Abelia: care, growing tips


Abelia is a slowly growing shrub of the family Honeysuckle (subfamily Linnaeus). Distributed in the East and Southeast Asia. It is rare in Mexico (2 species) and in the southern regions of the Primorsky Territory of Russia (Korean). The height and diameter of the bush usually does not exceed 1.5-2.5 m. Paired glossy pointed leaves of an oval shape are usually painted in dark green. Small, with rare exceptions, flowers adorn the bush from June until the first frost, which formed the basis for the popularity of Abelia among gardeners. Another advantage of the shrub is its resistance to pruning, which makes it ideal for creating hedges or growing in the form of a house tree with an easily formed crown.

Popular types of abelia

There are approximately 30 varieties of this flower in the world. But only 4 were widespread.

Large-flowered (grandiflora)Hybrid reaching 6 m in height. Most funnel-shaped flowers are concentrated at the ends of the shoots, although inflorescences are found throughout the shoot.

White, pink or purple. Fragrant.

From June to September.

ChineseMedium-sized (up to 2 m) semi-evergreen ornamental shrub, after falling flowers, changing the color of the leaves to bronze.

Snow-white with red veins similar to bells.

May-June and until the beginning of October.

KoreanWinter-hardy semi-evergreen shrub, after flowering, changing the color of the foliage to red-orange.

White or pink, strong smelling.

May to October.

VariegateUnpretentious shrub that changes color in autumn to colorful yellow-red.

White bells with a honey smell.

From June to September.

Abelia care at home

Most often it is cultivated as a houseplant. Basic rules for home care:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingPenumbra in a place protected from the wind.Good lighting without direct sunlight.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° C, but, subject to the irrigation regime, tolerates summer heat.Optimum + 10 ... +15 ° C, drops when dropping.
HumidityIt responds well to periodic spraying with cold water.In greenhouses and room conditions they spray in the previous mode.
WateringModerate, after drying of the top layer of the earth.Scanty, not allowing the drying up of an earthen coma.
Top dressing2 times a month with mineral compounds for shrubs.Not.

Transplant, pruning

The root system does not like cramped conditions, so young plants are transplanted into spacious pots every spring. The soil mixture consists of sand, humus, earth and peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 2: 2, respectively. To prevent decay of the roots provide good drainage.

Pruning is carried out in autumn, when the plant fades and stops sap flow, or at the end of winter. Abelia is prone to the formation of a lush crown, which is shortened in accordance with her taste preferences. The shorter the stems remain, the more branched the bush will become.


There are several ways to increase the number of seedlings of abelia:

  • Cuttings are rarely used due to poor survival. The top parts of the shoots remaining after trimming are best suited. They are rooted in a sand-peat nutrient mixture at + 18 ... +20 ° C. After the formation of the root system, the sprouts are placed in separate pots.
  • Seeds are characterized by low germination. For propagation in this way, they are planted in January. In early spring, young animals are planted.
  • Basal shoots are the easiest way. To do this, it is separated with part of the mother's root and transplanted into a separate pot. Do not spend before wintering.

Abelia Diseases and Pests

The most common cause of flower wilting is the decay of its root system due to waterlogging or insufficient drainage.

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
Twisting and wilting. Sugar secretions. Black.Aphid.Accurate mechanical cleaning of pests, after which it is desirable to spray the foliage with soapy water (avoid falling onto the soil). Then 2 treatments with insecticides with an interval of 1-2 weeks.
Warp of flowers and shoots. Loss of inflorescences. Yellow or colorless spots on leaves, holes, silver areas. Mass wilting and falling leaves.Thrips.Shower, then at least 2 treatments with insecticides with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks.
Colorless or pale yellow spots, which are covered with a thin web from the wrong side.Spider mite.Douche, after which the plant is thoroughly sprayed with insectoacaricides. Reprocessing is recommended after 7 days.

When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, it is important to completely isolate the plant.


Watch the video: How to grow Rose Creek Abelia with detailed description (October 2024).