Why geranium does not bloom at home - what to do


Growing geraniums allows you to transform the room. The plant is not demanding care and regularly pleases with lush flowering. However, in some cases, the culture forms leaves, but does not release peduncles. To solve the problem, you need to know why geranium is not the color, and how to accelerate the appearance of buds.

When does geranium produce inflorescences and how long does this period last?

Proper care allows you to admire the attractive buds of the plant. Depending on the variety, geranium can bloom in different periods of the year:

  • Forest and large-rhizome geraniums bloom in mid-May. Inflorescences of these plants retain their color for 30-40 days.
  • Georgian and small stamen geraniums begin to produce inflorescences in mid-June. The flowering time for them is up to 40 days.
  • Dalmatian, marsh and meadow geraniums bloom in mid-July. The duration of flowering is only 20 days.
  • Ash and Renard geraniums bloom in mid-summer. The duration of flowering is 30 days.

Why geranium does not bloom

At home, geranium can bloom up to 6 times a season. With proper care, the culture regularly forms buds and retains its color for 20 days.

The duration of flowering plants

Flowering conditions of geraniums

In order for the plant to form buds, it is important to observe the following features in the care:

  • In the house, geranium should be on the south side. The plant requires a lot of sunlight. On the site, you must choose an open area. A sufficient amount of sun contributes to the appearance of large leaves and abundant flowering.
  • In the house, the plant can not be placed near heating appliances. Because of this, the lower leaves of the bush turn yellow, and peduncles form small buds.
  • The culture does not tolerate clay types of soil. It is necessary to give preference to loose soil, which passes air well. If garden soil is used, it is necessary to mix it with river sand.
  • For the formation of inflorescences, it is necessary to regularly feed. For geraniums, complex mineral fertilizers are used, which not only contribute to the appearance of inflorescences, but also extend the flowering period of the plant.
  • Compliance with a certain temperature. The plant begins to bloom only if the air temperature exceeds 12 degrees.
  • For flowering, it is necessary that the house be without drafts. Otherwise, the culture may die.
  • Geraniums need to be regularly and abundantly watered. Only in this case can the flower stalks stretch out and form buds. Even in winter, when the air in the room is dry, it is undesirable to spray the leaves. This can lead to a decrease in the flowering period.
  • The flower pot should be spacious enough, as the plant has a well-developed root system. Timely transplants will stimulate the formation of inflorescences.

Growth conditions

Geranium can be attacked by pests, so you need to regularly inspect the leaves of the culture. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to treat the plant with special means and separate it from other flowers. Most often, aphid appears on the culture. These insects feed on the sap of the plant, which leads to weak shoots.

Important! Frequent plant transplants can damage the root system, so when choosing a pot, you must take into account the rapid growth of the roots.

Why does not geranium blossom, but gives only foliage

Geranium - home care how to water geranium

The reasons for this may be the following factors:

  • Incorrectly selected pot. If the capacity is tight, the roots will devote all their strength to the growth of new shoots, and not the formation of flowers. In a cramped pot, the plant begins to grow actively upward, the leaves are large, but rarely located.
  • Incorrectly selected fertilizers and violation of the feeding schedule. If you fertilize the plant too often, this will lead to a rapid increase in leaves. Flowering may be absent due to lack of nutrients.
  • Excessive moisture. Despite the fact that geraniums love moist soil, frequent watering leads to the formation of a green mass without buds. In autumn, the plant needs to be watered less often, otherwise it can also negatively affect the appearance of inflorescences.
  • Lack of cropping. With a large accumulation of shoots, the root system does not have enough nutrients to bloom. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the emergence of young shoots that can take all the strength of an adult bush.
  • The defeat of the roots. Diseases of the roots lead to the absence of buds and can contribute to the death of the plant.
  • Lack of light. In the shade, the plant will reach for the light, and become weak. Such bushes almost never bloom.
  • Pest damage. Insects reduce the strength of the plant, so it can not bloom.
  • Low air temperature. Such situations arise in the winter. Geranium tolerates hot conditions, and a decrease in temperature can lead to a lack of flowering.

Why does not bloom, but only forms foliage

Some varieties of plants have their own characteristics. For example, the question often arises why royal geraniums do not bloom. This variety, unlike other varieties, has a lush bush, which requires special pruning and care. Flowering crops may not start for such reasons:

  • due to lack of light;
  • if the pot is excessively large;
  • with frequent and incorrect trimming;
  • if the plant is not promptly transplanted into new soil;
  • the location of geraniums in the shade - at the same time, buds are formed, but fall, without blossoming.

Why does royal geranium not bloom

Important! To choose the best place for growing geraniums in the house, you need to move the pot. Very often, after a change of place, the plant begins to bloom actively.

How to make geraniums bloom regularly

What to do if fuchsia does not bloom at home

It is not enough to know why geranium does not bloom, it is important to understand what to do in such a situation. Timely elimination of interfering factors will cause the plant to bloom. The main thing is to restore proper care.


First of all, you need to carefully examine the leaves of the plant. Often the first symptoms of a disease or pest can be seen on the inside of the leaflet. Most often geraniums are attacked by aphids and whiteflies. With timely treatment with fungicides, the problem is eliminated.

It is necessary to check the growth conditions of the plant. In some cases, to obtain abundant flowering, it is enough to transfer the flower pot to another window, where more sunlight enters, and the shoots will not stretch much. In winter, it is recommended to use special lamps.

To obtain buds, you must stop abundantly watering the plant. This will stimulate the appearance of new inflorescences.

How to feed

Top dressing is a prerequisite for obtaining large inflorescences. Starting in March, geraniums are in the vegetative stage, so it is very important to make the right fertilizers. Nessesary to use:

  • potash fertilizers;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen substances.

As nitrogen fertilizers, wood ash can be used. To prepare the working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 100 g of ash in a liter of water. The resulting solution is watered bush or potted flower. For young plants, ash is used in the amount of 50 g per 1 liter of water.

Fertilizer application

In mid-summer, you can feed the plant using complex fertilizers for indoor plants. If geranium is grown at home, in the fall it is necessary to reduce the application of fertilizing and allow the plant to go into hibernation mode.

Important! It is not recommended to use mullein and chicken droppings as fertilizers. Such substances harm the roots and when used indoors can cause discomfort to residents.

Pruning and transplanting

For lush flowering it is very important to carry out regular pruning of bushes. Pinching the shoots must be done in early spring or autumn. Features cropping for each period:

  • Spring pruning. The procedure is carried out in March. It is necessary to trim the old shoots. The knife must first be disinfected. In the first few weeks after pruning, the plant will not build up green mass. However, such actions will provoke the appearance of large buds.
  • Autumn pruning. The time of the procedure is the end of September, after flowering. First, sanitary pruning of damaged shoots is carried out. After this, it is necessary to shorten the weak and old shoots. Often with the help of autumn pruning, the bush is given the desired shape.

Plant pruning

It is recommended to transplant the plant twice a year. In spring, geraniums can be planted in open ground or in a pot. A transplant into a pot begins with the choice of capacity. The pot must fully contain the roots and have a small margin. Excessively large containers are not recommended. A layer of drainage must be laid on the bottom of the pot. The soil mixture can be prepared independently or purchased in the store soil for indoor plants. After the transplant, it is necessary to top-feed the geranium using potassium phosphate substances.

To stimulate flowering, an indoor plant can be temporarily transplanted into open ground. After this procedure, geranium begins to grow actively and bloom violently. After being in the open ground, the plant develops resistance to temperature extremes. You can plant a flower on the street soil no earlier than mid-May. At the end of summer, he is returned to the pot. This must be done before the onset of frost.

How to care during flowering

Why geranium does not bloom - fertilizers for geraniums

Flowering plant requires special care. Basic Rules:

  • The flower pot must be placed on the sunny side. However, in hot summers, care must be taken to ensure that shade falls on the plant to reduce the risk of yellow spots on the leaves.
  • It is necessary to timely remove all dead leaves and young shoots growing from the root.
  • Watering the plant is necessary every 4-5 days. It is important to ensure that water does not accumulate and spread well throughout the pot. Watering the soil is necessary only after it is completely dry.
  • Once a week in a pot of geraniums you need to loosen the soil. This will reduce the risk of rot on the roots and saturate the soil with oxygen.

Care for flowering geraniums

During flowering, a large amount of nutrients in the soil can harm inflorescences and shoots. However, with prolonged flowering, potassium fertilizers must be used. You can feed the flower with iodine water. For this, a drop of iodine must be diluted in a liter of liquid. Such watering will make the flowering magnificent, and the color of the buds bright.

Important! During the flowering period, a bush transplant and cuttings of young shoots are not carried out. It is also not recommended to trim the bushes.

Aftercare Rules

Plant care after flowering has its own characteristics:

  • Under the geranium root, a complex fertilizer is introduced, which dissolves in water.
  • Faded peduncles must be carefully removed.
  • Water the bush every 3-4 days.
  • In autumn, a flower pot is visited in a cool place where the temperature does not exceed 12 degrees. It is necessary for the plant to go into winter mode and gain strength.

Proper care will contribute to the emergence of young shoots and the formation of buds. If this is not done, the geranium leaves may turn yellow, and the shoots will be deformed.

Blooming geranium decorates a room or plot with bright colors. The culture is undemanding in care and easily propagates. If the plant does not bloom, it is necessary to find out the cause of the condition. Most often, the problem arises due to errors in the care, and when they are eliminated, the geranium starts to bloom again.


Watch the video: How to Get Geraniums to Bloom (September 2024).