Beloperone: description, varieties, home care


Beloperone is a southern tropical evergreen plant in the Acanthus family. Among domestic species, droplet white perone stands out. It does not require special skills for growing.


It is famous for its rapid growth. Shrub with sparse shoots, oval leaves, bright bracts and flowers. In length can reach 1 m.

If desired, it can be grown in the form of an ampel or standard flower.

Beloperone drip and other species

In nature, more than 30 species of beloperone are represented. Originally a flower from the subtropics, tropics of South America. Breeders today are little interested in the plant.

Type / GradeDescriptionLeavesBracts
DripA low shrub up to 80 cm long. It takes root well at home. He likes transplants, but does not tolerate a change of place.Oval, dark, covered with fluff.White.

Inflorescences are collected in falling brushes 20 cm long. The color is scarlet.

VariegateBreeding view, derived from drip and guttata. Propagated only by cuttings. Unpretentious to humidity. Low-growing shrub 60-70 cm long.Variegated, green-silver. The shape is oblong, oval, with pointed ends.Red, snow-white flowers.
LuteaVariety derived from the drip. It looks like a parent in appearance.Light green in shape resembling an egg.Yellow, white, lilac pharynx.
Elou queenParent - drip white-perone.Similar to the variety lutea, the color is darker.Light green.
Pig-leaved (plumbagolistic)Rare view. It reaches a height of 1 m, branches are underdeveloped, up to 1.5 m long.Narrow, dense, smooth.Bright, pink, large.
RougeBreeding view, blooms year-round in indoor conditions.Small, up to 10 cm long, saturated green color.Lemon, cream in a small speck, at the end of the gradient in a bright, pink-red color.

Care for beloperone at home

Important factors in the care of Beloperon are light, abundant watering. For fast flowering, flowering experienced botanists recommend spraying the plant with hot water heated to 40 ºC.

The flower takes a warm shower in a pre-steamed bath with humidified air. There he is still within an hour after the procedure to consolidate the effect.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingSouth window sills, in summer, in warm weather, open air. Loves a lot of light, fresh air. Avoid drafts.With the advent of cold weather, they are rearranged on the northern or eastern windowsill. Bright daylight is scattered, if not enough, use artificial lighting.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ºC, in summer it can reach up to +28 ºC.Optimal + 20 ... +25 ºC. By winter, gradually lower to +15 ºC.
HumidityHigh, 50-60%. Regular spraying. Remoteness from heating devices.40-50%. Spraying is less common.
WateringAbundant, regular. Avoid overflow and stagnation of moisture in the soil.Moderate, cut back gradually. Do not dry the soil.
Top dressingChoose for flowering plants, 2 times a month.In the winter, reduce. In the autumn they spend once a month, in the winter 1 time in 2 months.

Planting and transplanting a flower

Young beloperone requires annually in the spring. Rare specimens must be transplanted in spring and late summer. This is due to the rapid growth of the flower. Seniors can be every 3 years.

For this, a pot is purchased with a diameter of 12 cm larger than the current one. The dishes are preferable to use ceramic. You can buy universal soil or make it yourself: a mixture of leaves, turf, peat, humus and sand (2: 2: 1: 1: 1) with the addition of chalk (3% of the total substrate volume).

3-5 cm thick drainage is laid in the selected pot at the bottom. The substrate is poured, approximately 1/3 of the dishes are occupied. The plant is removed from the old container, to facilitate the procedure for 30 minutes watered. With a sharp knife (pre-disinfect), cut 1.5 cm of the roots from the bottom, make vertical cuts on the sides.

The finished flower is moved to a new container and covered with soil residues, shake well for tamping and even distribution. Moderately watered, cleaned in partial shade for 2-3 days. Over time, they return to their original place.

Mr. Dachnik explains: crown formation and pruning

The white-perone flower grows very quickly and due to this it can take on different forms: an ampoule, a standard plant or a dense shrub.

To create a bush, you need to trim the branches to stimulate the buds to develop. When the process is started, an increase in the number of flowering branches is carried out by pinching.

From the reverse, the process of creating ampelous passes. Branches do not cut and pinching is not carried out. The flower is not allowed to branch, so that it grows as a solid column and begins to lean under its weight.

For a standard barrel, they support and lower leaves are removed as they grow. The maximum trunk size will reach 25-30 cm, the crown crown formed is 10-20 cm.


Beloperone is well propagated at home by seeds or cuttings.

Seeds are planted in the soil from a mixture of sheet soil and sand (1: 1). Create greenhouse conditions at a temperature of + 20 ... +23 ºC. From below organize heating for a quick shoot. When the plant dives, it is transplanted into a substrate of sheet, turf soil and sand (1: 1: 1). A pinch is carried out for more rapid growth.

Cuttings are carried out from January to August. Will bloom in about 6-8 months after planting. For propagation by cuttings:

  • Take annual runs 10-15 cm long.
  • Dry for 5 hours.
  • While they are drying, prepare pots with a substrate. For this, ready soil for flowering plants is selected, mixed with sand (1: 1), moistened.
  • Before planting, the base of the handle is sprinkled with a biostimulator (Zircon, Kornevin).
  • They create greenhouse conditions with abundant light flux, temperature + 20 ... +25 ºC, bottom heating.
  • Air 10 minutes daily.
  • When the roots appear (about 25 days), the flower is transplanted into a substrate of turf, leafy soil and sand (1: 1: 1).
  • After 2-3 days, pinch, feed.

Possible difficulties, diseases and pests

In the event of a worsening condition or an attack of pests on beloperon, the following measures should be taken.

External manifestations on the leavesCauseRepair methods
The color fades.Abundant watering, stagnation of moisture in the soil. Lack of nutrients.Reduce the amount of watering, introduce fertilizer.
Falls off.Dry air, rare watering, drafts.Increase the amount of watering, spray the leaves, change the location or eliminate the cause of drafts.
Bracts turn pale, turn yellow.Bad light.If there is a lack of daylight, add artificial lighting (phytolamps).
Burgundy spots appear.A lot of light, the temperature is high.To disperse a stream of light, to pritenit a plant, to lower temperature.
The stems are quickly lignified.Not enough lighting, the room is hot.Cool the room, lower the thermometer, add daylight or artificial lighting.

The plant is surrounded by white insects.

Turn yellow, fall off. They become sticky, green larvae appear on the underside.

WhiteflyTreat with permethrin insectoacaricides (Actellik) every 3-4 days.
The stems are deformed. Noticeable color spots on the plant.

Curls, loses color.

Aphid.Wash with soapy water and treat with chemicals (Inta-Vir).
Drooping, yellow, shrouded in cobwebs.Spider mite.Remove the affected leaves, wash the flower with a warm shower and apply chemicals (Fitoverm).


Watch the video: How to care for Plume flowerJustica carnea. (October 2024).