Sprekelia - home care, photo species


The beauty of the flower of Sprekelia attracts with its elegance. it Amaryllis evergreen bulbous plant has two types - the most beautiful Sprekelia (Sprekelia formosissima) and magnificent (Sprekelia howardii).

In Europe, the first bulbs of the Aztec lily (also called this flower) appeared in 1593, and the homeland of Sprekelia is Mexico and Guatemala. The height of an adult plant is about 30-35 cm. A peduncle with elegant flowers of an unusual shape appears in spring or early summer.

The peculiarity of Sprekelia is that at the end of flowering, it needs a dormant period. At home, sprekelia is grown for 4 - 5 years.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants of the Amaryllis family as hippeastrum and zephyranthes.

Average growth rate.
It begins to bloom in late spring.
The average difficulty of growing.

Sprekelia: home care. Briefly

The main requirements that should be adhered to if sprekelia is grown at home:

Temperature mode+ 20-22˚С in the summer, above +7 ˚С in the winter.
Air humidityAt a temperature of +15 ˚С, humidity is at least 50%, spraying.
LightingBright light, being in direct sunlight for about 4 hours.
Watering1-2 times a week in the phase of active growth and flowering, in winter, watering is reduced.
Ground for sprayelLoose soil with acidity pH 5.5-6.5, breathable. The presence of drainage.
Fertilizer and fertilizerAfter 2 weeks with liquid fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus.
Sperekelia transplantOnce every 2 years after flowering, deepening the bulb at 2/3 of its height.
BreedingSeeds, bulbs, children.
Growing FeaturesLeaves appear after flowering.

Sprekelia care at home. In detail

Proper care of Sprekelia at home becomes the key to the lush flowering of this plant.

Flowering sprekelia

Flower stalk appears in mid-March, sometimes in early summer. However, the plant needs to be stimulated by rearranging the pot in a lit and warm place after a period of rest. When a sprout appears, the plant is watered more often. Flowering lasts 2-4 weeks.

At the end of flowering, the peduncle is cut off, leaving a stump 3-4 cm high.

Temperature mode

In the garden, this plant is grown annually, while Sprekelia at home can grow 4-5 years. In summer, the flower is kept at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​˚С, in winter it should remain no lower than +18 ˚С.

It is important to exclude air temperature differences, since sprecelia does not tolerate this. In summer, a pot with a plant can be taken out to the balcony, covering it from the wind, precipitation, direct sunlight.


If the air is too dry, it is recommended to spray the leaves of sprekelia with warm, settled water. The plant grows quite well in urban apartments, but you need to regularly wipe the leaves, removing dust.


This plant needs good lighting, May be in direct sunlight. When home-made Sprekelia blooms, it must be shaded from the rays of the sun. For even growth of foliage, the pot is rotated.

Watering Sprekelia

When the plant begins to grow actively, it is important to regularly and abundantly moisten the soil in the pot. To do this, warm soft water is poured into the pan, and the excess is poured. Sprecelia is rarely watered during dormancy, and after a while it is completely stopped.

Sprekelia pot

Growing a sprekelia plant at home, you should change the pot if necessary. It should not be wide - from the wall to the bulb, the distance is no more than 3 cm. If sprekelia grows in a tight pot, it will bloom faster, and for the appearance of daughter bulbs the pot should be wider.


Sprechelia is grown in nutrient soil with good drainage at the bottom of the pot. You can use the soil for decorative foliage plants or universal soil composition. Necessarily ready soil is mixed with perlite, sphagnum moss, add coconut soil, charcoal and pine bark.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

During the period of active growth and flowering, the plant is fed twice a month. Mineral fertilizers for flowers should be diluted with water and poured into a pan, after which the pot is immersed in it for 20 minutes. Organics are contraindicated as the bulb begins to rot.


Sperekelia transplant is carried out in the spring, in March. In the process of planting, the bulb must be carefully half deepened so as not to break the roots.

Sprekelia pruning

When the flowers bloom, the peduncle needs to be cut at a height of 3-4 cm from the neck of the bulb. After the death of the ground part of sprekelia, the bulb is dug up and cut off dried leaves.

You can’t touch the roots!

Rest period

From November to March, the plant "rests". Watering stops completely, put the pot with the bulb in a dark, cool place, always dry. The temperature should not be less than 17 ° C.

Growing Sprekelia from Seeds

Sperekelia seeds can be obtained after manual pollination of the flower. Seed propagation does not preserve the varietal qualities of the plant. Germination of fresh seeds is limited to 5 weeks, so the sowing is carried out immediately after harvest. They are scattered on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled. The temperature should be 22-25 ° C, humidity is maintained. Young bulbs with the appearance of the 3rd leaf are transplanted into separate pots.

Sprekelia propagation by daughter bulbs

At the bottom of the adult bulb, daughter bulbs are formed that can be planted. But only 3 cm bulbs with small roots are suitable for transplantation. With a knife, daughter onions are separated, sprinkled with activated charcoal, and planted in separate pots.

Diseases and Pests

The main problems that can be encountered when growing sprekelia:

  • Leaves turn yellow Sprekelia - insufficient humidity.
  • Sprekelia bloom less - the plant needs separation.
  • Drooping Sprekelia flowers and pallor foliage - the soil is dry, lack of watering.
  • Flower darkening - the room is cold and damp.
  • Sperekelia shoots do not grow - lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Active bulb growth and gradual slowdown - you need to check the bulb for infection with pests.
  • Pale and flaccid leaves of sprekelia - This is a sign of waterlogging of the soil, you need to increase the interval between watering.
  • Sprekelia bulbs do not grow - if a bulb planted in compliance with all the rules does not grow, you need to remove it from the soil and feel it - a healthy bulb is solid and dense. If the sprouts did not appear within a month and a half, then the bulb is not suitable for growing.
  • Sprekelia does not bloom - there may be several reasons for this: there was no dormant period of the plant; the soil is depleted in nutrients and requires fertilizer application; insufficient lighting; problems with the root system of the bulb; cold air in the room.

Sprekelia is attacked by a spider mite, thrips, aphids, scale insects, a mealybug can settle.

Now reading:

  • Hippeastrum
  • Vallota - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species
  • Amaryllis - planting and care at home, photo species
  • Oleander


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