All about caring for the Decembrist or Schlumberger at home


Zygocactus, Decembrist, or Schlumbergera is a type of epiphytic cactus that grows in the forests of Brazil. It prefers a tropical climate with high humidity and a constant temperature above +20 ° C. It grows on the trunks of thick trees and does not like direct sunlight, the Decembrist feels comfortable in shaded areas.

How to care for Decembrist at home

Zygocactus is an unpretentious plant, but if you neglect the conditions to which it is used in the natural environment, it can die.

Location, lighting

Rules for the maintenance of Decembrist at home:

  • The pot is placed on the windowsill, avoiding the south side. Direct sunlight causes burns or redness of the shoots. The best option is the location of the pot with a plant on the north or east side of the apartment. If this is not possible, then the flower is transferred into the depths of the room, and phytolamps are used for additional lighting. In extreme cases, placement on the southern windows is possible, but if they are closed with blackout curtains or blinds are purchased.
  • In the summer, the plant is taken out to well-ventilated rooms, it needs oxygen. Suitable balcony or loggia.
  • During flowering, it is not recommended to move, since during this period it is especially sensitive.

How to choose soil

By winter, the flower should be transplanted. In the natural environment, Schlumbergera grows on trees, so you need to purchase special soil for cacti.


For the cactus to bloom, it needs the usual temperature - + 18 ... +25 ° C. Before flowering, it is better to keep the Schlumberger at + 15 ... +16 ° С, and after the first buds appear at + 20 ... +25 ° С.

Interestingly, in the natural environment, the Decembrist can survive both in heat at +40 ° C and at +2 ° C. Moreover, the plant easily adapts to temperature changes.


Watering a cactus during dormancy is necessary only when the earth is completely dry.

During the flowering of the Decembrist, the drying of the soil is not allowed, the soil must be constantly moistened.

Also, shoots should be cleaned of dust and often sprayed with warm soft water (using a fine spray), since the flower loves high humidity. This method is necessary if the temperature is above +26 ° C. At +25 ° C and below, spraying is not required, as the humidity is optimal.

Top dressing

You can feed the plant 3-4 weeks after transplantation during the period of active growth (summer, spring). Use complex fertilizer for cacti with a frequency of 2 weeks.

It is not recommended to take top dressing for domestic plants, otherwise you need to reduce the dosage by 2-3 times. From an excess of nitrogen, the roots of the cactus begin to rot.


Schlumbergera is transplanted after flowering, approximately at the end of February once every 5 years, if the plant is already an adult. Transplantation of young cacti is carried out every year.

The pot is needed wide and low, since the root system of the Decembrist is superficial. Before transplanting, 1/3 of the drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the tank.

As the soil used in the following proportion:

  • peat - 2;
  • fertile soil - 1;
  • coarse sand - 1.

For disinfection, crushed activated carbon is added.

Flowering and subsequent care

In order for the zygocactus to bloom, he needs special care at home:

  • The flower is transferred from a warm room to a cooler room, for example, to a balcony.
  • Within a month, do not water abundantly, give the soil to dry.
  • At +10 ° С on the street, Decembrists are transferred to a room where the temperature is + 15 ... +19 ° С.
  • During this period, it is watered intensively.
  • At the end of October, the Schlumberger is put in a place that is lit by the sun for more than 10 hours a day. After 50 days, the cactus will bloom. When buds appear, the plant is again returned to its place and is no longer moved. The optimum temperature for flowering is + 17 ... +19 ° С.

Care after flowering

After all the buds have bloomed, the cactus is transferred to a cool room (dormancy period). Moderately watered.

In order for the plant to grow in the correct form, pinch the shoots. Yellowed and dried are removed. At the same time, patients clean with their hands, and do not cut with scissors.

The dormant period lasts until the end of March, then the plant is transplanted and looked after as usual. In early June, the cactus is fertilized.


The best time to propagate a flower is spring or summer. To do this, take part of the stem, consisting of 2-3 links:

  1. Cuttings are left for several days to dry.
  2. In a low pot, one-third of the drainage is poured, the next layer is peat and perlite in equal proportions.
  3. Then the tip of the handle is treated with Kornevin and planted in prepared soil. Plant abundantly watered.

In order for the cactus to take root more quickly, the room is maintained at a comfortable temperature of + 20 ... +25 ° C and high humidity. Periodically, the Decembrist is sprayed and protected from direct sunlight.

Diseases and pests

Decembrists often suffer from fungal diseases and pests. To prevent damage, the leaves and flowers of the cactus are inspected several times a month.

Disease or pestHarm and featuresCausesTreatment
MealybugWhite lumps between shoots.Incorrect watering, the flower is not cut off when dried leaves appear.Treatment with Aktar insecticides, Confidor.
Spider miteRusty plaque on leaves, barely noticeable cobweb.The appearance of the pest is caused by insufficient moisture.Sprayed with drugs Vertimek, Fitoverm and Aktofit.
They are transferred to a room with high humidity or have a regular warm shower.
Phytophthora, phytum, fusariumSick roots, wilted and pale inflorescences.Infection with bacteria of the Erwinia group.Treatment with furatsilinom or fitosporinom.


Watch the video: Рождественник Декабрист. Интерьерные цветы МКChristmas cactus DIY (October 2024).