Panicle hydrangea (paniculata) - varieties, planting and care in the open ground


Panicle hydrangea is a shrub plant. Choose a culture because of its unpretentiousness, lush and long flowering. There are a large number of shades. There are dwarf and high varieties of hydrangea paniculata.

Description of panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)

It is difficult to name a representative of the Gortenziev family. Indeed, in a warm climate, it grows up to 10 m. The panicle hydrangea describes that it is a shrub with large pyramidal inflorescences.

Hydrangea paniculata vanilla freeze


Hydrangea comes from China, Japan. Into Europe introduced in the XIV century. Only wealthy people could allow such luxury to be planted in their garden. At that time, mainly white and scarlet species of shrub plants were planted in the gardens. Distributed by hydrangea paniculata in South and North America. Some species grow in the Far East.


Hydrangea inflorescences change color several times throughout the season. For example, creamy white “panicles” appear first, which subsequently turn pink. In the fall, inflorescences can be red, with local green patches.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of panicled hydrangea:

  • after planting, the shrub blooms for 3-4 years, some varieties begin to bloom in a year;
  • insensitive to temperature extremes;
  • the bush looks great as a separate element of landscape design, but it can be combined with other flower cultures;
  • the plant blooms for a long time - from July to October.

Shortcomings in panicle hydrangea are few. Rusty spots may appear on the peduncles of some varieties, which makes the bush look untidy.

Note! If hydrangea paniculata grows in an area with constant solar radiation, the inflorescences begin to burn out.

Diamand rouge in the flowering phase

Winter hardiness

The shrub is winter hardy. Perfectly takes root in the Urals and even in Siberia. Cover panicle hydrangea for the winter is not required. It is enough to sprinkle the barrel part with peat. This is necessary so that the root system is protected from the cold.

The most beautiful varieties and varieties of hydrangea paniculata for the Moscow region and the middle zone

Among panicled hydrangeas, there are many varieties that are great for the Moscow region. They are conditionally divided into groups:

  • Whites. Inflorescences have such varieties as Kiusu, Butterfly and Mustela. Many of the varieties at the very beginning of flowering have white hues.
  • Pink and raspberry. Vanilla Freyz first has snow-white inflorescences, which later acquire a rich raspberry color. Magic Candle at the beginning of flowering is white and cream, after which it turns pink. The Fairy Wings variety has inflorescences of a white hue that turn pink and ultimately acquire a dark crimson color.
  • Pink and white. Hues are characteristic of inflorescences of the varieties Freize Melba, Sunday Freise.
  • Reds. Inflorescences are observed in the variety Wims Red or Diamond Rouge (Diamond Rouge).
  • Yellow. Inherent to the hydrangea paniculata varieties are Candalight and Limelight.
  • Winter-hardy varieties: Winky Pinky, Magic Candle. They winter well in the suburbs and in the southern regions of Siberia.
  • Low-growing (dwarf) varieties. These include Bobo, Bombshell, Magic Mont Blanc. Do not exceed 1.2 m in height.
  • High grades. They reach a height of 2.5 m. They include Grandiflora, Limelight, Silver Dollar, Phantom.

The listed varieties of panicled hydrangea are the most famous among gardeners. Constantly introducing new ones that perfectly take root in the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

Planting panicle hydrangea in open ground in spring and summer

Hydrangea Candelait - description and cultivation of varieties in the open ground

Growing a bush on the plot is not at all difficult. Features of the choice of soil for panicle hydrangea, planting and care in the open ground for it, how to water and how to feed it is worth considering in more detail.

Planting panicle hydrangea in open ground

Selection and preparation of the place and soil

For planting flower culture choose a sunny place. It can grow in partial shade, but flowering will not be so long and magnificent. The landing site must be protected from the wind. Soil prefers slightly acidic, fertile.

Which plants are best planted next to

Panicled hydrangea is perfectly adjacent to ground cover plants. You can plant a crop under fruit trees. The bush grows to 1.5 m, so it needs extra space. Flowers that feel great on acidic soil can also be adjacent to shrubs.

How to plant

The process of planting shrubs in open ground is as follows:

  1. The place of future planting relieves the roots of another plant, digs the soil.
  2. 2 weeks after that, they dig a hole 70 cm wide and 40 cm deep.
  3. Soil mix is ​​prepared in advance, which is enriched with a nutrient substrate, fertilizers.
  4. They fill it in a hole. Then, after 2 weeks, the soil is again dug up and the landing pit is prepared.
  5. Take a seedling and place it in this pit. Gently root the roots so that the root neck remains at ground level.
  6. Tamp the soil and watered with warm water, after which they mulch.

Plant care

After planting, the plant is given proper care. This is the only way to get a beautiful flowering healthy bush of panicled hydrangea.


Tree hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

Flower culture loves moisture - it grows poorly in drought. It should be watered 1 time in 2 weeks, in the dry season once a week. In the rainy season, enough once a month. At one time, the bush needs 20 liters of water.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

If in the process of planting a flower crop a nutrient mixture has already been added to the planting pit, then fertilizers begin to be applied only after 2 years. At different time periods, top dressing is different:

  • In the summer it can be a concentrate from cow, horse manure or chicken droppings. Urea or potassium sulfate are selected from mineral fertilizers.
  • During budding, fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus are applied. Special complex dressings are permissible.
  • In September, they watered the earth with potassium humate. In the rainy period, they treat with a solution of the drug Radiance 1.

Note! Within 6 m from the place of growth of the shrub, ash, chalk, dolomite flour cannot be introduced into the soil, since panicle hydrangea roots spread far.

Mulching and cultivation

Sawdust is used as mulch. You can take the bark of trees, spruce opal, peat chips. Tilling is carried out 3 times per season. Deepen by 7 cm, while weeds are removed.


The event is required. A tree plant is pruned to a minimum, and bush species in the spring to summer level 3 buds. During the summer, all the shoots (except the main one) are pinched 1-2 times. They also form a crown when the bush reaches more than 1.5 m.

Panicle hydrangea pruning scheme

Winter preparations

Rough or rough hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

As mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to cover the plant for the winter. It is enough to sprinkle around the trunk with sawdust, humus or use coniferous litter. Last year's shoots are removed, and the rest of the branches are tied with ropes so that they do not fall to the ground and break under the weight of snow.


Panicled hydrangea can be propagated in several ways. The most common is growing from seeds, propagating by layering, dividing the bush, cuttings.

Seed cultivation

Bush seeds are rarely propagated by seeds, since the process is difficult and not the fastest in time. Buy seeds or collect them after the plant fades. Take exclusively from the central section of the inflorescence. The seeds are small, but they are suitable for reproduction. Then carry out the process of germination:

  1. A cotton pad is placed on a saucer. From above, seeds are distributed on it. Then cover with a second disc.
  2. Pour with a special solution (for example, Epin) for better germination.
  3. They maintain the temperature regime of 15-20 ℃. Hatching seeds will begin in a week.

Next, germinated seeds remain to sow in a container with slightly acidic soil. They are not buried. Sprinkle with sand. The container must be covered with a film and aired from time to time. After a month, the plants are transplanted into a deep volumetric pot. In it panicled hydrangea will spend the first 2 years. As a result, they land in a permanent place.


In summer, cuttings are harvested from semi-lignified branches, in autumn and spring from lignified parts of the bush. Cherenkovka process:

  1. The bottom cut should be at an angle of 45 degrees. At a distance of 5-6 cm, a straight cut is made.
  2. At night, harvested cuttings are left in a humate solution.
  3. The next day, they are planted, half-deepened, in a glass with a prepared nutrient substrate.
  4. Cover with a film. Every 3 days aerate. After a couple of weeks, the film is removed and the soil is moistened.
  5. After 3 months, the sprouted cuttings are transplanted into the open ground.

Cuttings of lignified branches of hydrangea paniculata

Additional Information! For the winter, a young hydrangea is sure to hide a panic. In the first year they do not tolerate cold.

Bush division

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. In the spring they dig a plant.
  2. Divide the bush into parts.
  3. The roots are sprinkled with charcoal to prevent infection through damaged areas.
  4. The bush is transplanted to a permanent place, in a pre-prepared hole.

Soon new shoots will appear, but the bush will begin to bloom only for the next season.


Perform in the early spring. Procedure step by step:

  1. Dig the soil near hydrangea paniculata, level out.
  2. Make radial grooves with a depth of about 2 cm.
  3. The shoots are laid in the "rays", fixed and covered with earth.

At the end of summer, several new shoots will form from the cuttings. As soon as they reach 15 cm, they need to be huddled. After some time, the procedure is repeated. In October, cuttings are separated from the parent bush, they are dug in for the winter, and in the spring they are transplanted to the beds. After a year, landing on a permanent place is possible.

How to perform panicle hydrangea layering


Diseases and pests: means to combat them

Hydrangea paniculata is resistant to most diseases. In the dry season, it may suffer from pest attacks. Usually it is aphids, snails or spider mites. If snails can be collected by hand, then in order to get rid of other pests, a solution of Vermitek, Acarin or another similar drug is used.

Use in landscape design

Panicle hydrangea looks great in the garden, even if it grows alone. Often planted with other plants. Shrubs are sometimes arranged in a row, for example, along a fence or path. Since flower culture perfectly survives in the conditions of urban gas pollution, it is regularly found in parks, alleys and under balconies of residential buildings.

Panicled Hydrangea - an excellent plant for a garden plot. Only proper care is needed, and she will certainly respond with magnificent blossoms from July to October.


Watch the video: Limelight Hydrangea. Garden Answer (October 2024).