Types of geraniums - what happens, popular varieties


Geranium is known as a specific houseplant, beneficial, but capable of causing a headache when staying for a long time in the room where it grows. According to Arab legend, this plant was originally a weed. However, the prophet Mohammed noticed its delicate aroma, which helped the flower to move into a human home. There are many varieties of geraniums, beautiful, unusual and even dangerous.

Geranium or Crane - what kind of genus

Other names - crane, pelargonium. Belongs to the family of geraniums, the genus of geraniums. Various types of geraniums grow around the world, including in the subtropics and in the mountain climate. Relate to herbs and shrubs. It is represented by wild, decorative and indoor varieties.

Himalayan geranium - a type of plant that grows in a natural environment

On a note! In the east, it is believed that the plant repels snakes. Therefore, geranium pots are placed at the entrance to the dwelling as protection against reptiles.

The word "geranium" originates from the Greek root "geranos" with the meaning "crane nose". Wild species are unremarkable, often not striking. But decorative and indoor - the result of the work of breeders - have an amazing color and amazing aroma.

Growth Varieties

Euphorbia flower - types and popular varieties

Varieties of geraniums are widely used. In the old days, making homemade blanks, housewives covered them from above with the leaves of this plant, protecting them from the formation of mold.

Tall varieties

In addition to the room geranium violet - a bright elegant decoration of window sills - there are real giants belonging to this family.

Endress Pink Geranium

This is a perennial plant, whose homeland is the Iberian Peninsula. Now this flower is often grown in gardens of the middle strip and even more northern latitudes. Summer residents love it for its unpretentiousness and frost resistance, as well as an attractive appearance.

The average plant height is about 0.5 meters. It has saturated pink flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm, collected in an inflorescence-umbrella, as well as wide, pointed leaves at the edges.

Pale pink flowers of this geranium will help to decorate the garden

Geranium Philippe Wapell

The plant has an early flowering period and pale purple flowers with characteristic dark stripes on the petals. Stem height 0.4 meters, leaves have a gray-green color and slight pubescence on both sides.

Himalayan Geranium

It is a herbaceous perennial that prefers a mountain alpine climate. It has a thick rhizome with pubescent leaves, reaches a height of 40-60 cm. It has dark round leaves, fragrant large flowers collected in inflorescence. Color - purple-blue, with characteristic red streaks.

Note! Himalayan geranium blooms from the second half of May to the end of August, however, in some regions, flowering lasts no more than 30 days.

Pelargonium varieties Diamond and others

Not only cranes, but also pelargoniums have high sizes. For example, a name associated with the world of jewels, Diamond is a unique variety. It features the following characteristics:

  1. Light unobtrusive aroma. Slightly reminiscent of pineapple.
  2. Bright raspberry flowers.
  3. Plant height - up to 1.5 meters.

Most often, high pelargoniums are planted in garden plots in landscape compositions and single plantings. Plants look great also at home, planted in pots. In this case, the height of the flower will be much less, and flowering - not so magnificent.

It's important to know! Other large varieties of pelargonium: Balkan, Siberian garden.

Low views

Due to their high decorative qualities, they are actively used for growing in pots, as well as for decorating garden and summer cottages. Pelargoniums of small height in hanging pots and flowerpots look beautiful. The most important thing is not to forget to protect them from the rays of the scorching sun and to bring them into the house in the cold season.

Geranium garden Ballerina

Unpretentious plant with long flowering and amazing flowers. The height of the geranium itself does not exceed 16 cm, the diameter of the flower is 2-3 cm. The color is from pale lilac to deep purple, the leaves are small, with delicate edges. It prefers to grow in light partial shade, so it is advisable to plant a "Ballerina" next to shrubs with moderately dense growth.

The delicate color of the petals and their unusual shape can be used in landscaping

Ash Geranium

It will become a real decoration of any flowerbed due to the original coloring of its petals. A compact bush up to 15 cm in height, the root - the stem, soft purple flowers - this is what this geranium looks like.

Note! It was this variety that breeders used to breed other varieties of garden plants.

Features of ash geranium are as follows:

  1. Continuous flowering from the first days of July to the second half of August.
  2. Drought tolerance.
  3. Love for the light.
  4. The need for moderate but regular watering.
  5. If the plant is grown in a pot, it should be placed on the windowsill of the western or eastern sides. Excessive exposure to light can cause burns.

Miniature Jolie Jewel Lilak and others

Miniature varieties differ in very tiny sizes, so they will become bright spots, allowing you to decorate any landscape composition. The height of the bush Jolie Jewel Lilak is not more than 13-15 cm, the flowers are lilac, small, with white stripes and dark veins. The duration of flowering is July-August.

Additional Information! Both cultivation in a cache-pot, and at home is allowed.

Varieties of geraniums of hybrid origin

These are varieties of artificial origin, bred by breeders on the basis of varietal characteristics of other, natural, species. Most often they are distinguished by increased decorativeness, therefore they are used for decoration of garden compositions and for growing at home.

Blue blood

Diseases of geranium, in geranium leaves turn yellow and dry - what to do?

This is one of the most popular types of pelargonium, characterized by soft purple flowers with five petals. Brief description of the plant:

  • The height of the stem is 0.5 meters.
  • The flowers are large, purple. Streaks on the petals are pronounced.
  • Leaves are small, pubescent.
  • It blooms from early June to the last week of August.
  • Needs care: regular watering, fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering plants (or special complexes for geraniums), when growing outdoors, it is better to mulch the bush to get rid of weeds and pests.

Note! Blue Blood is characterized by increased frost resistance, which allows it to grow in cold winters.

Fay Anna

This hybrid is also not afraid of a cold, has a low stem - not more than 19 cm and pink flowers with a white core. Therefore, you can find the name "two-color geranium". Flowering lasts from July to the end of August, during this period ordinary green leaves become saturated red, preserving the classic color scheme only along the edge.

Beautiful flowering geraniums

Varieties of geraniums - what lemon and field geraniums look like

Considering the types and varieties of geraniums, it is impossible to ignore these varieties, which, as the name suggests, are rich in beautiful flowering and are ready to delight the eyes of their owner. Here are the main options for varietal geraniums with amazing bloom.

Magnificent geraniums come in several varieties, depending on the color of the petals. They can be pink, white, purple, but in any case collected in an inflorescence-umbrella. The diameter is 2.5-3 cm. Cultivation on the territory of Russia of this varietal pelargonium began about 15 years ago, but interest in the flower does not wane.

Gorgeous geranium fully matches its name

Pelargonium spotted

The uniqueness of the plant is that its leaves change color over time. Variegated, elegant flowers.

King geranium

It differs in petals with complex coloring, called two-tone. The lower part of each petal is purple, the upper is white. There is a similar variety, Unicum pelargonium, with purple-pink petals.

Note! Both varieties of pelargonium can be grown as indoor or garden. Which one to choose - the grower decides for himself.

Pelargonium garden blood red. Distinctive characteristics of this plant with a gloomy name are as follows:

  • Perennial. Shelf life - 10-15 years, while the plant is unpretentious and does not need a transplant. The only thing a grower needs to do is periodically feed in order to enrich the soil with nutrients.
  • The bush reaches a height of 60 cm.
  • The flowers are deep red, hence the name.
  • It blooms from July to the second half of August.

The blood-red petals of garden pelargonium will inevitably attract attention


The decorative includes English geranium, which has large burgundy flowers with a white border. It is suitable for growing in the garden, but it is difficult to achieve lush flowering from a capricious beauty, and she has very weak immunity to diseases. Therefore, landing and care need experience and responsibility.

Various color options:

  • blue geranium (blue);
  • maroon geranium (including one-color or with white bordering);
  • orange geranium (there are also orange pelargoniums, not only cranes, they look very elegant);
  • white
  • blood red.

Fragrant Geraniums

It is important to remember that it is impossible to inhale the aroma of flowers for a long time - headaches are inevitable. This includes several varieties: capitate, curly, needle, aromatic. Odor options: reminds pineapple, needles, almonds, lemon.

During the flowering period of white garden geraniums, the area seems to be covered with light snow


Geranium is often grown at home. At the same time, the plant tolerates Russian frosts well, which became the reason for its wide popularity.


Watch the video: GERANIUM CARE BASICS & 4 GERANIUM TYPES (October 2024).