Begonia elatior: home care


Begonia elatior is a hybrid variety of a flower formed as a result of a combination of tuber and Socotran species. Belongs to the Begonia family. Distribution area - South America.

Features begonia elatior

It stands out for its numerous and long flowering. The plant is capable of producing many shoots, on each of which up to 10 buds, shades - from white to rich red.

Begonia elatior does not have a tuber, which greatly simplifies the care of it.

The plant is among the shrubs and reaches a height of 30-45 cm. The foliage has a rather original shape, somewhat reminiscent of hearts with unequal halves, the color is bright green, a serrated edge is located on the edges. The stems are fleshy, strong and thick.

Varieties of begonia elatior

In the apartment, the following varieties of begonia elatior are bred:

BaladinIt reaches 30 cm, but peduncles have different lengths, which contributes to the creation of a multi-tiered effect. The plant has gained the nickname "bouquet in a pot" and is often acquired on various holidays.Color - deep red. Flowering is observed 2-3 times a year.
BoriasThe variety is open in England and looks like classic roses. Peduncles are multi-tiered. Glossy foliage.Color - light pink or coral. The buds are quite large, terry.
GraceSoutheast Asia is considered the birthplace, the height of the bush is up to 35 cm.Red, bloom twice a year and do not fade for several months.

Features planting begonia elatior and care for her

When leaving at home for this representative of the flora, you need to pay attention to the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingThe plant is photophilous, but does not tolerate direct light (in terry species, the number of petals decreases and they turn pale). Suitable places for placement are the west or east window.Included in the number of plants with a short daylight, so in the cold does not require additional illumination.
Temperature+ 18 ... +20 ° С. At lower rates, the flower stops its growth and drops buds.
Humidity60-70%. To maintain the desired performance, the pot is installed on a pallet filled with peat, moss and moist claydite.55-65 %.
WateringAfter drying out the earthen coma by half. Do not allow stagnation of water in the pan.Once a month.
Top dressingOnce every 3 weeks with mineral fertilizers (when organic components are added, flowering becomes abundant, and the color turns pale).Suspend.

Having dealt with the features of plant care, you should pay attention to its proper planting and transplantation.

Planting and replanting begonias

The roots of the flower are small and delicate, so it is comfortable in small vessels. The soil must be loosened and fertile, able to retain moisture, but also dry well. The plant does not have to be replanted after purchase, as it is poorly tolerated. But if necessary, then you need to use a self-prepared substrate from the following components in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1: 1:

  • peaty soil;
  • greenhouse and leaf humus;
  • coarse river sand;
  • perlite.

The frequency of transplantation of young plants - 1 time per year. A pot with a diameter of 4-5 cm larger than the previous one is needed. When the begonia elatior turns 4 years old, she is no longer bothered.

When caring for young representatives of the variety, attention should be paid to the regular forming pinch. To maintain the strength and healthy appearance of the flower, it is necessary to cut off fading inflorescences in time and minimize the use of organic nutrients. After this kind of top dressing, the stems become almost transparent and brittle.

Breeding begonia elatior

Reproduction is carried out by 3 methods:

  • by seed;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the mother bush.


It is recognized as the most difficult option for growing a flower. But if the choice fell on the seeds, then they are recommended to buy them in the gardening store, there they are presented in two varieties:

  • ordinary - not subject to processing;
  • granular (dragees) - it is easier to work with them.

Regardless of the material chosen, the instructions for planting are identical:

  • Seeds are soaked for half an hour in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Planting stock is washed and then transported to a pot with moistened peat.
  • Vessels are placed on a pallet and covered with glass or polyethylene from above; water is always added here.
  • Provide temperature within + 20 ... +22 ° С.
  • Subject to the conditions, the first shoots will form in 2-3 weeks.
  • After the appearance of the 3rd true leaf, picking is performed, it is repeated 8 weeks after the formation of seedlings.
  • After the flowers are planted in separate vessels.


Most gardeners prefer cuttings, since this method is the fastest, most reliable and makes it possible to preserve the characteristics of the variety.

With a similar method of reproduction, shoots 8-12 cm long are used. They are both apical (take from the ends of the stem of the plant) and median. The main thing is that 2-3 kidneys are present on them.

Excess foliage is removed, in the opposite situation, it will be fed by a sprout. Then the slices are dried a little.

The rooting of the processes is carried out by two methods:

  • in a humid environment;
  • in the ground.

In the first case, the bottom of the chopped cuttings is placed in soft water with a temperature of + 20 ... +21 ° C. Apply hard and cold is strictly prohibited. Next, the vessel is placed in a bright room with a temperature in the range + 18 ... +20 ° С. The capacity should be transparent, then in a timely manner it will be possible to notice that the cut of the process rots. In this situation, it is removed from the water, the affected areas are removed, dried and again left in the water. After the formation of roots with a length of 1-2 cm, the stalk is moved to a soil comfortable for growth and then acts as after a simple transplant.

When using the second rooting method, a substrate is taken, which includes moistened peat, river sand and soil suitable for begonias (1: 1: 2). A section of the process is initially dipped in water, and then in a tool that simplifies the formation of rhizomes (Heteroauxin, Kornevin).

A suitable soil is poured into a small container (identical to the size of the handle). The shoot is stuck into the ground, the cut is deepened by 1-2 cm. Next, the vessel is tightly closed with a jar or placed in a translucent container and made sure that no part of the flower touches the walls of the greenhouse.

After a few days, condensation forms on the tank, this indicates the formation of the necessary microclimate. After this moment, the greenhouse is opened daily for a minute airing. After the appearance of the first leaves, the coating is removed. The seedling is moved to a pot filled with soil for adult plants.

Bush division

In this way begonia is propagated in the spring, with the next transplant:

  • Take out the plant from the previous pot.
  • Clean old branches, inflorescences, large leaves.
  • They place the flower in warm water, carefully using it to free the root system from the soil.
  • With a sharp knife, a young shoot with a kidney is separated from the mother bush along with the root.
  • For better rooting, they are treated with a growth enhancer (Epin, Zircon).

Mistakes in Elatior Begonia Care, Diseases and Pests

During the cultivation of begonia elatior, certain difficulties may arise that are associated with both improper care and the attack of diseases and insects:

Symptoms External manifestations on the leavesCauseRemedial measures
Drying around the edges.Low air humidity.The flower is rearranged in a humid room and periodically moisten the air.
Withering and yellowing.Low temperatures.The plant is placed in a room with a higher temperature.
Withering.Heavily polluted air, moisture deficiency.The pot is transported to another place, if necessary, watered abundantly.
Lack of flowering.


Lack of nutrients.The soil is fed with organic and mineral fertilizers.
The appearance of a thin web of white.


Spider mite.They are treated with the insecticides Karbofos, Thiophos or Actellic. Stalks are sprayed with onion infusion until the pests die. How to cook it:

  • take a few onions, and then chop them with a knife or meat grinder;
  • a small spoon of the mixture for 7 days is insisted in water;
  • the drug is filtered and used to spray the flower.
Powdery coating of green or brown color.Gray mold.Spray with Benomil and move to a room with a higher temperature.
White coating.Powdery Mildew
Rotting and blackening of the root system.Black root rot.Stop watering, use Benomil and transfer to a less humid room.
Decay.Excessive moisture.Reduce the frequency of watering during spraying, prevent moisture from entering the flower.
Deformation, yellow spotting.Cucumber mosaic.The plant is thrown away, the pot is disinfected, the soil is changed.

The appearance of sagging on the roots.



There are a lot of problems when growing elatior begonia, but if you detect changes in time and get rid of them, the plant will delight you with lush flowering and a healthy appearance.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of fertilizers and hydration, since these moments directly affect the condition of the plant and can not only provoke the occurrence of diseases, but even lead to the death of the flower.

Gardeners recommend once a month to inspect the flower for the presence of diseases and pests, thereby initiating timely treatment.


Watch the video: How To Baby Those Begonias--Indoors! (October 2024).