Red currant, including large-fruited: description of varieties, cultivation in the regions


The redcurrant cultivated in gardens has long been valued for its abundant, long-lasting crop and rich taste. A large assortment of red currants provides a variety of tastes for gardeners.

Variety of red currant varieties

Under natural growing conditions, up to 20 subspecies of red currant are found, which served as the foundation for the cultivation of cultural forms.

White and pink currants do not stand out in a separate form, being only a variety of red. They have no differences and the method of growing with care.

Large-fruited red currants

When choosing a new variety for the site, gardeners will be guided by their wishes and needs. So, many will pay attention to the size of the fruit, since large berries are mostly intended for fresh consumption.


Late-ripening variety of breeding work of Russian scientists, is being tested. Hazora has a high resistance to adverse winter conditions, as well as high immunity. Fruits annually and abundantly. Its bushes are low, but sprawling.

The Asora variety stands out among others for its large sweet fruits.

The weight of one sweet and sour currant is approximately 1.3 g. The skin is very thin, light red in color. In the brushes, all berries are usually the same size, spherical in shape.

Grade Features:

  • winter hardy;
  • resistant to powdery mildew and pests;
  • berries do not crumple and do not deteriorate during transportation.


A hybrid of Chulkovskaya and Cascade varieties obtained by V.S. Ilyin, is being tested. Alpha bushes of medium height, medium spreading and loose, consist of upright shoots. The leaves consist of five lobes, medium-sized, dark green in color. The surface of the leaves is glossy, slightly wrinkled, concave along the veins. The mass of sweet and sour currants reaches 1.5 g. In the brush, all rounded berries having a delicate red skin are about the same size.

Alpha fruits are rightfully considered one of the largest

Grade Features:

  • It tolerates cold winters, but is damaged by severe frosts;
  • plentiful crops - from 1.8 kg / bush;
  • low need for additional pollination;
  • powdery mildew immune variety.


A hybrid of cultivars Smena and Krasnaya Andreichenko, authorship of V.N. Sorokopudova and M.G. Konovalova. Currently being tested. A medium-tall bush, dense, consisting of upright shoots covered with grayish bark. Young stems have bluish-green tops. The leaves are three-lobed, medium-sized, with a matte, slightly wrinkled surface.

Baraba red currant has a very bright, rich scarlet skin

Baraba brushes grow up to 7 cm, consist of large (about 1.5 g) sphere-shaped fruits. The rather thick peel of the berries is red. This variety has a sweet taste with tangible acidity.

Grade Features:

  • tolerates frost and drought;
  • abundant annual crop - about 2.7 kg / bush;
  • low resistance to anthracnose and septoria.

Early varieties of red currant

Varieties with an early harvest are valued in areas with a short, choppy summer, where late red currants simply do not have time to ripen. Maturity is reached from mid-June to mid-July.

Early sweet

Hybrid varieties Chulkovskaya and Laturnays, authorship N.K. Smolyaninova and A.P. Nitochkina. Recommended for breeding in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth regions and Eastern Siberia.

The early sweet is fully consistent with its name: it has the sweetest berries from the early varieties

The bushes are low, loose, almost do not decay. New shoots are green with a reddish dusting, old-growth - gray with a brownish tint. Leaves of two types: three- or five-lobed, mid-sized. The surface of the leaves is light green in color, not pubescent, has easy folding. Currants are sour-sweet, not the largest - on average weigh about 0.6-0.9 g. In the brush, the berries are round in shape, decreasing towards the tip. Separation from the stalk is dry.


An ancient hybrid cultivar of Faye fertile and Houghton Castle, bred by N.I. Pavlova. Zoned in the North-West, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Middle Volga regions and the Urals.

The bushes are medium tall, very powerful, wide and dense. Currant trunks bend only in the upper part, with a pinkish bark on the tops. The leaves are five-lobed, dark green in color. Berries no more than 0.5 g with large seeds. The taste is sweet with moderate acidity, pleasant.

Generous - one of the oldest and most famous varieties of red currant

Grade Features:

  • low ability to self-pollination;
  • a small yield of about 3.5 kg / bush;
  • extreme frost resistance of flower buds;
  • poor resistance to anthracnose, terry, as well as colonization of currant kidney mites.

Ural Lights

Young variety (bred in 2000) V.S. Ilyina and A.P. Gubenko, descended from Faya fertile as a result of pollination. Ural and Volga-Vyatka are regions where, according to the State Register, its cultivation is permissible.

The bushes are medium-sized, dense, young shoots bend slightly in the upper part, which gives the bush a slightly spreading appearance. Leaf blades are five-lobed, medium-sized. The surface of the leaves is saturated green, slightly wrinkled, no pubescence.

The Ural Lights variety was developed specifically for cultivation in harsh climatic conditions.

The variety is characterized by rather large fruits, the weight of which is 0.5-1.0 g. Throughout the brush, currants are the same size and spherical in shape, with a thin red skin. Ural Lights has a flesh of a richly sweet, slightly sour taste.

Grade Features:

  • low need for artificial pollination;
  • abundantly fruiting variety - 6.4 kg / bush;
  • winter-hardy;
  • resistant to various diseases.

Yonker van Tets (Jonker van Tets)

The Dutch hybrid of varieties Faya is fertile and the London Market was launched back in 1941. Recommended for breeding in the Central Black Earth, North-West, Volga-Vyatka regions.

Bushes are fast-growing, composed of erect shoots, very dense. The bark of young shoots has a pinkish tint, the old shoots are flexible, with light bark. Leathery leaves form five lobes, large, dark green in color. The plate is concave along the veins and slightly wrinkled. The size of the currant is slightly above average - the weight of a round or slightly pear-shaped berry is approximately 0.7 g. The skin is dense, the taste of the pulp is characterized as sour-sweet.

The berries of the Dutch selection of Jonker van Tets have a very thin skin, therefore, so that the fruits do not crack, do not abuse abundant watering

Grade Features:

  • practically not affected by various diseases;
  • annual crop, plentiful - 6.5 kg / bush;
  • ovaries due to early flowering are affected by spring return frosts.

Later varieties of red currant

Late ripe berries delight at the very end of the season - they ripen en masse after August 10.

Dutch red

An old variety whose breeding history is unknown. According to the State Register, its cultivation is allowed in the Northern, North-Western, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Lower Volga regions, in Western and Eastern Siberia.

Bushes are fast-growing, dense. Young specimens are upright; in adults, the bushes are sprawling. Bark of non-lignified shoots of green color with raspberry dusting. Dark green leaves are composed of five lobes, the central of which is much longer and sharper. The leaf surface is not pubescent, shiny, slightly wrinkled.

One of the oldest varieties grown in the CIS - Dutch red

The weight of red roundish or slightly flattened from the poles of the Dutch red berries ranges from 0.6 to 1.0 g. The taste is mediocre, with a noticeable acidity. The separation of currants from the stalks is dry.

Grade Features:

  • does not require pollination from the outside;
  • an impressive crop volume - 4.6 kg / bush;
  • high resistance to pests and infections;
  • large seeds in medium-sized fruits.

Rosita (Rosetta)

In many open sources, as well as in nurseries, Rosita red currant has a second name - Rosetta. Variety hybrid Red Cross and Minnesota. The variety is allowed by the State Register for breeding only in the West Siberian region.

Bushy short, dense - grow compactly. The bark is brown with a red tint. The leaves are dark green in color with three distinct blades. Leathery leaf blades have virtually no pubescence. Currants are one of the largest among late-ripening varieties - weigh up to 1.7 g. Sweet and sour berries are characterized by an almost ovoid form. The length of the brush is about 10 cm.

Rosetta is recommended for trellis cultivation.

Grade Features:

  • average resistance to anthracnose and septoria;
  • drought tolerant, heat and winter hardy;
  • the yield from one bush is approximately 2.8 kg.


Hybrid of Kandalaksha and Victoria Red, obtained by S.D. Elsakova and T.V. Romanova for the Northern region.

Bushes of Tatyana are fast-growing, friable. Trunks dark colored, unbending. Three-lobed leaves are larger than medium, saturated green. Leaf plates are very pubescent on the underside, concave along the veins.

Currant variety Tatyana differs from others in a dark, almost burgundy color of berries

The brushes contain 10-12 currants, the weight of which is about 0.7 g. The berry is round, all the same size, with a dense red skin. To taste the berries of the variety Tatiana have a very small acidity.

Grade Features:

  • low need for pollinators;
  • winter hardiness;
  • annual productivity, high - 5 kg / bush;
  • almost not affected by pests and diseases;
  • does not form carrion.


The result of crossing the Vishnevaya variety and the hybrid Miraculous and Dutch red is included in the list of recommended for breeding in the Central region.

Small bushes, neat, branching weakly. Bark of age-related shoots of gray color, exfoliating in places. Five leaf blades are dark green in color and have a leathery, matte, slightly wrinkled surface. The leaf blades are completely flat. Currants of medium size - up to 0.8 g, along the entire length of the brush of the same size. Spherical berries with scarlet thin skin, sour-sweet taste.

The beloved got its name for one-dimensional berries crowding on the hands

Grade Features:

  • winter-hardy;
  • average crop volumes with high self-fertility;
  • low resistance to spotting of various etiologies.

Ural beauty

A hybrid of Chulkovskaya and Faya varieties is fertile. Passed tests in the Ural and West Siberian regions.

Bushes below average height, dense, but slightly spreading. Young green shoots bend slightly in the upper part, do not have pubescence. The leaves are five-lobed, very large with a dark green glossy surface. Leaf plates are concave along the central veins. The brush in most cases is not less than 7 cm, rather loose, but consisting of equally large berries. The maximum weight of one is 1.5 g. The sweet taste of the fruits of the Ural beauty lacks even a bit of sourness.

Berries of the Ural beauty are famous for their sweet taste

Grade Features:

  • winter-hardy;
  • produces an abundant crop annually - 3.5-15.5 kg / bush;
  • immunity against powdery mildew, but susceptibility to colonization with fireworks and sawflies.

Sweet varieties

Red currant is a rather sour berry, which few are able to eat "live", that is, fresh. One of the directions of breeding work is the cultivation of sweet, dessert, varieties.

Red Cross

An old American hybrid of Cherry and White grapes.

Admission to cultivation according to the State Register:

  • Central;
  • Volga-Vyatka;
  • Middle Volga;
  • Lower Volga;
  • Ural;
  • Western and Eastern Siberia.

Medium-tall bushes, slightly sprawling, irregular crown. The tops of young bare shafts of a pinkish tint. Medium-sized leaves have five lobes and a wrinkled, dull surface. On the central vein a little folded. The middle lobe is wide, with a blunt apex. The length of the brush does not exceed 6 cm, it is densely hung with berries (weight on average more than 0.8 g). Currants are quite transparent, flattened at the poles. Separation from the stalks is dry. The taste of the Red Cross is sweet and sour, evaluated on a five-point scale of 4.

The Red Cross is one of the most popular varieties of American breeding, which has found recognition in other countries.

Grade Features:

  • does not need artificial pollination;
  • average productivity - 2.7 kg / bush;
  • almost non-resistant;
  • low immunity to anthracnose;
  • requires fertile soil.


The result of crossing the Khibiny and the Firstborn, recommended for cultivation in the Northern region.

Shrubs of medium size with a slightly spreading, but dense crown. Large, concave along the central vein, five-lobed leaves with a leathery, glossy surface. Fruit brushes are long, densely humbled by 10-13 small berries. The average weight of about 0.5 g. The skin has a light red color, delicate. Svetlana has a sweet taste with a slight acidity. The fruits have no characteristic odor.

Svetlana variety, in addition to a rich taste, has another advantage - its berries do not fall from the branches when ripe

Grade Features:

  • hardy;
  • does not form scavenger;
  • does not require additional pollination;
  • high productivity - 5.5 kg / bush;
  • immunity to infections and pests.

New varieties

Among other things, work on breeding new varieties is also aimed at obtaining more advanced varieties. Resistance to various infections and insect pests is artificially increased, the size of berries and the volume of the crop increase. And also undemanding to the growing conditions of the plant are created.


Early ripening variety, the result of free pollination of Yonker van Tets. Designed for cultivation in Western Siberia.

Bushes of medium height, almost not decaying, dense. Unwoody shoots naked with a light green bark. Large dark green leaves are composed of five leathery, shiny blades. Leaf blades are concave along the veins, bend downward. The central blade of the leaf is much longer than the lateral ones. The brushes are small, about 5 cm long, but with large (up to 1.6 g) spherical dark scarlet fruits of a sour-sweet taste.

Variety Ilyinka was included in the lists of the State Register only in 2017

Grade Features:

  • winter-hardy;
  • self-fertile, highly productive - 5 kg / bush;
  • high immunity to pests and diseases.


Mid-season hybrid of Chulkovskaya and Maarses Prominent. Growing areas according to the State Register: Western Siberia and the Far East.

The bushes are medium in height, rather loose, but made up of upright shoots. Young shoots green with a reddish spray. Leaves of five large lobes of dark green color, with pointed tops. The leaf surface has a slight wrinkle. Large brushes - up to 11 cm long. Currants are medium sized, spherical, with dark red skin. It tastes sweet and sour.

Asya variety, tested in 2013, has long fruit brushes strewn with medium-sized sweet berries

Grade Features:

  • winter-hardy;
  • annually brings a crop - 2.5-3.8 kg / bush;
  • susceptible to powdery mildew and spotting.

Marmalade Maker

A very late-ripening hybrid variety, obtained from the varieties Rote Shpetlese and Maarses Prominent, grown in the Central Black Earth region and Western Siberia.

Medium-tall bushes, dense, semi-spreading. Young stems have a light pinkish tinge of the bark. Leaves of five dark green, glossy lobes, on the underside with strong felt pubescence. Leaf blades are even, without bends, but wrinkled. The edges of the leaf are slightly wavy and raised up. The central lobe is much longer than the lateral ones.

Red currant of Marmalade variety is different from other lighter, orange-red berries

Fruit brushes about 10 cm long, densely planted with rounded berries (average weight 0.8 g). The skin color is orange-red, light veins are visible. Currants taste sour, but have high gelling properties.

Grade Features:

  • not damaged by frost;
  • average productivity - about 1.8 kg / bush;
  • not susceptible to powdery mildew and anthracnose.

Table: Recommended Varieties for Growing in Different Regions

RegionEarly gradesVarieties of the latest selectionLate gradesSweet varieties
Early sweetGenerousUral LightsYonker van TetsIlyinkaMarmalade MakerAsyaDutch redRositaTatyanaUral beautyDarlingRed CrossSvetlana
Central Black Earth++++
North Caucasian
Middle Volga+++
Lower Volga++
West Siberian+++++++
East Siberian+++
Far Eastern+

Gardeners reviews

I have this variety for about 10 years, but I did not know that they have such a respectable age and history! I want to note that YONKER VAN TETS has a really very high yield and taste in our conditions. Ripens earlier than most varieties, can be stored on bushes for a long time, while taste only improves.

Pustovoitenko Tatyana


Score 4 to taste in the variety Early Sweet is very underestimated.



Currant Lights of the Urals, at least 2 years old, started as fast as if waiting for her to be put into the ground. Honestly, I was afraid to take it.



There are many varieties of red currant on the plot, but of the latter we like the Marmalade variety. It tastes a bit sour, but very productive and hangs almost until the frost.

pioneer 2


Red currants are oppressed by onions. With a beloved nearby, chives grew, so it did not grow at all, as soon as it was removed, it began to develop. With Dutch pink nearby grows onions slime, the same picture, I will remove the onions. Between two bushes planted a family onion this year, also currants poorly developed.



Redcurrant jelly, jam, compotes - a storehouse of vitamins that must be harvested for the winter to strengthen immunity. Among the huge number of varieties, everyone will certainly find exactly what he will like.


Watch the video: Growing Gooseberries from Planting to Harvest (October 2024).