Physostegia: planting and care in the open ground


Physostegia (Physostegia) - a beautiful unpretentious perennial, belongs to the family of Labret (Yasnotkovye). Many gardeners choose it for their flower garden, they like to add florists to bouquets and compositions. High peduncles with numerous lush and bright buds look very impressive.

The homeland of these plants is North America. In nature, grow near ponds, near marshes. In total, there are about 12 species, but only one grows decorative in gardens - the Virgin Physostegia. Her flowers are honey plants.

Description and features of physiostegia

This is a grassy winter-hardy perennial. The name in Greek is read cover and bubble, because the flowers have a swollen shape. The plant has unusual square stems in cross section (whose length is 60-120 cm), high lush inflorescences (up to 30 cm). Leaves are long lanceolate.

Bloom from July, delight up to 50 days with beautiful inflorescences of lush tubular flowers of various colors - pink, lilac, snow-white, purple. They continue to decorate the garden until the cold, even when many other later plants have already bloomed.

Only one species of this perennial has been cultivated by gardeners - the Virgin Physostegia. Several varieties of it have been developed, which differ in the color of peduncles and leaves, and height. All of them are unpretentious, landing and care are simple.

Varieties of Virgin Physiostegia

Several varieties were bred by breeding method:


Alba (White)

(Physostegia virginiana alba)

Grows up to 80 cm.White, large, dense apical.
Crystal peak whiteAbout 80 cm.Snow-white color.

Summer Snow (Summer Snow)

(Physostegia virginiana summer snow)

The length of the stems is 90 cm.Snow-white, spiky.

Summer Spire (Summer needle, spire)

(Physostegia virginiana sammer spire)

Bush height 90 cm.Saturated pink, spiky.


(Physostegia virginiana variegata)

The most resistant to wind, stem 90 cm, along the edges of leaves a white border.Bright pink.

Rose Bouquet

(Physostegia virginiana bouquet rose)

The highest grade is up to 1.2 m.Saturated lilac.

Vivid (bright, ardent)

(Physostegia virginiana vivid)

The height of slender (not falling apart) stems is 60 cm, and it is growing rapidly.Pale pink.

Pink queen

(Physostegia virginiana pink queen)

It grows 70 cm, tolerates frosty winters well, is characterized by abundant flowering.Pink, spiky.

Miss Manners

(Physostegia virginiana miss manners)

The bush is 45-60 cm tall and does not grow as uncontrollably as other varieties (with good manners).White, large.

Growing physiostegia from seeds

Planting by rhizome separation is more effective, but in some cases grown from seeds. They have a high germination rate, physostegia greatly grows self-seeding.

It is better to plant only freshly harvested seeds.

Sowing seeds of physiostegia in open ground

In the open ground, seeds are laid in late autumn, and you can also plant in the early spring. Seedlings produce more hardy plants.

Growing seedlings

Indoor planting of seeds for seedlings is done in early March:

  • sown in boxes with loose nutrient soil to a depth of not more than 1 cm, covered with a film and glass on top (also planted in plastic cups);
  • the room where the seeds germinate should be warm, with good lighting, ventilated, provide regular watering;
  • seedlings appear after 2 weeks, after which the coating of glass or film must be removed;
  • young shoots protect from drafts, direct sunlight, the soil is regularly loosened;
  • when two true leaves appear, thin out the shoots to a distance of 10 cm between them or dive them into pots;
  • they swoop down on flower beds at the end of May, before this they harden for 2 weeks, making seedlings in the afternoon on a shaded area of ​​the garden.

Planting physiostegia in the open ground

You can choose a permanent place in the sun or partial shade - plants will tolerate such conditions equally well.

The soil is suitable well retaining moisture - it can be loamy, sandy loam, black soil. The earth should be quite loose, nutritious. You can not plant a physostegia where it is too dry - for her it will be disastrous.

When picking seedlings on a flower bed, you need to observe a distance between the processes of 25-30 cm. The roots of these flowers grow rapidly and can drown other plants around. Therefore, limiters are made - special fencing 30-40 cm deep, and on top they should be sprinkled with earth no more than 5 cm.

Physiostegia care in the garden

Proper care of these flowers is not difficult:

  • regular watering is required, but in rainy weather there will be enough rainfall;
  • weeding periodically, loosening the soil;
  • to protect against weeds and preserve moisture, the earth around the bushes is mulched;
    before flowering, make mineral fertilizers;
  • dried leaves and stems are cut off on time;
  • organic fertilizers do not contribute during the summer season - it is enough to do this in the early spring and when preparing the plant for winter;

Planted with seedlings bloom for 2-3 years. In total, without transplanting, bushes can grow up to 5 years.

Then, to keep them in good condition, you need to plant in other places (only after flowering).

If the soil is fed too abundantly, the bushes can grow up to 1.5 m in height and grow very much in shoots, drowning out other plants in the flower beds. Too tall, overgrown, it is necessary to strengthen the supports, tie up, trim, otherwise they will simply not support their weight.

Physostegia after flowering

After all the inflorescences of the physiostegia have faded, seeds are collected and stalks are trimmed. But they need to be cut off not completely, but leaving hemp.

Seed collection

In September, after flowering, you can collect seeds. They are hidden at the bottom of a cup of flowers, quite large. So that they do not crumble from the wind over the self-seeding site, it is better to extract them in advance and dry, prepare for sowing in a suitable place.

How to prepare for wintering

Despite the fact that this plant is winter-hardy, in those regions where there are severe frosts, you need to do shelter for the winter. The trimmed bushes are covered with peat and humus, and on the top with spruce branches. In the spring, during the first warm days, the shelter must be removed so that the roots do not cross over.

Physostegia Reproduction

Physostegia reproduce in several ways:

  • by seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • root division;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Bush division

New plants are separated from the uterine together with the root system in early spring or late autumn. If necessary, transplantation during flowering is possible, but since when digging you need to cut off all the stems, you will have to lose the physostegia flowers. The resulting bushes are planted immediately in the selected place.


On creeping roots lateral processes develop. In early September, they are dug up and planted in a semi-shaded area of ​​the garden, and the next year they are planted in a permanent place.


In spring or summer, 12 cm long stems with two buds are cut, rooted in containers placed in a shady area of ​​the garden. Then they hibernate indoors, and in the spring they are planted on flower beds.

Physostegia diseases and pests

This plant is very resistant to diseases and pests. In the rainy cold season or with frequent watering, they are affected by a fungus - in this case, it is necessary to treat with a fungicide solution (Fundazol, Skor). In the dry season, there are attacks of spider mites or aphids. They are required to be treated with soapy water or special preparations (Aktara).

Physostegia in the landscape

Physostegia in group landings most effectively looks, especially when several shades are combined. They are planted along fences, ornamental shrubs, framed by paths.

Have one or bushes. In the neighborhood, they get along well with phlox, dahlias, lilies, juniper, echinacea, garden daisies, and lupins.


Watch the video: How to Dry Out Seeds in the Fall to Plant Next Spring (October 2024).