Grapes Nadezhda Aksayskaya: a reliable variety for your garden


Among the variety of varieties and hybrid forms of grapes, it is important to find one that will take root well on your site, will please the crop and not burden the need for excessive care. The key to success is choosing a variety zoned in your area. But there are varieties and forms, the cultivation of which in less favorable conditions does not require incredible effort and money. Nadezhda Aksayskaya is one of such unpretentious forms. A little knowledge and effort - and in your garden clusters of beautiful berries will sing.

Nadezhda Aksayskaya: history of the appearance of the variety, description and characteristics

Nadezhda Aksayskaya (sometimes called Nadezhda Aksaya) is a hybrid form of such popular grape varieties as Talisman and Arkady, bred by amateur breeder Vasily Ulyanovich Kapelyushny. Tests of Hope Aksayskaya V.U. Kapelushny spent about 10 years observing hundreds of bushes at his site in the Aksai district of the Rostov region. The grapes have proven themselves, proved to be fruitful, quite resistant to diseases, not difficult to grow, they were interested in winegrowers, and as a result, Nadezhda Aksayskaya began to grow and spread far beyond the Rostov region.

Nadezhda Aksayskaya is a table form of white grapes, it is characterized by large clusters (an average of 700-1200 g, but can reach 2 kg). The berries are oblong, light green (in the sun they can “brown”), large (8-12 g and more), with a high sugar content (16-18%), with full ripening, have a light muscat flavor. Under the dense, but not hard skin - juicy, dense pulp. Berries are not prone to cracking. It should also be noted the excellent presentation and high transportability of bunches and berries.

The berries of Nadezhda Aksayskaya grape are strong, large, light green in color, when fully ripe, they may turn slightly yellow.

The ripening period in open ground in the North Caucasus region, where the hybrid form was zoned, is 110-115 days (early ripening period). Gardeners also note the good ripening of the vine.

According to the registry of the FSBI "State Commission", the North Caucasus admission region includes the Republic of Adygea, the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov Region, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Stavropol Territory, the Chechen Republic, and the Republic of Crimea.

With competent agricultural technology and favorable weather and climatic conditions, Nadezhda Aksayskaya gives a stable high yield - 35-40 kg per bush. If there is old wood on the bush, the yield increases, and the size of the clusters increases.

Relatively stable, this hybrid form of oidium, mildew and gray rot. But during periods of high humidity, it is recommended to carry out 1-2 preventive treatments against fungal diseases. Up to -24aboutC - such is the frost resistance of the fruit bud of Nadezhda Aksay. However, already at -16aboutWith bushes must be carefully sheltered.

Video: what the hybrid form of grapes Nadezhda Aksayskaya looks like

Independent form or double grade?

Since Nadezhda Aksayskaya is a derivative form of Talisman and Arcadia grape varieties, many of their characteristics are similar. Differences between Nadezhda Aksay and the Talisman for wine growers are obvious, but there are ongoing disputes between gardeners about the similarity with Arcadia.

Some winegrowers prefer Nadezhda Aksayskaya, calling it an improved copy of Arcadia, and see a clear difference between them.

I have both forms growing and under the same conditions and the same attitude, both show themselves differently, I will not convince anyone of anything, but I get different brushes and at the market they take first Nadezhda Aksayskaya, and then Arkady. The color and condition of the pulp are slightly different (Nadezhda Aksayskaya is denser), also Nadezhda Aksayskaya has denser stuffed clusters, which sometimes adversely affects the condition of berries in the bunch. I note that I do not use any stimulants to increase the yield. And in terms of resistance to sores, it behaves more confidently, some hands hung until the end of September, this does not work for Arcadia. But this is only my opinion. ... The age of the bushes is the same. ... Even if this form is a variety of Arcadia, today for some reason my family and I like it better than Arcadia, especially after the past rains, when the berry from Arcadia becomes marmalade and Nadezhda Aksayskaya holds hardness.



Large clusters are characteristic of Nadezhda Aksayskaya, the mass of which can reach up to 2 kg. On the left is a bunch of Arcadia, on the right is Nadezhda Aksayskaya

For some, Nadezhda Aksayskaya and Arkadia are indistinguishable, or are distinguishable only within the framework of different agricultural techniques (for example, the water content of berries can be a sign of overload, and the ripening period (especially if the differences in term are insignificant) can be affected, for example, by the location of the bush).

Of all the grape varieties that I bear in the open ground of the Moscow Region (trench method), Nadezhda Aksayskaya is the best variety. Those who know the variety Arcadia understand me. For the rest I will explain. This is a white-berry, large-fruited, table grape variety. In appearance and taste, it is identical to imported white grapes, which are sold in our supermarkets. By the size of the berry, only Talisman and FVR-7-9 surpass it, which also grow in my open ground (in trenches). But they are peas, at Nadezhda Aksayskaya the cluster is large, the berry is even with a yellow tint. As for the ripening of the vine, I must say that it is very dependent on the load. If the bush is loaded with crops, the vine ripens worse than a bush without a crop. For example, in young Arcadia (a small signaling), to date, the vine has ripened much better than that of Nadezhda Aksayskaya, which gave a decent harvest. Berry in Arcadia in the sun, too, with a yellow tint. Personally, it’s hard for me to distinguish them from each other.

... By the way, Nadezhda Aksai’s pulp is not liquid, at the level of Arcadia.

... Wasps don’t touch it, it doesn’t burst from the rain, it does not rot on the ground, it doesn’t get sick with mildew, the taste of the berry is excellent, the bunch is large and elegant.



For non-professionals, the berries of Nadezhda Aksayskaya (above) and Arcadia (below) are almost indistinguishable

But even those who do not see fundamental differences note an earlier ripening period (which is already a great advantage of the hybrid form and allows growing it in regions where difficulties can arise with the maturation of Arcadia) and a higher sugar content in the berries.

About 10 years ago I went to Vasily Ulyanovich for seedlings. What I wanted to get from him was partially out of stock. I decided to fill in the gaps with hybrid forms on the recommendation of Ulyanovich. Including Nadezhda Aksayskaya (ON). Landing was carried out in one year with Arcadia, taken from V.N. Kolesnikov Indeed, by the time the external signs of maturation ripened, I could not find differences, as I had not looked closely from year to year. And even the seedlings stopped doing, so as not to prove the unprovable. In fairness, I’ll say that it ripens a little earlier and is gaining more sugar.



That's precisely for this reason, in the suburbs, there may be an advantage in Nadezhda Aksayskaya (NA) over Arcadia. If the bush that I consider Nadezhda Aksayskaya will have the same maturity, ripening of the vine, etc., then it can be a good addition to Arcadia. On matured much earlier, but could not hang for a long time - wasps began to attack it. They took off, ate with pleasure. Here Arkady arrived, the wasps were not very interested in it, hung for a very long time, took it off at the end of October. Well, I remember that something was missing for me in the taste of Arcadia, perhaps we need to more stringently standardize it so that it takes more sugar.

Tatyana Luzhki


Perhaps Nadezhda Aksayskaya has no fundamental differences from Arcadia, but this does not detract from its merits. After all, no one criticizes the stamina and disease resistance of Nadezhda Aksay, its productivity, marketability and taste of bunches and berries. With these characteristics, everything is in order. The stumbling block is the lack of fundamental differences between the forms. But it’s not so bad for Nadezhda Aksayskaya this similarity, given that many professional winegrowers give Arcadia a place in the top ten varieties!

Due to its productivity and endurance, Nadezhda Aksayskaya fell in love with winegrowers from different regions of the country

Features of planting and growing

The hybrid form Nadezhda Aksayskaya is popular with amateur gardeners and beginner winegrowers due to its productivity and unpretentiousness in care. The agricultural technology of this variety is simple, it is enough to take into account the general rules for growing grapes and know some features of the form itself.

Growing Nadezhda Aksayskaya is possible as seedlings, and cuttings. You cannot select any of these methods, because cuttings of this variety are usually well rooted, and annual seedlings have an excellent root system and good growth. The choice of method of cultivation depends only on the preferences of the grower himself.

Seedlings and cuttings are recommended to be bought either in nurseries with a good reputation, or from trusted, experienced winegrowers who have proven themselves (you can also turn to them for recommendations on cultivation and care). So you can be sure that, firstly, you have acquired high-quality planting material, and secondly, that you will grow exactly the variety that you bought. Unfortunately, there are dishonest sellers who, under the guise of a promising new product, sell a similar, but different variety, or greatly embellish the characteristics of the variety.

Nadezhda Aksayskaya is characterized by a bush of great growth power. The vine of this variety grows extremely quickly and reaches several meters in length by the end of the season, so you need to take care of the supports or trellises in advance, on which shoots with leaves and bunches will be placed and the vine will be attached. Free and uniform placement of the bush on the trellis creates favorable conditions for access of sunlight to inflorescences and clusters, improves air circulation between them. Thanks to this, flowers are better pollinated, berries ripen faster, the likelihood of fungal diseases is reduced.

Video: placement of a bush of grape variety Nadezhda Aksayskaya on a trellis

Nadezhda Aksayskaya is prone to overloading with crops, so it is necessary to normalize the bush with shoots, inflorescences, and then clusters.

The optimal load for the variety when normalized by shoots is 30-35 eyes. If the bush is underloaded, the yield will decrease, and excessive overload will weaken the plant, as a result of which it may die. Another likely sad result of the wrong load is the loss of yield (both in the current and next year).

Nadezhda Aksayskaya is prone to overloading with crops, so the bush needs to be normalized by shoots, inflorescences and bunches

When pruning for 2-4 eyes, the high yield of the hybrid form is preserved.

The healthy bush of Nadezhda Aksayskaya has a powerful root system, therefore it is necessary to avoid excessive watering and strictly regulate, especially in the second half of summer, the application of organic and nitrogen fertilizers.

Since the variety has good resistance to diseases, standard measures for their prevention are sufficient. As an exception, during periods of prolonged rains, when high humidity contributes to the development of fungal diseases, it is necessary to do 1-2 unplanned treatments with antifungal drugs. It should also be remembered that such simple techniques as regular removal of weeds and collecting fallen leaves, garter, chasing (removal of the upper part) and pinching of shoots, proper pruning and regulation of the load can significantly reduce the risk of bush disease and parasite damage.

Nadezhda Aksayskaya is resistant to cold, withstands frosts down to -24aboutC, but already at -16aboutC is recommended to cover it.

Growing in the middle lane, in the Urals and in Siberia

Those who grew it in the middle zone, in Siberia and the Urals speak well of Nadezhda Aksayskaya.

In the middle lane, this variety does not cause trouble for gardeners and is successfully grown, pleasing with the crop. Seedlings and cuttings take root well even in the open ground, and vine growers also note good ripening of the vine.

I will share my impressions of this form (mainly for middle-range growers). I received Nadezhda Aksayskaya (NA) in 2008 - the order came late, the seedlings were 3 with a minus, it was impossible to plant, I had to put everything in storage, in the spring I just had to throw out some seedlings. It was also in this heap, then the "toad strangled", I decided to put it for growing in a container. As a result, there weren’t enough containers for everyone, I planted them immediately on the ground on May 8, 2009, there were no special “dances” around her, the seedling was short, I planted it in a buried bucket. By September 20, when my vegetation (freezing) was over, I gave out a vine of 2 m 20 cm, matured by 1.7-1.8 m, the crown of the ripened growth was 6 mm, I didn’t measure it below, but it was a pity to cut into 2 buds. At the stepson, the bunch threw out, did not hurt. Stability is higher than the stated 3.5.

Oleg Shvedov


In Siberia, it ripens in a greenhouse in the third decade of August, with proper care it can grow in open ground, but additionally requires temporary shelter in the off-season - in spring and autumn. Well established Nadezhda Aksayskaya and in the Urals.

In the Urals, he showed himself well both in wintering and in abundant fruiting, but I lost it due to overload (the clusters were excellent) - I did not leave the wintering.

Anatoly Galert


When choosing grapes for your garden, pay attention to the variety Nadezhda Aksayskaya. Both professional winegrowers and amateur gardeners note its productivity, ease of cultivation, frost resistance, disease resistance and, of course, the excellent taste and quality of berries.


Watch the video: Best Crops to Grow in a Survival Garden (September 2024).