5 of the sweetest and most fruitful beet varieties that all summer residents love


Beetroot is a useful and indispensable vegetable in many dishes. The five sweetest varieties of this root crop, which we will talk about, deserve special attention.

Beet "Ordinary Miracle"

Belongs to mid-season grades. The ripening period of root crops is about 100-117 days. The vegetable has a pleasant sweet taste, which was liked by most experts and won the tasting.

The pulp is dark red, without rings. Roundedly flat root crops have a mass of 250-500 g and are very well stored. This variety loves light, neutral-reaction soil.

Beet "Bravo"

The variety was bred in Western Siberia, but is also suitable for the southern regions. The mass of ripened round-flat root crops is 200-700 g. The yield is high, up to 9 kg per square meter.

The pulp has no rings. Root crops are well stored. When growing, it is necessary to combat midges, which often damage the plant during the growing season.

Beet "Kozak"

Root crops weighing about 300 g have a cylindrical shape and juicy pulp without coarse fibers. This variety is suitable for cultivation in most regions of Russia.

Prefers neutral soil. It has no problems with tsvetochnosti, and cercosporosis. It has good immunity to parasitic diseases. Differs in good keeping quality.

Beet "Mulatto"

A variety of rounded mid-season root crops with a diameter of 5-10 cm, weighing 150-350 g. Ripens in 120-130 days. Beets are well stored and transported. It has excellent taste. Productivity is high, more than 400 centners per hectare, depending on the frequency of planting and climate.

Resistant to most pests and dry soil. The pulp without rings, has a uniform structure of red color. Good color retention after heat treatment, preservation and freezing.

Beetroot "Ataman"

Refers to medium-late varieties. Root crops of a cylindrical shape of dark red color, weighing up to 750-800 g. Productivity depends on cultivation conditions, climate, soil and frequency of planting.

Easily tolerates minor frosts. It requires light soil, sufficient watering, especially during the formation of root crops. Needs periodic feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers.
