What house plants can not be kept at home


Choosing flowers for growing on the windowsill, many will be interested to know which indoor plants can not be kept at home due to increased toxicity, danger to children and animals, negative impact on the well-being of households. It is worth examining the opinions of experts and folk signs that determine the influence of home cultures on the fate of man. The list of banned options includes 50 indoor flowers. This is approximately 2% of their total number.

Plants poisonous and dangerous to humans

Plants that can cause harm to humans belong to the families:

  • Kutrovye - the most harmful domestic flowers in the world, the brightest representatives of the family are: adenium and pachypodium, dipladenias, plumeria, allamanda, strophanthus, carissa. When working with cultures, extreme caution should be observed: use rubber gloves, avoid getting poisonous juice on the mucous membrane, skin.
  • The aroid family also includes many harmful domestic plants: alocasia, aglaonema, monstera, dieffenbachia, philodendron, spathiphyllum, anthurium, syngonium. The toxic effects of individuals are caused by oxalic acid, proteins and enzymes, often used in the manufacture of household chemicals due to caustic properties.
  • Euphorbiaceae flowers (euphorbia, croton, foxtail) contain a poisonous component - euphorin. Getting on the skin and mucous membrane, milky juice causes burning, burns and inflammatory processes. Wash hands thoroughly after handling the individual.

Most house plants of the nightshade family that are harmful to humans (browllia, brunfelsia, chilli) are popular among home floral lovers. When growing individuals, one should be wary of the internal use of poisonous berries of the culture, which cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as increased drowsiness and lethargy.

What kind of home flowers should be careful

Geranium crops conquer with a persistent aroma and bright flowering. Pelargonium leaves contain a high percentage of essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the heart, disinfecting the air, but allergic reactions may occur.

Primrose and calendula affect the mucous membrane, causing acute runny nose, photophobia, poor health, headache, and in more severe cases, asthma attacks.

Observing an increased threat of poisoning of people and animals, you should remove the sources of danger from the apartment.

Rating of poisonous indoor plants

Dangerous plants for children

Monstera - why you can not keep at home and its impact on humans

Among the potentially dangerous indoor plants (outsiders) for children are:

  • Alocasia. The flower contains burning poison, which causes a burn if it gets on the body and instant blindness - in the case of eyes.
  • Dieffenbachia. The juice of a tropical culture, getting on the skin, causes irritation, in the case of the eyes and oral cavity there is a high probability of blindness or swelling of the tongue.
  • Cactus. It poses a threat to the child with thorns, as well as strong hallucinogens, leading to paralysis of the nervous system during flowering.
  • Euphorbiaceae pose a danger in the poisonous milky juice, which causes malfunctions in the stomach.
  • Cyclamen is accompanied by unpleasant consequences for children who prefer to taste everything. Causes nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea.
  • Clivia contains poison in the stem and base of the leaves. Poisoning is accompanied by salivation, vomiting and diarrhea. The abundant consumption of culture juice threatens collapse and death.

Note! All indoor flowers have potential harm to the health of babies, the task of parents is to protect children from direct contact with home flora.

Omens about indoor plants

Often, flowering is associated with income, luck, pleasant events on the personal front, wilting plants is considered a bad omen. The exception is the Decembrist - premature or late flowering is not considered the best sign.

Male happiness is a flower that cannot be kept at home

The drying of one plant reports the removal of a strong evil eye, spoilage, and a serious illness. Mass destruction of crops means the presence of negativity in the apartment or serious damage. Disease and wilting of flowers for natural reasons portends purchases.

If an inflorescence appears in the middle of winter, expected in the summer, something pleasant will happen, to some extent impossible. Interpretation is determined by the properties of culture (money tree blooming out of season - to unexpected income).

Important! In Islam, it is forbidden to give plants in flowerpots, the gift threatens the donor and the recipient with a failure; upon receipt of the pot, a coin of any denomination should be given in return. So the gift will turn into a pleasant purchase.

Plants and Superstition

Flowers of separation and loneliness

What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom

According to the esotericists, the rating of indoor flowers that cannot be kept at home due to the strong energy field that can make the owner miserable and lonely is headed by:

  1. Aloe does not tolerate guests in the house.
  2. Balsam has won the status of a flower of widows, brings lack of money.
  3. The Decembrist is a husband, a companion of separation and loneliness.
  4. Cacti attract separation, reduce sexual activity, and deprive of money.
  5. Monstera makes the owner lonely and negatively affects physiologically, absorbing oxygen at night and depriving sleep.

It's important to know! Climbing plants and creepers are the most powerful husbands, depriving girls and women of happiness.

Rules for keeping plants in the house according to Feng Shui

Using the favorable energy of indoor plants is a simple and aesthetic way to improve life. The right choice of place for a flower helps to achieve a state of harmony in all areas of life.

Feng Shui teachings state:

  1. Fresh plants in the living room attract wealth and good fortune.
  2. The ideal areas for indoor vegetation in Feng Shui in the room are niches and corners.
  3. In the bedroom, flowerpots are placed near the bed at a distance of 1 m.
  4. Dry or wilted individuals will cause trouble.
  5. Thorny varieties do not bring benefit to the apartment, it is advisable to plant plants on the territory adjacent to the house, away from the door.

Feng Shui experts stand apart from the question: why should you avoid bushes and trees grown using bonsai technology? The reason is obvious: artificial suspension of growth reduces the flow of positive energy into the home.

Plant shape

Upright crops, creepers charge the room with health and vitality, and vegetation with drooping stems attracts diseases and fatigue. Spines and spikes - a sign of aggression, conflict. Avoid planting individuals with leaves resembling knives or needles. 

The color scheme of crops and Feng Shui:

  1. Orange and red color evokes passion, sensuality of the beloved man or woman.
  2. The pink hue evokes sympathy and patience.
  3. White color stimulates spiritual development.
  4. Yellow tone causes negative emotions and feelings.
  5. Blue inflorescences are a source of creative inspiration.

According to the Feng Shui philosophy, the sources of positive energy are geraniums, begonias, Chinese rose, camellia, the list will successfully complement the arrowroot and cyclamen.

Best Flowers for Home by Feng Shui

Human Energy Interactions

According to the interaction of flowers with humans at the energy level, indoor plants are divided into 3 groups:

  • Powerful protection (cactus, palm trees, dracaena, yucca). Possessors of a strong, pronounced energy of "yang" are able to protect the home, make a person active and hardworking. It is advisable to install flowerpots in the lobby and office, respectively. The negative impact on the placement of crops in the bedroom or children's room.
  • Warmth and care (begonia, camellia, hoya, aloe, azalea). The vegetation of the second group has a soft yin energy. Cultures increase mood, give confidence, help to overcome mental and physiological deficiencies, improve the atmosphere in an apartment of an unmarried woman.
  • Cleaning the space (ficus, creeper, ivy, hibiscus). The plants of the group eliminate geopathic zones, remove stagnation of energy and protect from the evil eye.

Interesting fact. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists proved the ability of plants to transmit information and emit light. It has been experimentally proved that flowers perceive verbal threats and promises. For example, Luther Burbank grew a cactus without thorns, guaranteeing reliable protection for the flower. According to studies, various individuals have a different effect on the aura of a room or person.

Is it possible to keep curly houseplants at home

Do not let the plants curl in the living space - lianas are assigned aggressive male energy. Representatives of the strong half will be uncomfortable in space, which is accompanied by a constant desire to leave the room. Ivy and loaches suck out vitality, optimism and mental health. Keeping plants in the yard is useful outside the house. Cultures look beautiful and protect against the negative emotions of others.

Hubby plants

Vampire plants

The ability to absorb negative emotions and protect the health of households has many types of indoor plants.

Monstera is a vampire flower that causes fear, drowsiness and at the same time feeds on bright positive emotions. The plant is kept in the living room and public areas, where a large number of people are observed.

Scindapsus in calm hosts resembles an ordinary vine, also known as epipremnum. For lovers of socializing in raised tones, the bindweed will grow in a lush jungle.

Chlorophytum neutralizes negative emotions caused by problems at work, financial difficulties and tiredness after shopping, watching videos. Children, talking with peers, it is also useful to devote half an hour to the plant: moisturize, loosen, cut old leaves. The chlorophytum variegated is recommended for older people, the individual takes negative energy, providing a calming effect.

Important! Ferns are successfully used in rooms with a maximum surge of energy: offices, the lobby of theaters, home living rooms with a TV. The plant feels comfortable in diffused light, near a source of energy surge (TV, large household appliances, active employees).

Orchids make a huge contribution to the heated debates, passions, comfort the weeping. Seeing the subtle flowering, people involuntarily think about the beauty of the world, about spirituality, harmony.

Scheffler is useful for schoolchildren, students immersed in mental and creative work. Culture fosters collaboration, inspiration and learning.

Asparagus absorbs the energy manifestation of weakness, lack of will, laziness. Suitable for people involved in business, creativity and sports.

Sansevieria is fed by strong electromagnetic radiation generated by household or office appliances, and does not respond to subtle energies; one should not expect a calming effect from the plant.

Caution Vampire Flowers


Many plants are poisonous and dangerous, but most are successfully cultivated by people. Perhaps you should avoid buying a flower that can harm the household. However, in deciding to grow potentially hazardous crops, every effort should be made to reduce the risk. Do not allow contact of children and animals (cats, dogs) with the culture, place beds nearby, use rubber gloves when working with individuals. Compliance with simple rules will reduce the threat and allow you to enjoy the natural beauty of plants.



Watch the video: Best Indoor Plants. Cute House Plants That Clean The Air (September 2024).