Goldenrod or golden rod: description, types, planting, care


Goldenrod, solidago or medicinal rod is a variety of grass from the family of aster or Asteraceae, in Latin is called "solidus", which means "strong". Solidago grows in the form of a dense bush, produces panicle inflorescences, reminiscent of March mimosa in color and shape.

This plant is often found in garden areas, and is valued for its decorative effect. Flowers are collected for winter bouquets, they hold no worse than dried flowers. Used as plant materials for the preparation of potions according to popular recipes.

Description and features of goldenrod

There are more than 80 species of plants, the Northern Hemisphere, the main part grows in America, Canada. The height of the bush varies, there are undersized species and giants up to 1.5 meters. The shoots are branched, some begin to branch only at the level of inflorescences, their length is from 20 to 35 cm, the color is yellow with a lemon or orange tint. The leaves are wedge-shaped, with notches on the edges resembling a saw.

Small flowers are collected in small baskets; they stick around a flower shoot on one, two sides or round. Depending on the species, they bloom from mid-summer to late autumn. Form seed boxes up to 4 mm long, having a cylindrical shape.

Goldenrod differs in active reproduction, displaces other species from the territory of the range. It grows annually up to 100 thousand seeds of good survival. It has healing properties, it is used in medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology.

Goldenrod Canadian, common and other species

ViewDistinctive features. Height (m)Natural range
Common (Solidago virgaurea)
  • The leaf plates are serrated, wedge-shaped or oval;
  • the stem is slightly pubescent, branches in the upper part, it is reddish in color.

Up to 1.

  • Central and northern regions of Europe, Asia;
  • in North Africa;
  • in meadows, along river banks, roadsides in central Russia.
Shorts (Solidago shortii)
  • The leaf plates are smooth, in the form of an oblong wedge, in the Varigata variety - with yellow stains and spots;
  • panicle inflorescences up to 45 cm long, large baskets;
  • the period of active flowering is September.

Up to 1.6.

The foothills of North America, in Russia, is bred artificially, is rare.
Wrinkled (Solidago rugosa)
  • The trunk is strong, erect;
  • ovoid or wedge-shaped leaves with serrations up to 90 cm long, the most decorative in the Fireworks variety;
  • inflorescences are small, form dense baskets, peduncles occupy up to 2/3 of the height of the plant.

Up to 2.

Swamps, wet meadows, roadsides of North America.
Daurian (Solidago dahurica)
  • Shoots branch only in the inflorescence area; in the upper part they are pubescent;
  • leaves are ovate, pointed, with serrated edges, attached to short cuttings;
  • inflorescence carpal, narrow, loose baskets.

Up to 1.

Grows along the banks of rivers in Siberia.
Canadian (Solidago canadensis)
  • The leaves are wedge-shaped, saturated in color, expand to the base;
  • the inflorescence is dense, pyramidal, grows up to 40 cm, the color of the flowers is golden, on the Patio variety upright stems, baskets are collected in bunches.

Up to 2.

It grows in the central and northern parts of North America.
Highest (Solidago altissima)
  • Leaves with a pronounced vein pattern, with serrations on the edges, the upper leaves are solid with smooth edges;
  • lemon-colored inflorescences occupy up to 2/3 of the stem length, with one-sided arrangement of baskets on branches up to 35 cm long.

Up to 1.8.

Grows on the prairies, along roadsides in central North America.
Drummond (Solidago drummondii)
  • The stalks are arched, prone to lodging;
  • leaves are small, ovoid, juicy in color.

Up to 50.

It is found in the wild in America, often used in landscape design of the countries of Central Europe, central Russia.
Shovel (Solidago spathulata)
  • Shoots lodging;
  • wedge-shaped leaves, juicy in color, planted on a petiole of medium length;
  • inflorescences are lush, racemose, fluffy, golden hue, have a pleasant smell.

Up to 60.

It grows on the Pacific coast of America, brought to the Far Eastern regions of Russia, cultivated in garden plots.

Varieties of goldenrod hybrid

Hybrid goldenrod (Solidago x hybrida) combines breeding varieties derived from the Canadian, they are used to decorate land, park areas.

GradeDescription. Height (m)Flowering period
GoldstrahlPaniculate inflorescences, up to 20 cm long, golden yellow.
Up to 1.
August-beginning of autumn.
SchweffelgeiserInflorescences are fluffy, dense, with small baskets, saturated yellow.
Mid-August-end of September.
KronenstahlThe length of the inflorescences is up to 25 cm, the color of the flowers is bright yellow.
Up to 1.3.
The first two months of autumn.
GolkindThe length of the inflorescences is up to 35 cm, the flowers are sunny yellow.
Up to 1.5.
From the beginning of September to November.
ShpetgoldLemon-yellow flowers are collected in dense conical inflorescences of 20 cm.
Not higher than 1.
Aug. Sept.
Golden DvofThe leaves are wedge-shaped, cutless, with a smooth edge, inflorescences are bush-shaped, fluffy, yellow-saffron.
Up to 0.6.
The end of summer - mid-October.
GoldtannFlowers with a blue bloom, inflorescences are unilateral, up to 20 cm long, the color of the buds is yellow-orange.
Up to 1.2.
August-early October.
FrigoldThe length of bilateral inflorescences is up to 25 cm, the color is rich yellow.
Up to 1.2.
From early September to late autumn.
DzintraLeaves of lanceolate form, with notches, umbellate inflorescences, with dense baskets of yellow-lemon color.
Up to 0.6.
From July to mid-October.
StrakhlenkronThe length of cirrus densely sprinkled with flowers of inflorescences is up to 20 cm, the color is saturated yellow.
Up to 0.6.
From late July to mid-September.
PerkeoThe stems are upright, dense, the leaves are small, wedge-shaped, paniculate inflorescences, up to 35 cm long, yellow with a greenish tint. 1,5.From June to early September.

Goldenrod breeding methods

Grass is planted with seedlings. Before the onset of cold weather, not all seed boxes ripen, so you need to be prepared for low germination of seeds collected in the fall. Cultivation begins in late March. If you move the sowing dates to February, you can achieve flowering in June.

Seeds hatch after 15-20 days, germination temperature from +10 ° С to +22 ° С. Partially shaded areas protected from the wind are chosen for planting - some varieties are prone to lodging. Young plants are planted at a distance of 40 cm. The goldenrod is not picky about the soil, but plentiful flowering, lush inflorescences are achieved by proper agricultural technology.

Caring for the goldenrod in the garden

The plant does not take much time from gardeners. Often the goldenrod grows like a weed, without any care, but does not differ in decorativeness in such conditions.


Drought-resistant culture, regular watering is not required, drying of the tip of the leaves indicates a lack of moisture. It is desirable to moisten the soil during the flowering period.


Any complex preparations are suitable for feeding, they are bred according to the instructions, applied twice a year - in the spring during the period of active growth and with plentiful flowering. It is necessary to observe moderation in the organic. With an excess of nitrogen, leaves prevail, not flowers.

Garter and transplant

Bushes form only in plants with weak shoots and varieties prone to lodging. For them, make wooden or mesh frames, tie the trunks in a bundle. The perennial is transplanted no more than once every 4 years, the bush is divided into 2-4 parts, the soil mixture is renewed. Adult bushes deepen to 20 cm.


In late autumn, the shoots are cut at a height of 10 to 15 cm from the ground. After the shoots are released, the bush is thinned out, removing weak stems. This procedure promotes the formation of branched flower shoots, abundant flowering.

Diseases and pests

The plant is susceptible to fungal diseases: powdery mildew, brown rust. Thinning is considered the best prophylactic so that the leaves do not shed. Do not allow excess food. Sanitary treatment is carried out in the spring, sprinkle the earth near the bush with wood ash mixed with chalk (1: 1). Such disinfection replaces spring dressing.

At the first signs of fungal lesions, they are treated with preparations intended for berry bush crops.

Application of goldenrod in landscape

When decorating the front gardens for planting choose lush varieties of goldenrod, blooming at different times.

The use of hybrid varieties in landscape design is common in Europe. They are used as peduncles to attract pollinating insects to the plots. Goldenrod goes well with conifers, perennials: phlox, dionysus, sage, thyme. Around it are planted annual asters, zinnias, terry calendula.

Mr. Summer resident informs: goldenrod - medicinal properties and contraindications

Goldenrod contains aromatic resins, esters, phenols, flavonoids, bioactive substances, have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic action. The benefits of the plant are officially recognized.

In large concentrations, goldenrod is poisonous. With caution, it should be used for allergy sufferers. Before treatment, you must consult your doctor.

Goldenrod has contraindications: liver and kidney diseases, systemic diseases of the heart, thyroid gland. Self-medication can cause the body irreparable harm.

Raw materials are collected in the flowering phase, leaves, flowers, soft shoots are used for treatment. Plant materials are used for infusions, decoctions, preparation of extracts. They heal wounds, get rid of acne, peeling skin, treat people and animals.


Watch the video: Goldenrod - Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' - How to grow Goldenrod (October 2024).