Fusarium wilting of strawberries, methods of treatment


Strawberry is a garden culture that is popular among gardeners. Berries are consumed raw, used to make desserts. Each grade has distinctive features. The main characteristics are the ripening time, the amount of sugar in the composition, and resistance to infectious diseases.

Fusarium wilting, or gray rot is an infectious pathology that affects many varieties of strawberries. Of great importance is the quality of planting material. Ignoring preventive measures before sowing can lead to infection of healthy plants and soil cover. If there is no certainty that the seeds have passed sanitary control, they will have to be disinfected at home. A disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Ignoring the characteristic symptoms can lead to the death of the entire strawberry crop.

Causes and Symptoms of Strawberry Fusarium

The fungus Fusarium oxysporum is the cause of Fusarium, activated during the heat. Having abandoned therapy, the gardener risks losing a substantial part of the crop. Particular attention should be paid to areas where the soil is characterized by high acidity, excessive moisture and inappropriate composition.

Strawberries are strictly forbidden to plant in the lowlands.

The factors provoking focal fusariosis are:

  • irregularity of watering;
  • the use of fertilizers, which include chlorine;
  • thickening of landings.

With fusarium wilting, the bushes are completely affected. First, the symptoms of the disease appear in the lower part of the plant, then the foliage located on top suffers.

The source of infection can be soil, seeds, weeds, as well as plants planted next to strawberries.

It should be noted that the parasitic fungus, being in the soil, remains viable for many years.

Fusarium wilting of strawberries is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • brown spots on the leaves;
  • necrosis of green mass;
  • change in shade of antennae and shoots;
  • white plaque;
  • lack of ripe berries;
  • drying and darkening of the root system.

At the last stage of Fusarium, a bush settles and spoils the berries. The bushes die 1.5 months after the appearance of the first manifestations. To determine the type of pathogen, laboratory tests are performed. This method is considered the most accurate.

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of fusarium wilting, it is necessary:

  • acquire only healthy seed;
  • select varieties, focusing on the climate and soil characteristics;
  • observe crop rotation. The place to plant strawberries needs to be changed every 6-7 years;
  • carry out fumigation of the soil before sowing garden crops;
  • regularly loosen and water strawberries;
  • timely fertilizer and weed;
  • fight pests.

The risk of developing fusarium is reduced by potassium oxide and lime. Experienced gardeners cover the planting with vinyl film. It should be opaque.

Buying hybrid varieties of imported origin will cost a pretty impressive amount. In the absence of such an opportunity, gardeners disinfect the roots of acquired bushes. To do this, use the following drugs:

  • Agate-25K;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Humate potassium;
  • Baktofit;
  • Maksim.

Soil characterized by an increased level of acidity is necessarily alkalized. This method helps to get rid of fungi. If Fusarium or gray rot has already been found in the selected area, it is strictly forbidden to plant strawberries on it without preliminary treatment.

Healthy bushes are sprayed with fungicides as a preventive measure. So called chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the mycelium and spores of fungi. These include: Topsin-M, Phytocide, Fundazole, Mikosan-V, Trichoderma Veride, Benefis, Benorad, Winner, Sporobacterin. Instead, you can use wood ash, a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), sulfur.

Treatment methods

Fusarium can get on the plot with contaminated seed, soil remaining on the sole of the shoe, inventory and equipment. Fungi affect fruit trees, grains and gourds. The list also includes potatoes, tomatoes, and onion flowers that can infect strawberries.

The disease is eliminated through biological products. They are used in the initial stages of fusarium.

Especially popular among gardeners are such drugs as Gumata-K, Trichodermin, Fitosporin-M, Gliokladin and Agat 23K. With a massive lesion, the plantings are sprayed with chemical compounds. The list of the most effective means include Benorad, Fundazol and Horus.

After the crop is harvested, the soil is treated with Nitrafen. The treatment solution is prepared following the instructions for use. It is attached to the drug.

It is impossible to combine biological and chemical agents. This will reduce the effectiveness of each medication and adversely affect the condition of the bushes. After chemical treatment, the fruits should not be eaten for several weeks.

Gardeners should not forget about folk methods. They are safe for both people and plants. The list of therapeutic compounds is quite extensive. Most often, a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a milk-iodine mixture are used. When spraying plants, the gardener should be guided by the correct algorithm. Otherwise there will be no positive result.

The soil on which strawberries grow can be fed with yeast and humate with potassium.

The latter increases the resistance of the culture to infection, in particular fungi and parasites. With fusariosis, the affected bushes of strawberries and strawberries must be destroyed. No plant residues should remain on the site.

Sustainable Strawberry Varieties

The following strawberries are included in this category:

  • Arosa;
  • Yamaska;
  • Bohemia;
  • Alice;
  • Gorella
  • Florence;
  • Judibel;
  • Flamenco.

The list can be supplemented with such varieties as Capri, Tristar, Kristin, Totem, Redgontlet, Talisman, Sonata. They will not have to be treated for Fusarium, since they are rarely infected with them.

Fusarium wilting is a serious ailment, which is quite difficult to resist. The success of therapy is determined by the stage at which therapy was started. Each gardener should know how to treat strawberries. Only in this case the fight against infection will lead to the desired results.


Watch the video: Identifying and Preventing Verticillium Wilt (September 2024).