Planting chrysanthemum in the spring in the open ground


Chrysanthemums are one of the most popular plants in domestic flower growers. They can often be found in summer cottages. However, this flower is quite moody and requires attention. The most important care measure is planting. If you follow all the rules, the plant easily adapts to the environment and will long delight with lush flowering. If you ignore some important recommendations, the young plant may wither or even die.

Planting chrysanthemum in the open ground in spring is a very important and important event, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. First of all, you need to choose the right planting material.

When purchasing seedlings on the market, on the Internet or in a specialized nursery, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • It is better to choose a perennial variety so that you do not have to bury a flower before winter;
  • The roots should be powerful, overgrown;
  • If there are young twigs around the central shoot, the flower adapts well to new conditions and will develop rapidly;
  • It is recommended to plant flowers during the entire warm period (April - August), then the shoot will take root quickly and will successfully pass the wintering.

Planting material should be free of fungal, viral or bacterial infections. Any traces of the disease significantly reduce the likelihood of a flower rooting and a successful wintering. Prepare a place and soil for planting in advance. Experienced flower growers think about this before spring. It is known that the feathery and bristly varieties of the plant take root better and faster. They tolerate adverse environmental influences and winter well even with short severe frosts.

Planting hydrangea in spring in open ground

This usually happens in the third decade of April - the second decade of May. However, the timing may vary slightly, depending on the specific region. At this time, the flowers begin to actively stretch up. The end of April is the ideal time for plant propagation.

This procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • A uterine bush is selected to receive "children." It should be the healthiest and strongest plant that has gone through wintering without any complications;
  • Shanks cut 9-10 cm long cuttings. Each of them should have three knots;
  • The processes are placed in wooden boxes intended for growing seedlings and filled with a nutrient mixture of perlite and river sand;
  • The soil is slightly moistened, but you do not need to pour a lot of water;
  • Next, young shoots are covered with plastic wrap.

As the last snow melts, the flowers begin to grow and develop intensively

Cuttings are kept “under the hood” until the first sprouts appear on them. If they were planted at the end of March, the roots will appear in about 20 days, if in the middle (end) of April - a little earlier, after 14-15 days. The soil inside the “hood” should be a little damp all the time, but it’s not worth it to “fill in” the cuttings, otherwise they will rot and will not be able to take root.

Planting hydrangea in spring in open ground

Each grower knows about when to plant chrysanthemums. It is more convenient and easiest to do this in the spring, when the plants leave the period of physiological dormancy. You can grow flowers from seed, but such a sowing is long and troublesome. In addition, seeds purchased on the market are often of poor quality. Propagation by cuttings is more reliable. If the weather is unstable, it is better to wait until the last decade of April - the first decade of May.

The correct step-by-step instructions for reproduction:

  • Choose a healthy and strong uterine bush, not affected by pests and parasites, not suffering from a fungus and normally developing;
  • Dig up a plant;
  • Using a sharpened knife, divide it into several parts. Each fragment should have its root and young shoots;
  • Layers are planted in pre-prepared pits filled with complex mineral fertilizer and nutrient mixture.

Young shoots are watered abundantly. You can plant chrysanthemums with this method in the fall, but in this case, the young shoots need careful shelter for the winter. To this end, it is best to use oak branches or spruce branches.

The easiest and most popular way of propagation is by dividing the bush

It is known that from a normally developing bush 3 years old you can get at least 6 cuttings, most often 4-5 layering. The older the plant, the more lateral shoots it has. However, you should not choose the oldest bushes, because they are more likely to be infected with infections or parasites.

When to plant phlox in the spring in the open ground

Chrysanthemums can be planted in spring or autumn. To do this, you need a shallow box, because the roots of the plant lie almost on the surface. If the flower is purchased in the fall, do not immediately put it in the open ground, otherwise it will die during the first night frosts. It is necessary to leave the plant at home until spring, so that it regains strength.

With the beginning of warming, you can safely proceed to the transplant. First you need to prepare the flower for a change of conditions.

To do this, you must:

  • Wait until the chrysanthemum has completely faded;
  • Trim, remove dried flowers and deformed leaves;
  • Wrap a container with a thick layer of textile to avoid premature emergence of sprouts;
  • Place the pot in a cool, dark place for the winter.

Watering during wintering should be minimal. If the soil is only slightly damp, this is quite enough, because in the cold season the chrysanthemum is at rest.

As soon as spring comes, the flower is moved closer to heat and light. When the frost finally ends, you can plant young growth in open ground in the country. Seven days after planting, you need to make mineral fertilizing containing a high concentration of nitrogen.

Almost all flower growers know how to grow chrysanthemums and how to plant them in the garden. However, few people think about the rules of landing. The main thing is to provide the plant with at least three hours of sunlight daily, so a shaded area is not the best option for planting. The place should be open from all sides.

Do not choose for planting areas with dry peaty or sandy soil, poor in minerals. Another requirement for land is a good ability to retain moisture. At the same time, water should not stagnate.

The plant will develop best if placed on light sandy loamy soils. If the earth is rich in organic matter and humus, the chrysanthemum will take root well and will delight with its lush flowering for a long time. Also, the soil should be well drained.

This flower does not like sudden temperature changes, wind and lack of sun

Experts do not recommend planting these flowers for more than two to three years in a row on the same site - because of this, problems such as degeneration of the variety, infection with viral and fungal infections, and parasite invasion can occur.

If chrysanthemums are planted in soil that is poor in nutrients, the situation can be saved by regular top dressing. It is much more difficult to solve the problem of wintering (most varieties do not tolerate even the most minor frosts). In case of increased soil moisture, watering must be reduced, this will prevent root rot.

You need to know not only about when to plant chrysanthemums in spring in open ground, but also at what distance they will be planted. These flowers love space, do not like crowding. The minimum distance between two young plants planted in open ground in one lane should be 30 cm, and the maximum should be 50. The larger the better. Each stalk is abundantly sprinkled with earth. The roots should lie practically on the surface, you can not deepen them too deep into the ground.

Small compact seedlings do not require additional support. However, next to large spreading specimens, it is recommended to install wooden or metal posts. This will help the stem reach up and not bend from the wind and rain.

After the cuttings are planted, pinch each instance. This is necessary in order to remove the growth point. The final stage of work is watering and artificial shading, for this you can use any covering material.

The depth of the pit for chrysanthemums should be on average 35-45 cm, not more. At the bottom should be laid drainage layer, as well as a nutrient mixture consisting of soil and vermicompost. This will help the flowers take root faster and get all the necessary nutrients.

Interesting. Charcoal is sometimes added to the nutrient mixture as a natural adsorbent. He also has the ability to disinfect the soil.

For lush flowering in the climate of the Moscow region, plants need enhanced dressing.

Chrysanthemum is most in need of the following substances:

  • Nitrogen (needed for the proper development of leaves);
  • Potassium - stimulates active root growth;
  • Phosphorus - increases the immunity of chrysanthemums to diseases, pests and parasites. Phosphorus is also needed in order to increase the number of buds;
  • Copper and zinc - for the formation of green mass.

It is known that the need of a plant for certain minerals depends on the variety. If the bush is tall, you should often feed it with nitrogen fertilizers. For compact species of small stature, potash fertilizers are more important.

A good result is given by the application of humus and organic fertilizers made independently from the remains of weed grass. In the spring, you must make manure or droppings of poultry. Before you apply any fertilizer to the ground, you must carefully water and loosen the soil. This is necessary for intensive and rapid absorption of nutrients.

To increase the flowering time and speed up the process of setting buds, industrial stimulants should be used. Which one to choose depends on the grower. Very popular is the tool "Bud".

If the soil is poor in nutrients, it’s unlikely to wait for lush flowering

About what to feed chrysanthemums in the garden for lush flowering in spring, you should think in advance. For this, flower growers even in winter begin to stockpile complex mineral fertilizers. Chrysanthemums should be fed novice growers responsibly, in no case exceeding the recommended dose of fertilizer. You also need to know how to fertilize chrysanthemums - not all types of top dressing are suitable.

For top dressing, it is imperative to use nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Nitrogen accumulates in small tubers on the roots of the plant and contributes to the active collection of green mass. A good result is given by the drug manufactured by Kemira, its updated version - Kemira +. For feeding, the mixture must be diluted with water, strictly observing the proportions indicated on the package, the scheme and detailed recommendations. The drug "Kemira" stimulates the growth of chrysanthemums, flowering and setting buds. Flowers appear large, smooth, without deformation. A powerful tool is the Multiflor preparation, which guarantees long flowering and helps to bloom faster. You can use a folk time-tested remedy - infusion of garden weeds.

Not all fertilizers are suitable for chrysanthemum

Attention! When preparing a decoction of weed, all seeds should be removed in advance. If this is not done, the weeds will multiply again and strangle the chrysanthemum.

The main event for the care of chrysanthemums in the spring, when they enter a time of active growth, is abundant watering followed by loosening. The recommended frequency of soil moisture is once a week in spring and twice a week in summer. It is also necessary to timely trim for the correct formation of the crown. Fertilizing annual specimens is carried out two to three times for the entire season. If the plants are already several years old, fertilizer continues in the summer and autumn, until the moment the flower goes to winter. If any signs of pest and parasite damage appear, it is necessary to spray industrial insecticides or collect pests manually.

The plant requires care and attention


When caring for chrysanthemums, great attention should be paid to watering and regular top dressing. The most crucial time in the florist’s calendar can be considered spring, it was at this time that the plant wastes its energy most of all. To prevent diseases, invasions of pests and parasites, it is necessary to provide flowers with suitable conditions, proper spring care, a good wintering and good nutrition. Then by all means it will turn out to grow the most beautiful flower.


Watch the video: How To Grow Chrysanthemums (October 2024).