How I planted carrots and onions in spring and why together


May 8th. It was raining, the earth warmed up. It is neither hot nor cold outside, about + 10 ... +12 ° C. I decided to plant carrots and onions.

Since we have a lot of vole and mole mice, I make joint landings. Rodents do not tolerate the smell of onions.

From the land cooked, loosened and fertilized with humus from the autumn, I form beds. I do this carefully, breaking the lumps, since carrots love loose soil, and onions will not refuse it.

In each bed I make grooves, after about 15-20 cm, with a depth of 3-5 cm, depending on what I put there. If the larger onion planting material, then deeper.

On the edges where I will plant the onion, sprinkle a little ash and pour it with warm water with potassium permanganate left over from its soaking. Yes, I forgot to say. Before planting the onion sets, I soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then it dried a little and cut off the extra tails so that they did not interfere with the sprouts.

So, the prepared onion is located in the grooves along the edges of the beds. In the middle is a carrot. I bought carrots on tape and in granules. It does not require any preparatory work. And further care is much easier, since it does not require thinning.

Having laid the ribbon with the seeds, I moistened it a little with warm water. This time I did not water the grooves before planting, as the rain had passed. But, if the weather is dry, you must shed the soil. Otherwise, the bow will go in the arrow.

At the ends of the beds planted calendula. There, onions and carrots always grow poorly, and this flower is very useful.

On the last bed there were not enough carrot seeds. I decided to plant beets there. The seeds I had were two kinds of conventional and Dutch breeding.

When the shoots appear, I will tell you how I fertilized and weeded. I will show how it grows.


Watch the video: Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout HAY-ONLY Garden (October 2024).