Cosmea: varieties, planting and care


Cosmea, she is also “Mexican aster”, “beauty”, “space”. It is a green grassy plant with dazzling petals. Belongs to the Aster or Asteraceae family. It was first discovered in South and Central America. If you translate the name from Greek, you get the word "decoration". Today it is popular all over the world for its unpretentiousness and decorativeness. Due to the ease of supervision, it is perfect for beginners.

Cosmei Description

The time of beginning and end of flowering occurs in one (annual) or several (perennial) vegetative periods. Its stems are thin and elastic, mostly vertical, with a height of 50-150 cm. Leaves, two in each node, dissected and expanded, look great. Inflorescences in diameter are 12 cm, their color varies from white to purple-red. It resembles a camomile in appearance.

Types and varieties of cosmea

There are more than 20 copies of the plant, consider the most common.


The most famous annual herb, roots from Mexico, up to 1.5 m high. Its leaves are divided into filiform fractions resembling dill foliage. The diameter of the inflorescence is approximately 7-10 cm. Baskets are pink, white, purple, red. The following varieties are distinguished:



Undersized varietiesSonata Series. Flowers pink color with a red areola in the middle.
DazzlerRaspberry colored petals.
PurityWith white baskets and elastic stems.

Sulfur yellow

Grows in the vicinity of Latin America. It is considered an annual plant, very fond of warmth. Baskets of orange or yellow-golden hue.



DiabloFiery red.
Crest lemonLemon yellow.


Another name is blood red or black. It is a perennial plant. Flowers are burgundy, smell like chocolate. He loves warmth and is mostly found in pots.

However, it can be grown in open ground, and when the cold comes, cover or transfer to the house.

Terry species are in great demand.

The most famous varieties:



AntiquityFirst, the baskets have a rich ruby ​​red color, and then change to a coral golden brown.
Double click rose bon bonPink. May not resume growth after cutting for a long time.
BrightnessIt is characterized by splendor and saturation.


Petals are arranged in several rows, which gives splendor and special beauty. It can be sunny yellow, burgundy or orange.

Varietal mixes

These are varieties that include flowers of the same type, but varying in color.


Variety mix of cosmea, in height reaches 1-1.5 m, baskets of white, pink and red shades.

Rainbow overflows

It pleases the eye with its harmonious variety of tones, there are pink, red, white, brown-raspberry. Grow up to 1.2 m.

Sea shells

The most entertaining species, which is characterized by reed inflorescences connected in a tube, branching and in appearance similar to shells.

Cosmei cultivation

A popular way to breed it is seed. For this reason, in a temperate climate, perennials are grown as an annual plant. There are two ways of growing: seedlings and seeds.

  1. In the first method for producing young plants, seeds are planted in small boxes with soil (preferably a sand-peat mixture) in early spring, easily pressed into the ground and placed in a sunny room at a temperature of + 18 ... +20 ° С. The appearance of sprouts is expected after 7-14 days. Upon reaching certain sizes, they are transplanted into a larger tank with observance of intervals of 10-15 cm. Then, the temperature regime should be changed to + 16 ... +18 ° С. The first flowers are expected in early June.
  2. The second method is the placement of seeds in the ground on the street. First, dig a small hole in a depth of 10 mm (after the snow melts). Then the seedlings are dispersed in 3-4 pieces, observing a distance of 30-40 cm between them and watered so that the seeds are not washed. Subsequently, they are looked after, like adult plants. Flowering is observed in late July.

Cosmey landing in the open ground

Planted in late May or early June, when already light morning frosts were left behind. The place is chosen calm and sunny. Pre-prepare the earth: it should not be very nutritious, the pH level - in the range of 5.1-5.5, well-drained. When the height of the seedlings will be 60 mm, it is placed in dug holes 30 × 30 cm in size, filled with water. Further, they are covered with soil and watered again.

For tall plants, sticks are stuck nearby, so that later, if necessary, it could be tied up. When the bush reaches a height of 50 cm, pinch the tops of the stems. Thanks to this, the cosmea will grow fluffy and graceful.

Outdoor Cosme Care

Emerging sprouts need constant weeding, loosening of the soil after rain or watering. As you grow, this need disappears.

It is unpretentious in relation to water, it will easily endure a slight drought, but still it is better not to allow this in order to avoid its loss.

Cosmea after flowering

When the flowers begin to fade, they are cut so that the plant can continue to fragrant. It is recommended to leave only those that will later be used in sowing.

How and when are cosmea seeds harvested

The maturity of a flower is determined by its appearance: if it has become dry and brown, then you can safely pluck it. Harvested seeds are stored in a small bag (paper or cloth) in a dry and dark well-ventilated place.

The term of use is limited: maximum 3 years.

Perennial cosmea in winter

Needs preliminary preparation. When the plant has blossomed, its stems are pruned, and the length of the remaining part should be 10-15 cm. The soil near the flower is best covered with organic or inorganic materials, that is, mulching. In this process, you can use fallen leaves or spruce branches.

Diseases, pests

It is unreceptive to diseases and pests, however, it can undergo their attacks at the initial stage of growth. If snails and slugs are found on the leaves of a flower, they are collected by hand and subjected to destruction. A good option would be to set a trap with beer, which will significantly reduce the number of parasites, you only need to regularly check them and replace the bait.

Mr. Summer resident informs: the reasons why cosmea does not bloom

The following can be distinguished:

  • Untimely landing. If you do not do this on time, then the flower may not have time to open.
  • Excessive plant nutrition. Due to the fact that the land in which the flower grows is excessively fertile, all its forces go to increase the green mass: tall and thick stems, large leaves. To avoid this, you should control the time and amount of fertilizer applied.
  • Violation of the rules of care (overflow, placement in the shade) can lead to poor opening of the flower.
