Chlorophytum crested - description and care at home


Among indoor plants, there are unpretentious champions. Sometimes it seems that they are able not only to grow, but also to bloom in any conditions and almost without care. These are the qualities of crested chlorophytum. This flower pleases with lush greens, perfectly purifies the air and at the same time requires a minimum of attention and care. It will be useful to learn in more detail what chlorophytum is, whether the sun loves and how it multiplies.

Chlorophytum crested: description and description

The flower belongs to the vast Liliaceae family, and its homeland is South America. Sometimes you can hear another name for chlorophytum - green lily. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the leaves of these plants are similar in shape.

Chlorophytum crested - a beautiful and unpretentious indoor flower

The leaves of chlorophytum are linear and can reach 70-80 cm in length. The color of the leaf plate is light or dark green with a longitudinal white stripe at the edges or in the center, depending on the variety. There are varieties with particularly long and thin leaves, and some differ in beige or milky coloring of the stripes.

Small white flower stars are collected in small inflorescences and are located on thin long stems. After the flowers fade, rosettes of leaves with aerial roots appear in their place.

Origin history

For the first time, the herbaceous perennial chlorophytum crested (chlorophytum comosum) was described by botanists in the distant 18th century. Europe conquered the flower only after 100 years, but the pace of distribution was very high. Among indoor plants, chlorophytum is considered to be the most common species.

It is worth noting that the undeniable advantage of a flower is its ability to purify the air and fill it with oxygen.

Important! Crested chlorophytum in the apartment plays the role of a kind of filter, releasing volatile and neutralizing dangerous carbon compounds in the air.

Common varieties

Chlorophytum - species Green Orange, winged, green, Laxum

From the varieties of chlorophytum, a very motley collection can be assembled, which will require minimal attention. Varieties differ among themselves not only in the color of the leaves, but also in their shape.

  • Bonnie

The unusual variety is distinguished by the curved shape of the leaves, which resemble voluminous curls.


  • Laxum

This variety has the thinnest and rather short leaves - their length does not exceed 20 cm.


  • Mandaianum

Compact chlorophytum with the original color of the leaf plate - a dark green background suppresses a longitudinal yellow strip.

  • Ocean

In this species, the characteristic band passes not along the center of the sheet, but along the edges.


Features of home care

Ficus Kinki - description and care at home

Of course, chlorophytum can grow in almost any environment. But in order for the flower to be healthy, grow intensively and bloom, it is necessary to provide comfort. Fortunately for flower growers, a minimum is enough for this plant, which cannot but please.

A small table with rules on care clearly confirms this.

Development phasesDaytime temperature in degreesNight temperature in degrees
Bloom+17+20 on sunny days

Fulfillment of such simple rules is all that crested chlorophytum requires, and even beginners in floriculture can carry out home care.

Flowering period

Chlorophytum curly - home care

Crested chlorophytum blooms almost continuously. Unless in winter there are small intervals, but the flower does not fall into a state of rest.

Despite the fact that the flowers of the plant are small and simple, during flowering the plant looks quite attractive. This effect is achieved by the fact that the inflorescences are located at the ends of long curved shoots. The impression of a green fountain with white splashes around the edge.

Chlorophytum flowers are small and simple

Important! During the flowering period, care for the chorophytum remains unchanged. Enough planned activities.


Chlorophytum does not need intensive pruning and shaping. But due to the fact that the plant has the ability to produce numerous flowers, in the place of which children are formed, certain pruning methods are applicable to it.

Sockets with aerial roots should be partially removed. This procedure is carried out for two reasons:

  • A large number of outlets can spoil the appearance of the flower. Children who have already reached a large size overshadow the main plant.
  • The flower spends a lot of energy on the growth of rosettes and aerial roots. Removing excess shoots has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mother plant and stimulates the growth of new leaves.

It is also recommended that you trim yellow leaves and shorten the dried tips to maintain an attractive appearance.

Attention! Leaves must be removed carefully with scissors, without touching the outlet.


Crested chlorophytum is as easy to propagate as caring for. Apply several methods, such as:

  • seed cultivation;
  • rooting rosettes with aerial roots;
  • division of the bush.

The cuttings method for this flower is not relevant, since it does not have shoots as such, and the leaves are not subject to rooting.

Sowing seeds

To obtain seeds on the plant leave boxes for ripening. Collect seeds, soak them in a growth promoter and sow in moist nutrient soil. Establish shelter and put in a warm place.

Further care consists of watering and ventilating the greenhouse. In the phase of 3-4 real leaves, rosettes dive into separate containers.

This method is used quite rarely. Propagating chlorophytum by other methods is much simpler and faster.

Rooting outlets

Getting a young instance of chlorophytum by rooting a rooted outlet is very simple. Such seedlings take root quickly even without much effort and greenhouse conditions.

Attention! Sockets for rooting do not have to be separated from the shoot. Rooting can be carried out in the same container in which the mother plant grows.

If aerial roots are well developed, then you can immediately plant outlets in the ground. Otherwise, seedlings pre-put water to stimulate root growth. Next, the process is performed step by step:

  • at the bottom of the prepared tank pour drainage, and then nutrient soil;
  • make small indentations slightly larger than the volume of the roots;
  • place sockets, carry out watering in the hole and fall asleep with the rest of the soil;
  • re-watering is not necessary, but at high air temperatures it is necessary.

For further successful rooting, it is necessary to maintain a constant soil and air humidity. As soon as young plants start to grow, watering is reduced to standard volumes.

Bush division

Most often, this method of reproduction is applicable simultaneously with the planned transplantation of chlorophytum. It is as simple as rooting outlets. The process itself is carried out in a similar way, the difference is only in the size of the tank.

You can plant delenki not only in pots, but also in the open ground for the summer period.

Important! It is necessary to take out the root system from the pot and divide very carefully. The roots of the flower are brittle and brittle.


The root system of chlorophytum is not only voluminous, but also prone to active growth. For this reason, the flower requires a transplant at least once every two years, and it is better to carry it out annually. Intensive shoot growth requires the availability of a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil, and replacing the soil with the plant is necessary.

The root system of chlorophytum is prone to active growth


The transplantation is carried out using the same technology as the rooting of outlets, but there are some nuances:

  • The volume of the pot must exceed the size of the root system. From the roots to the wall, leave a distance of 5-6 cm.
  • Mandatory presence of a drainage layer and at least 3 drainage holes at the bottom of the tank.
  • Do not over-deepen the plant in the soil. The center of the outlet should not be lower than ground level, and the soil that has fallen on it should be carefully removed.
  • For better rooting, all aerial processes are removed and left for reproduction purposes.

These simple recommendations will help to transplant the plant correctly. In gratitude for the new nutrient ground and sufficient space for growth, chlorophytum will release many new leaves and inflorescences.

Possible problems with growing and disease

Crested chlorophytum almost never gets sick, and it is rarely affected by pests. But sometimes adverse conditions can worsen the appearance of a plant or slow its growth.

Picture 9 This wonderful flower practically does not get sick

Most often, the following changes occur:

  • The color of the sheet plate turns pale. This can happen with constant exposure to direct sunlight. To solve the problem is simple - you need to rearrange the pot in a less lit place with diffused light. The color will recover and the new leaves will already have a normal appearance.
  • The tips of the leaves are dry. The reason for such changes is either a lack of moisture in the soil, or excessive dry air. Sometimes a lack of nutrients can cause similar problems. In this situation, the damaged parts of the leaves should be cut, the spraying and top dressing regime should be established. In the absence of improvement, you can resort to a transplant.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall. If this is observed in individual leaves of an adult plant, then most likely the process is natural and there is no threat. The mass yellowing of leaves, its withering and dying off, most likely comes from waterlogging of the soil. In this case, the damaged parts are cut and reduced watering.

These are the most common problems that can occur when growing chlorophytum. Such phenomena as dropping flowers or mass falling of leaves in a flower are not observed.

Parasites can damage the plant, although this is rare for chlorophytum. If such a problem is detected, the flower is isolated from other plants and insecticides are treated.

Crested chlorophytum is one of the easiest indoor plants to grow. He needs a minimal amount of care and attention. This flower will not only decorate the house, but also help make the air cleaner. It is especially worth paying attention to the crested chlorophytum for beginning flower growers, because home care for this plant will help to learn the basics of growing indoor flowers.


Watch the video: Meet my plants: Birds nest fern. ILOVEJEWELYN (September 2024).