Capsicum: description, types, care for pepper at home


Capsicum from Latin translates as a bag. He was so named because of the shape of the fetus. This unusual plant belongs to the nightshade family. And although it is called capsicum or vegetable pepper, it has nothing to do with the family of peppers.

Homeland - subtropics of South and Central America. Even the ancient Mayans and Aztecs used it as a seasoning instead of salt, then unknown.

Description of capsicum

The plant is an annual or perennial small bush with bright fruits ranging from green to deep red, even black. White, purple flowers appear in the summer (about 3 cm in size). The leaves are glossy, rich green color. Their contrasting combination with bright fruits gives the bush originality and decorativeness.

Types of capsicum

There are approximately 30 varieties of capsicum. They differ in size, shape, color, as well as edible fruit.

The most popular groups of varieties for growing at home:

ViewDescription, heightLeavesFruit
Annual (chilli)The most popular.
1.5 m
Cone-shaped, green.From yellow to red, spherical or elongated.

Sweet or hot.

30 cm - 1.2 m.
Shiny bottle color, elliptical.White, scarlet, purple, small size (no more than 5 cm), elongated.


ChineseNo more than 50 cm.Egg-shaped, light green.A variety of colors and sizes.


PubescentApproximately 4 m. Becomes tree-like with age.Dark green, elongated oval.Dull, shortened. From golden to brown.



2 m

Different colors. Grow vertically.


Mexican (Favorite Mix)Compact 30-50 cm. Regardless of the season, it gives flowers and fruits of varying degrees of maturity.From lemon to bright red.

High degree of sharpness.


50 cm

Yellow, violet, red. Miniature.

Not suitable for food.

Capsicum Care at Home

When caring for shrubs, it is important to follow some rules.

Spring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingFeels good on the south and southwest windows. When the scorching sun is covered with a translucent material.
Temperature+ 22 ... +25 ° C.+ 16 ... +20 ° C.
Below +12 ° C it is fatal.
Humidity / WateringDo not allow drying of the soil. Spray daily. Apply water at room temperature.
Abundant, put in a tray with wet expanded clay.In the absence of additional illumination, moderate.
The soilEqual parts: garden, leaf, turf land, sand.
Top dressingUse complex mineral fertilizers.
2 in 30 days.1 time for the same period.
No backlight is needed.


Capsicum does not like to be disturbed, but each spring a plant should be transplanted into a large pot, to redirect forces to the development of roots, rather than stretching the stems. It is better to do it in the spring. After 3 days, you need to feed him.


To enhance the growth and formation of a beautiful bush, the capsicum is cut, but not more than half. To increase the number of fruits, pinch the young leaves.


The capsicum is propagated by cuttings and seeds.

Seeds are germinated in late winter and early spring using the following technology:

  • Soak for 2 hours in a solution of epin or potassium permanganate.
  • Spread in a container and cover with a film.
  • Dive after the appearance of 2-3 leaves.
  • Provide good lighting, + 20 ... +25 ° C.
  • Waiting for fruiting for 2-3 years.

The plant propagates by cuttings in spring or summer. At the initial stage, a mixture of perlite or peat with wet sand (1: 1) is used. After the emergence of the roots, planting is carried out in a substrate of sod land, humus and sand (1: 2: 1). Pinch several times for its growth.

Possible difficulties in caring for capsicum, diseases and pests

Very often the flower is invaded by insects and gets sick due to improper care.

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
Aphid, spider mite.Dry air, poor ventilation.Treat with insecticides (Aktara, Actellik).
MealybugHigh humidity.
Puckering, falling flowers, wilting foliage.Lack of moisture.Increase the amount of spraying and water more often.
Dumping leaves in winter.Lack of light.Use extra lighting.
Growth cessation.Incomplete nutrition or lighting.Feed or provide good lighting.

Mr. Summer resident informs: capsicum is a useful and beautiful shrub

This vegetable crop is used as a spice in cooking, as well as in the manufacture of medicines in pharmacology. On its basis, make means to improve digestion, increase appetite. The action of the component that is part of hot pepper - capsaicin, burns fats, so it is used for weight loss. Also, the plant is widely used in homeopathy to treat the effects of acute and chronic otitis media. Capsicum extract - oleoresin extract, is used as an aerosol for defense.


Watch the video: Easiest Method To Grow Yellow Capsicum Bell Peppers In Pot. Yellow Pepper Seedling Method (October 2024).