Ficus Bengal for Bonsai: Care and Growing Tips


Ficus bengal (Ficus benghlensis) belongs to the Mulberry family. When it grows in width, it takes root and turns into a large tree - a banyan tree, which occupies an area of ​​up to several hectares. The crown circumference is up to 610 meters in diameter.

Forms ovoid or oval sheets. And during flowering - balls (round, orange) up to 3 cm or more. But gardeners often grow it as a bonsai (Bengal decorative ficus).

How to choose a miniature tree?

For planting, buy quality material:

  • Do not buy Indian indoor ficus in the cold season. It does not adapt well to the environment.
  • You do not need to choose a large adult plant, as it is difficult to adapt, and its cost is more expensive.


Ficus needs care when kept at home.


The tree is a big fan of light, so it is advisable to place it on the sunny side by the window.

Lack of light can cause leaf falling. To prevent this, just install an artificial lighting device.


For the favorable development of the plant, the temperature should be +15 - + 25 C.

It is not recommended to place a fan or battery close to it. It is more correct to place a pot of water close by to balance the microclimate.


Summer is favorable for ficus. However, the hotter the air outside, the more it needs to be sprayed. Winter care of the plant is complicated by low humidity in the apartment, due to the continuous operation of the batteries.

To neutralize, you need to put a pot of wet moss on a tray next to the plant, wipe the leaves with water or spray.


Abundant hydration is not advisable. During watering, always drain excess moisture from the sump. Stagnant fluid in the soil can provoke root rot and fungal diseases.

In the summer, you need to water the plant after 3-4 days, in the winter season - once a week.


You need to feed Bengal ficus in early spring. It requires chemical fertilizers and organics. They are diluted with water in low concentration. In summer, during active growth, it is necessary to add 1-2 doses of fertilizer with a high nitrogen content each month.


Seedlings are transplanted annually in March and April. The pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the stem. Only the topsoil should be changed - 4-5 cm.

Compost consists of: peat, leafy soil, humus, turf, sand, charcoal and organic substances. After transplantation, six months later, secondary top dressing is required.

To prevent rotting of the root system, the plant needs a good drainage layer (expanded clay, clay shards or tree bark).


The tree tolerates pruning perfectly:

  • the formation of the main part should be natural, no unnecessary details;
  • for work it is recommended to use processed tools;
  • cut the stems at an angle to the edge.


They reproduce using cuttings. Seeds are not suitable for this purpose. Pre-remove the juice from the cut stem. After they put it in a jar of water or in wet sand. Rooting itself takes about a month after planting, when the shoot takes root.

Diseases and Pests

Often aphids and powdery mildew attack ficus. To eliminate it, they are treated with drugs - Aktillik, Tanrek.

In adverse climates, fungus and rot form on the plant. In severe cases, it dies. For good growth, you should treat the leaves and soil with a solution of potassium permanganate every month.


Watch the video: Ficus Bonsai Care and Pruning (October 2024).