Sarracenia: description of a carnivorous plant and its care


Sarracenia is a perennial predatory plant of the Sarracenia family. Distribution area - North, South America.

Description of Sarracenia

The flower grows in swampy areas, loves moisture. The soil in the places of germination is scarce, therefore it feeds on insects. The structure of the flower is associated with a predatory orientation. From the root system, leaves folded into a tube grow upward. In the center of the leaf is a water lily trap - a thickening in which water accumulates, secretion for digesting food.

The top looks like a funnel covered with a leaf. Cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm, with lobed petals, stamens around the entire circumference, are located on an elongated leafless peduncle. Top covered with a pestle in the form of an umbrella on which pollen is showered. Exudes a delicate, pleasant aroma. Hue from deep scarlet to amber.

Types of Sarracenia

Sarracenia is a thermophilic plant. The flowering period in most species begins in the summer. The plant blooms with single flowers of red, yellow, lilac color. With the advent of autumn, sarratzia prepares for a period of rest.

ViewLeavesColor of flowersFeature
White leafWhite water lilies are covered with a mesh of green or lilac color.Purple.Distribution area - Gulf of Mexico. Since 2000, protected, endangered species.
Psittacin (parrot)Looks like claws. At the end is an oval-shaped visor. It looks like a beak of a parrot, for which the flower was called "parrot." Covers the pipe, does not let water inBright scarlet.USA, southern Mississippi. Suitable for indoor cultivation.
RedThe length reaches 20-60 cm. A lip that attracts insects covers from above.Scarlet.A rare species, distributed in the southeastern United States.
PurpleSettled in moss or well-moistened soil. Due to this, creeping insects get into the flytrap.Purple, sometimes with a touch of green.East America, Canada, Central Ireland. Suitable for indoor cultivation. Does not give out a secret. It feeds on the larvae of mosquitoes Metrioknemus, Wyomaya.
YellowWater lilies are bright green with scarlet streaks. The lid is horizontal, protects against water.Yellow. Flowers are on a drooping peduncle.USA. A popular species for indoor breeding. Has a pungent unpleasant odor. Blooms early in early spring.
SmallThe color is green with a pale scarlet top. The cap looks like a hood, covers the trap.Yellow.USA. The plant has a small growth of 20-25 cm. Flowering in early spring. Does not exude aroma. Popular among ants.

Home Sarracene Care Tips

The plant does not require complex care. To keep the room you need a lot of light, frequent watering.


Sarracenia photophilous plant. During flowering, daylight hours last at least 10 hours. Recommendations for keeping at home:

  • choose the southern window sills as the habitat in the room;
  • in the summer, exhibit in the open air, take it out to the garden, onto the balcony;
  • with a lack of light, organize additional lighting (phytolamps).

Sarracenia does not tolerate changes in its location, so it is strictly forbidden to turn the flower to the light from different sides, to change location. The plant is planted immediately in a permanent place.


Sarracenia marsh hygrophilous plant. Needs constant moistening of the soil. To maintain moisture levels:

  • regularly fill the pan with water;
  • add moss to retain moisture;
  • Do not spray the flower from above; spots may remain on the leaves.

For watering plants use natural (melt snow, rain), distilled or filtered water.

Sarracenia is ill if watered with chlorinated water.

At rest, they are reduced. The soil is moistened if necessary, not more than once a week.

When transplanting to new soil, it is recommended to be watered 1 time per day.


The flower tolerates temperature extremes. During flowering, the optimum temperature is +25 ° C, air humidity 50%. With increased heat, it will require additional hydration, an increase in the amount of watering. During wintering, the temperature drops to +10 ° C.

Top dressing

The plant is unpretentious, well takes root in scarce soil, without minerals, vitamins. It is recommended to feed sarracenia only at home with small insects (for example, ants), laying them in a flytrap. If in summer the flower dwells on the balcony, the feed itself will fall into the trap. Then do not additionally fertilize.

You can not feed with fertilizers. A small dose can ruin the plant.

Transplant, soil and pot selection

The flower is transplanted once every two years in the spring, before the beginning of the flowering period. The dishes are chosen for a larger capacity. When moving sarracenia into a new pot, it is necessary to clean off the roots of the old soil from the roots and soak in water. Pour fresh substrate into the container, water it once a day to maintain the moisture level.

To plant sarracenia at room conditions, choose loose breathable soil with a pH level of 5 and above. The composition of the substrate in a ratio of 2: 4: 1:

  • peat;
  • perlite (pre-soak in water);
  • building sand.

The dishes are taken from plastic, glass. These materials have a higher moisture throughput. Fragments of brick and polystyrene are lined at the bottom as drainage. Some gardeners recommend taking two pots of different sizes or replacing a larger one with a pot. During flowering, the plant needs abundant watering. The water level in the outer tank reaches a height of 3 cm.


The flowering period begins in June. Conditions of detention:

  • frequent watering;
  • moist soil;
  • air temperature + 23 ... +25 ºะก;
  • plenty of light.

During the flowering period, a lot of light is required to acquire a bright and saturated color.

Rest period

Summer flowering replaces the dormant period. It comes at the end of autumn. The plant is placed in a cool room. Watering is reduced to 1 time per week. Daylight hours are reduced.

The temperature in the room may vary:

  • during the first wintering, the air temperature is + 5 ... +7 ºC;
  • for an adult flower 0 ... +10 ºC, sometimes up to -10 ºC.

During this period, sarracenia falls into a sleeping state, which lasts 3-4 months.


Propagate the plant by seeds. Before sowing, stratification is carried out. For a day, the seeds are soaked in cold water. Then planted in small bowls with peat or substrate. Finished seedlings are covered with polyethylene, put in a cold place for 1-1.5 months. If necessary, moisten the soil. Cold replaces heat. Bowls with a plant covered with a protective film are placed under artificial lighting. Here the flower sprouts for a month, releases an arrow. A year later, the florist replants the grown sprout in a separate pot.

The second method of propagation by root segments is applied only to yellow sarracenia. In an overgrown adult plant, part of the root system is separated.

The flower grower must remember that frequent divisions can lead to weakening, death of the flower.

Sarracenia Diseases and Pests

Of the pests, sarracenia is most often susceptible to spider mites, aphids, and mold.

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures

Spider mite bright color: green, orange, red.

It leaves bright spots on the leaves of the plant, the inside is covered with a thin cobweb. Appears in the summer.

You can bring a tick into the house on clothes, household items, in a substrate for flowers. In some cases, they can enter through open windows, cracks in windows, walls.Folk remedies:
  • Soap solution: ground soap (laundry, tar) is mixed with warm water. The resulting mixture is treated with a plant, a flower pot, foam is left for 3-4 hours, then washed, put on a bag for a day.
  • Garlic infusion: crushed garlic is mixed with 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for 5 days, then diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, treated with a plant.
  • Onion infusion: onion husks are mixed with water, insisted for 5 days, filtered, watered.


  • Actellik is a toxic chemical contact effect on spiders. Use no more than 2 times a month.
  • Fitoverm is a more toxic chemical compared to Actellic. Contains the active substance aversectin.
  • Flumayt is a toxic drug. It affects eggs, adults. Processing 1 time in 4 weeks.
  • Skelta - contact insectoacaricide with the active substance tsiflumetophen. It affects eggs for 5 days, for adults - 7 days. 1 spray is enough.

When treated with chemicals, the florist takes the plant out into the open air, puts on a protective suit.

The aphid has a green color, individuals of yellow, black are found. Leaves curl, turn yellow.

The buds are dropping. The distribution period is summer.

It enters the house through open windows, cracks in windows, walls. There is a risk of catching the insect in the fresh air. Reproduction, if the aphid is already present on other flowers in the house. The female aphid lays 100-150 eggs per laying, per month makes 2 laying.An effective way to combat the pest will be contact insecticides: Actellik, Fitoverm, Neoron, Intavir.

If after 2 treatments the insect has not disappeared, it is worth changing the drug. In this case, synthetic pyrethroids are used:

  • generation 1 esters of chrysanthemum acid;
  • generation 2 permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, fenvalerate;
  • generation 3 cygalotrin, flucytrinate, fluvalinate, tralamometrin, cyfluthrin, fenpropatrin, bifetrin, cycloprotrin, etofenprox.
Mushroom botritis is a type of rot of a gray color. The distribution period is winter. The plant is covered with a gray, powdery coating. On the leaves there are spots of dirty white, red, brown color. The flower fades.By air, in wet weather, in high humidity or during sudden temperature changes.Ways to prevent the spread of botritis fungus:
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • excessive watering is avoided;
  • closely growing flowers are planted;
  • observe cleanliness: they wipe the dust from plants, wash tools, remove dried damaged leaves and flowers.

The flower is not susceptible to serious diseases. The main cause of the disease is improper care.

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
The dried ends of the leaves.
  • rare watering in warm weather;
  • little lighting;
  • neutral soil.
  • plentiful watering;
  • spraying;
  • good lighting;
  • insect feeding;
  • glass, plastic pot.
The yellowness of the leaves.The presence of potassium in the soil.Substrate change, thorough washing of the root system.
Decay of roots, leaves.Overflows in the cold, poor soil throughput.Adequate watering, soil replacement, the choice of suitable dishes.
