from direct sunlight. Drafts are contraindicated, although fresh air is beneficial. In winter, the pot needs to be placed away from hot batteries and less transported to different places.
LightingIn the flowering phase, it is better to place in bright places. In summer, lighting is no longer required. You can put a flower on the northern windowsill or a dark place. But a little sunlight should reach the plant. It is preparing for the next flowering, gaining strength and benefits, including from the sun.
TemperatureThe plant prefers cool. Feels good at a temperature of + 17 ... +12 ºC at night. In winter, cyclamen must be protected from hot radiators, and in summer from heat. If it is not possible to maintain the desired temperature, the flowering period will be reduced.
HumidityEnglish violet needs high humidity. At home, it grows in a humid climate. Do not spray from the spray gun. Brown spots will remain on the leaves. You need to place a container with a flower on a pallet with expanded clay or wet pebbles, you can put cups with water for evaporation nearby.
WateringWatering depends on the development cycle. During rest, humidification does not stop, it is impossible to bring the earth to dry. When flowering, watering increases, but without excess moisture. It is necessary to gradually reduce hydration in early summer, but not completely stop. The upper part dies, but the roots need moisture. Water not from above, but into the pan.
The soilSoil is needed slightly acidic, pH approximately 5. For self-preparation, mix in equal proportions sand, peat, turf and leafy soil. When buying, you can take universal soil with neutral acidity. It is necessary to add a little sand in them for water permeability.
Fertilizer applicationUniversal fertilizers are suitable for feeding (Pokon for flowering, Uniflor flower). In autumn and winter, you need to feed 1 time in 2 weeks. With more frequent use, there will be a lot of foliage, but flowers will not appear. In summer, the plant is not fertilized, so as not to harm, do not violate the frequency of development.


It is necessary to transplant the plant no more than once every 3 years in the phases of awakening, that is, in early autumn. At this time, the growth buds are already starting to become active, but the leaves are not blooming.

Cyclamen does not need a large pot. The root system does not spread throughout the volume, as a result, growth and flowering slows down.

The best option for this kind of flowering plant is a container that looks like a plate for soup.

Each new pot during transplantation should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter. Leave at least 2.5-3 cm from the walls to tubers. Openings are needed at the bottom. Be sure to fill up the drainage layer.

Before backfilling, the soil must be sterilized. To do this, it is steamed, heated in the oven or frozen in the winter in the air. The fastest way to pour boiling water over the soil. European

A cyclamen transplant is similar to a similar procedure to other indoor plants. Tubers in biennial flowers are completely covered with soil. In older specimens, a third is left on the surface. When transplanting, carefully inspect the roots. Cut off the rotten parts with a knife, sprinkle with a crushed tablet of activated carbon or grease with brilliant green.

Before the formation of the first leaves, about 10 days, the flower does not need watering. But it must be protected from the bright sun and lack of moisture.

Purchased cyclamen is transplanted immediately, despite the period of its development. The root system for disinfection is soaked for 2 hours in a pale solution of potassium permanganate. Then the same amount in the growth biostimulator, for example, Kornevin.


The plant successfully undergoes propagation by dividing the tuber and growing seeds. Experienced flower growers prefer to independently collect seeds and germinate. In practice, poor germination of purchased seeds is detected, but collected with their own hands sprout perfectly.

For better tying, pollen from the flowers of some cyclamens is transferred to the pistils of others with a soft brush. So do a few days.

If everything went well, then the peduncle will deform - it will become thicker, distort. The formation of the fetus and the ripening of seeds continues for a long time. A box is formed on the plant in which the seeds will be. They do not need to be dried in order not to reduce germination. Before planting, soak for a day in a solution of a biostimulant and 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate.

The flat container must be filled with soil, moistened and leveled. Sow seeds evenly. Pour fine sand onto 1 cm. Cover the container with foil, glass. The plant does not need light before emergence, but it is important to observe a certain temperature + 18 ... +20 ºC. Below + 18 ºC the seeds will rot, at +20 ºC they will go to rest. You need to find a middle ground for successful germination.

Every day it is necessary to ventilate the container, and when dry, spray from the spray gun. It can happen in a month, sometimes in a few. It depends on the type of flower.

The sprouts that appear bring out the light, but not under the active sun. The temperature is reduced to + 15 ºC. Before the first leaf sprouts, the earth is moistened every day. After the formation of 2-3 leaves (December), dive and plant in small plastic containers. After a week, they are fed with any complex fertilizer, while reducing the concentration by half. In mid-spring of next year, planting in pots of a suitable diameter is required. About 15 months after sowing seeds, cyclamen will delight the first flowers. Persian

The vegetative method is simpler. So-called "babies" are formed on the tuber, that is, peculiar growths.

The procedure for propagation from the tuber:

  • The plant must be carefully removed from the ground, shaken off a little, with a knife to separate the "kids".
  • Set aside them to dry.
  • Lubricate the surface of the slices on the tuber with green.
  • "Kids" need to be planted in small pots, covered with soil for adult plants.
  • Water moderately until new leaves appear.
  • Keep cuttings from dry air and the active rays of the sun.

A single tuber is also cut into pieces during propagation. But at the top there is a growth point; when cut, it is often damaged. New plants can turn stunted and die before they get stronger. Ivy

Diseases and pests of cyclamen

Illiterate care leads to disease. From the table it will be easy to determine what happened to cyclamen.

SymptomsCauseRepair methods
Gray rot. Softening foliage, the appearance of a gray layer on the surface.High humidity, extra top dressing, plentiful watering.Transplant a flower, reduce watering, treat with Fundazole.
Rhizoctonia rot. A whitish coating, dents.The soil is moist, heat, lack of moisture.Reduce watering, improve soil drainage. Transplant the plant, apply Rovral.
Blight rot. The leaves dry, the surface of the tuber deforms.

Soil contamination.

Transplant the plant, treat the soil with fungicides.
Fusarium wilt. Turn yellow, the leaves dry, the bulb is affected.Actions do not lead to a positive result.

In the vicinity of infected flowers, pests attack healthy plants. This is not always noticeable to inexperienced gardeners. The table will help to timely pay attention to the signs of pests and save cyclamen.

Manifestations on the leavesCauseRepair methods

Sticky coating on the plant.

Are twisted.


Infection, the plant is weak.

To process with a soap solution, the drug Actellik.

The stalk is twisted, the flowers are discarded.

There is a deformation.

Cyclamen tick.

Not enough moisture, pest infection has occurred.

Remove infected leaves, spray with insecticides.
The plant becomes sticky.

Light spots, plaques appear.


Too dry air, infection has occurred.

Use alcohol and insecticides.
There is twisting, whitish dots and a silver coating.Thrips.

Low humidity.

Treat with insecticides.

Cyclamens are very demanding care, you need to devote a lot of time to them. But in return they will thank the magnificent flowering.


Watch the video: Cyclamen Care Basics Step by Step (September 2024).