Broom: about all types and grades, as well as planting and care


The plant is unpretentious and adaptable, so it is perfect for both an experienced gardener and a beginner, and the variety of dimensions will allow you to find a place for it in almost any area.

Description of the broom

Broom (bobovnik) is a shrub that can grow up to 3 m in height. Green bark over the entire area covers its stem, which hardens over time. On the surface of the branches, you can see a slight pubescence and weak streaks of silver color.

The elastic shoots of a young plant are turned to the ground due to the fact that a large mass of greenery bends unstable stems. Three oval lobes form a leaf plate, at the top of the broom can be combined samples. The sheet reaches a length of 4 cm.

Types of broom

Breeders bred a variety of species and varieties of broom, among which there are frost-resistant, exuding a strong aroma, dwarf and universal shrubs, valued for their ability to quickly adapt to the environment.

ViewDescriptionLeavesFeatures, application
Crown (panicled zharnovets)In the early stages of growth, they undergo slight pubescence, which then disappears. Green stalks can reach 3 m in height. Irregular yellow flowers, decorated with a fluff, grow up to 2 cm in diameter. As a fruit - beans with several seeds. The frost-resistant sample is able to withstand air temperatures around -20 ° C. Widely used in the European part of the continent. Prefers areas with mild climatic conditions.Regular, slightly elongated, have the shape of an oval. Subject to early subsidence.A variety of decorative forms allows you to:
  • use for decoration of pines and birches;
  • decorate a rock garden and open glades;
  • apply in single landings.
CusianThe most common dwarf specimen (about 0.3 m), bred at the end of the XIX century in England. Extremely sprawling - up to 2 m wide. The flowers are large, yellow.Ternary.It is wonderful to combine with decorative stones.
Protruding floralIt grows to 0.6 m in height. Decorated with large flowers of saturated yellow color. It is steady against cold snap to -20 ° C.Small, triple.The compact size allows the universal use of the plant.
EarlyA bush with a dense crown grows to 1.5 m. The branches resemble the shape of an arc. In May, yellow flowers with a characteristic odor grow. The root does not go deep into the soil.Elongated, up to 2 cm in length.As part of the composition and as a stand-alone plant. Plant to decorate borders and sand slopes.
CrowdedThe shrub has compact dimensions: 0.5 m in height and 0.8 m in diameter. Flowering begins in mid-summer, ends in late September. You can see the ripened fruits in October.Bright green, oval.It is notable for its early maturity, as well as for its high percentage of seed germination (over 90%).
CreepingThe dwarf bush does not grow above 0.2 m in height, the diameter is 0.8 m. The flowers are represented in different shades of yellow. As a fruit brings slightly pubescent beans. Cultivated since the end of the XVIII century.The main feature is the splendor of flowering.
OblongThe most common species among other broom plants. It blooms from early to mid-summer. Petals of a golden hue. It shows the best growth indicators in loose nutrient soil in a well-lit area.Ternary leaves are downy.The top is a spearhead. Only mature specimens (over 5 years old) bear fruit; beans ripen in early autumn. It does not tolerate cold, so in winter it requires warming.
BlackeningShrub does not grow above 1 m in height. Young shoots are covered with pubescence. Inflorescences are formed by 15-30 yellow flowers.Oblong, green.Viable seeds, the plant begins to bear fruit at the age of 2 years.


Habitat: mixed forests of the northern part of Russia. The stems of this low species rise 1 m from the surface of the earth. The fruit is beans (3 cm in longitudinal section).Light green, triple, about 2.5 cm in length.Universal in location, prefers sandy soil.

Popular varieties

Among such a variety of shrubs, almost every gardener will be able to choose the most suitable for cultivation.

Ruby boscAn early variety, notable for its decorative qualities. It grows up to 2 m in height, sprawling, branches are long and thin. The foliage is deep green.Red on the outside, inside - purple. They are densely located on a bush.
Early zealandThe variety needs warming for the winter period, since it does not tolerate frosts, it is very thermophilic. The leaves are bright green, oblong.Peach color.
OlgoldThe early variety is represented by a lush shrub up to 2 m in diameter. Requires a lot of sunny color and sandy soil. During abundant flowering, a strong odor exudes.Yellow hue.
LenaThe heat-loving variety reaches 1.5 m in height and needs to be insulated in winter.Outside is red, inside is golden.
SplendersIt resembles the shape of a ball, grows 0.5 m in height and in width. It blooms in late spring.Saturated straw color.
PaletteFrost resistant grade.A large red flower is framed by a sunny border.
HollandIt blooms vividly already in mid-spring. The sun-loving variety is notable for its resistance to cold and high adaptability.Red-purple color and its shades.
AlbusThe frost-resistant variety is characterized by early flowering, small dimensions and a spherical shape.White with slight yellowness.
BurkwoodyThe high grade, growing to 2 m even in bad soil, is resistant to cold and drought.Coral flowers are framed by a golden stripe.
Golden rainCompact shrub containing poison.Lemon shades.

Broom planting and care

In order for the plant to please the gardener with a beautiful appearance, high growth rates and abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide the proper conditions for the broom, which is not distinguished by special whimsicality among other shrubs.

Dates and rules of landing

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out in the spring. The place should be well-lit and protected from strong gusts of wind. It is preferable to plant in slightly acidic soil equipped with drainage. The most advantageous option is sandy soil. It is undesirable to plant near water bodies, since the poisonous elements that make up the plant can harm aquatic inhabitants. First you need to prepare a mixture, which should fill the holes for shrubs.

It should contain:

  • Sand;
  • Turf land;
  • Humus.

The recommended ratio of the components is 2: 1: 1.

The mass needs to be mixed well on the eve of the rash, and you can also add a little mineral fertilizer to it.

When planting, it is important to observe a distance between seedlings of 30 cm. When digging a hole, the presence of an earthen coma should be taken into account. Providing good drainage (20 cm) will help to avoid stagnation of moisture and decay of the root system. For sandy soil, a layer of 10 cm will be enough.

The procedure for landing:

  1. Arrange the seedling in the hole;
  2. To fill in the free edges with the prepared mixture;
  3. Tamp the soil;
  4. Moisturize;
  5. Cover the moist soil with a small amount of organic material with a layer of 5 cm.


Watering is carried out as the soil dries, should be plentiful. In rainy times, you can limit the frequency of moisture, it should also be reduced with the beginning of autumn. It is necessary to use the settled water, since the lime contained in it will harm the broom. It is important to regularly weed the area and loosen the near-trunk circle of the bush 10 cm in depth.

Top dressing

The plant should be fertilized:

  1. Nitrogen, urea in spring;
  2. A mixture of superphosphate (60 g) with potassium sulfur (30 g), diluted in a bucket of water;
  3. Wood ash (300 g per 1 bush) while slowing down the rate of development of the bush.

Transplantation and propagation of broom

The process of transplanting a plant is not significantly different from planting and is carried out as follows:

  1. A hole is prepared for the shrub, 2 times the size of its root;
  2. The bottom of the pit is covered with gravel, broken brick or expanded clay (drainage);
  3. On the eve of the extraction of the bush, soil is prepared;
  4. The plant is placed in a prepared hole and sprinkled.

Seed propagation

In early autumn, you can collect seeds from beans and plant them in a special soil mixture, which includes sand and peat in equal proportions. Seeds must be immersed in soil at 0.5 cm. To create the effect of a greenhouse, cover the container with polyethylene and leave it in a warm, dark place. Ventilate and spray regularly.

When the sprouts acquire leaflets (minimum 2), they should be planted in different pots filled with special soil, consisting of the following components:

  • Sand;
  • Turf land;
  • Humus.

In spring, young plants must be transplanted in larger containers. After this, pinching is carried out in order to form lush foliage on the bush in the future.

Planting in open ground is carried out after 2 years, by this time the shrub should grow to 0.5 m.


In summer, you can harvest cuttings by cutting off the shoots that have already hardened and acquire 2-3 leaves. Then the seedlings should be shortened by half and planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture. For the successful rooting of cuttings, it is necessary to create suitable temperature conditions for the shoots and regularly spray them. After 1.5 months, rooted seedlings should be planted in separate containers. After 2 years, the plant can be planted in open ground.

Propagation by layering

In the spring, you should select the branches growing from below and place them in the grooves under the bush, sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Then you should feed and water the branches, and with the first cold weather - insulate. In spring, you can plant cuttings.

Diseases and Pests

Speckled MothThe use of chlorophosome.
MothThe use of insecticides.
Powdery mildewSpraying with foundationazole, a copper-soap solution.
Black spottingSummertime treatment with foundationazole, polycarbacin (0.4%), Bordeaux liquid (1%).

Outdoor wintering of broom

After the plant fades, all thin branches should be cut. Bushes that have not reached the age of three are recommended to be insulated for winter time by hilling with peat, tightening the branches and covering the top with non-woven fabric.

Landscape design application

Used in compositions with decorative stone and conifers, it can also be located as a single plant. Of the shrubs, they often form a hedge, planting them in a row. The broom is combined with lilies of the valley, lavender and heather.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: the beneficial properties of broom

Zharnovets panicled is known as a wonderful honey plant, is also appreciated for its medical qualities. For example, in order to prepare a therapeutic infusion, pour 1 tsp. shredded plants with cooled boiled water, insist and strain.

Indications for use:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Jaundice;
  • Liver disease
  • Cough;
  • Headache.

It is recommended to be taken twice a day, however, before use, consult a specialist to determine the dosage. Contraindicated in menstruation and individual intolerance.


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