Tomato Pink elephant - a fabulous harvest in your beds!


It is known that among the owners of greenhouses and garden beds, tomato varieties with pink colored fruits are especially popular. After all, they are distinguished by a pronounced aroma, light acidity and special sugar content. These are varieties most often intended for use in summer salads. And the variety Pink elephant is one of the famous among them.

Description of the variety Pink elephant, its characteristics, region of cultivation

Variety of Russian selection. An application for registration of a variety in the State Register was filed in December 1997 by the company "Giskov-Agro". He was included in the State Register for the Russian Federation in 1998. It is recommended for cultivation under film shelters in all regions of the Russian Federation. The variety is not intended for industrial cultivation, but is appreciated by the owners of small plots of land.

Table: main characteristics of the variety

Ripening timeMid-season, ripening occurs on 112 days after emergence
Bush height, formation featuresSemi-determinant, 1.3-1.5 m, it is necessary to conduct stepsoning
Inflorescence SequenceThe first inflorescence is laid over the 7th leaf, the next - after 2-3 leaves.
The average weight of the fetus280 g
Productivity6.2-8.2 kg / sq.m.
TasteSweet and sour
Grade valueLarge-fruited, sugar content, high palatability of fruits

The bush has a spreading shape, requires mandatory garter and formation. Planting scheme for growing in 1 stalk 50 × 50 cm. In this case, 4 bushes will be placed on 1 square meter.

The pink elephant grows tall and requires a garter

The name itself suggests that the fruits of this variety of tomatoes are large, with a pink color. The shape of the fruit is flat-rounded, in its upper part there is a slight ribbing. Most often, the fruit contains 4 chambers with seeds.

The Pink Elephant variety is especially good for use in salads.

Distinctive features of the variety, its pros and cons compared to others

The closest in their characteristics to this variety are pink tomatoes Pink Honey and Early Abakan.

If we compare the variety Pink elephant with a similar variety Raspberry giant, then we can note that the bush at the Pink elephant is much higher. And in taste, fruit size, yield and early maturity, both varieties are approximately the same.

In terms of resistance to cracking, Angela Giant and Brandy are superior to Pink Elephant..

Despite the fact that the variety is sugary, the varieties Pink Spam, Victoria, Debutanka, Vernissage are slightly superior to it in this indicator.

In general, the variety Pink Elephant can be noted a lot of advantages:

  • large-fruited
  • high palatability
  • sugar structure of fruits,
  • a sufficiently long shelf life,
  • resistance to diseases and pests,
  • the ability to collect seeds for future use.

The taste of the Pink elephant is excellent: the fruits are large, fleshy, with a small number of seeds, very tasty

If you try to name the flaws, then, probably, these will be the features that characterize all tall large-fruited varieties:

  • exactingness to growing conditions,
  • the need for constant formation of the bush: it is necessary to carry out stepsoning, the plant requires compulsory garter, and not only the stem, but also the brushes themselves need to be tied, because forming fruits can reach half a kilogram of weight.

Features of planting and growing tomatoes Pink elephant

Despite the fact that tomatoes of this variety cannot be considered very capricious, they, like all large-fruited varieties, require the creation of certain conditions for growing.

Growing seedlings of tomato varieties Pink elephant

Sow seeds for seedlings in March. A more accurate sowing date will depend on the specific region and the place of growing seedlings (in a greenhouse or in an apartment). Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Those that have sunk to the bottom can be sown, those remaining on the surface are unimaginable.

After the emergence of seedlings, the container is transferred to a cooler and brighter place (it is possible on the windowsill) and make sure that the soil is not too wet, but also does not dry out. You need to water the seedlings as the soil dries in the container. If the weather is cloudy, then watering is reduced. You can dive seedlings after the first two true leaves are formed. Most often this happens on the tenth day after the seedlings sprout.

Caring for plants after a dive includes observing the correct temperature regime (+ 15-18 ° C at night and 20-23 ° C during the day) and maintaining sufficient soil moisture. About a week after this procedure, the plants begin to increase the growth of the root system. At this time, it is important to provide them with sufficient lighting (preferably natural).

The process of growing seedlings of this variety is no different from other varieties

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

You can plant seedlings in a greenhouse at the end of April.

It is advisable to prepare the soil in the greenhouse a week and a half before planting seedlings. When preparing the soil for each well, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of superphosphate, a pinch of complex fertilizer Ava, a glass of ash and then mix the soil well.

The complex Ava product contains the optimal ratio of chemical elements necessary for normal plant life

After the temperature in the greenhouse warms up to 13-15aboutC, seedlings can already be planted, at a lower temperature, the planted tomatoes will have a weak development of the root system.

It is better to do this in the late afternoon or in cloudy weather. Immediately before the start of the procedure, the wells are filled with water and, having waited until it is absorbed, they take the plant out of the container in which it grew, put it in the prepared hole, sprinkle it with earth and ram it around the stem.

Proper tomato seedlings should be short and stocky

Next time you need to water the planted seedlings no earlier than a week later. With hilling seedlings should not be in a hurry. The first time should be limited to loosening the soil and gartering the plants to the support.

Tie up at the Pink elephant will have not only branches, but also the brushes themselves as the fruits increase

Proper care and shaping

The rules for growing large-fruited tomatoes indicate that

  1. To form a plant should be in one or two stems.
  2. Water the tomatoes once a week, with warm water, and after watering, ventilate the greenhouse.
  3. Mulching with peat or shredded grass will help to avoid quick drying of the soil.
  4. You should regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds, which will help to avoid the appearance of root rot.
  5. The resulting stepsons must be removed regularly. This should be done after preliminary watering, preferably in the early morning.

    Stepsons must be removed regularly

  6. Thinning is necessary not only shoots, but also flower brushes. On the first two brushes, no more than 3-4 flowers are left, and the 3rd brush is thinned out. In this case, larger fruits can be expected.

Video: proper formation of Pink Elephant variety tomatoes

To form tomatoes of this variety can be in one or two stems.

Tall tomato varieties require constant attention

At the moment, I do not have my own knowledge about this variety of tomatoes, because so far I have not met with the Pink Elephant. But I cultivated other varieties with pink coloration of fruits and really appreciate them. Indeed, tall varieties require more attention than determinant ones, but picking a large tomato with sugar pulp to the table is extremely pleasant. Therefore, I am fully in favor of such varieties growing in our greenhouses. On the forums you can find reviews of those who have already tried to grow tomatoes of this variety.


I always plant tomatoes in my garden. I really like the fruits of the Pink Elephant tomato variety. I bought its seeds last year in the market. In one pack there was only 1 gram of seeds and they cost 25 rubles. The cost of seeds is not large, given the yield of this variety. Tomatoes are not early. They have an average ripening period. Tomatoes live up to their name. They are very large and juicy inside. I always sow seeds for seedlings. So I get an earlier crop of vegetables. The first tomatoes of the Pink Elephant variety I remove from the bushes after 112 days from the moment of sowing the seeds in the ground. In May, I plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse in May. There it grows quickly and forms a good harvest of fruits. Tomatoes of the Pink Elephant variety form medium-sized bushes. On each of them from 6 to 8 tomatoes are tied. They are rounded flattened, dark pink in color. The fruits are quite large. I did not have a fetus weighing less than 300 grams. From one bush I collect at least four kilograms of tomatoes. Tomatoes are very juicy and tasty. They have juicy pulp. A large mass of tomatoes allows me to make a tomato out of them. I eat fresh tomatoes, add them to salads, and use them in cooking. I like this variety not only for its yield and excellent taste, but it is still resistant to viral diseases and a number of diseases. To get a good harvest, it is enough to water the plants on time, to loosen and fertilize. I only fertilize them with organics.



Variety Pink elephant received such an attractive name for its huge fruits of pink color. Adherents of gigantomania will certainly fall in love with him, and perhaps they will be able to grow a fruit weighing more than a kilogram. This handsome man appeared on my site a long time ago. I do not grow it every year, but periodically I return to it. All I want is to find a worthy substitute for it, so that the fruits are huge and there is an unlimited amount on the bush, and the taste is not watery. But, as you know, the larger the tomato, the fewer the fruits on the bush. Although it can’t be called lean, as a dozen tomatoes of the Pink Elephant will fill a bucket. The fruits differ not only in size, but also in a pleasant taste - a lot of meat, few seeds. They make an excellent tomato juice. The pink elephant is mid-early ripening and, thanks to this, it can be grown both indoors and outdoors. In a good summer, the first two brushes successfully mature in our Perm Territory. Well, the rest have to be dosed in the room. The bushes are high, they rest against the ceiling in the greenhouse, so you have to pinch them already on the 20th of July. On the ground they reach 1.5 meters in height. They require pinching. Despite the fact that the manufacturer assures the variety is resistant to late blight and other diseases, the Pink elephant, like other large fructuses, is prone to various tomato sores. But this does not mean that you need to abandon the cultivation of delicious tomatoes! It is simply necessary to observe the technology of growing tomatoes: carry out preventive treatment of bushes with phytosporin, tie up bushes in time and remove leaves that touch the ground.In spite of all the difficulties of growing large and tasty tomatoes, a real gardener will never exchange them for unpretentious wooden hybrids.



Video review about growing tomatoes Pink elephant

The harvest of the Pink Elephant is sure to please anyone who tries to grow this wonderful tomato variety.

Harvest, sugar Pink elephant is especially good for growing in a small summer garden. There will be something to please yourself and boast to your neighbors a truly "elephant" crop of your favorite tomatoes.


Watch the video: Allotment Days #44 Banana Shallot and Tomato Harvesting (October 2024).