Rosa Falstaff - grade description


Rosa Falstaff is a variety of English culture with dark lilac buds. The plant is characterized by excellent survival in different climates. With proper care, this varietal rose blooms for a long time and abundantly.

Rosa Falstaff - what kind of variety is it?

The English rose was named after the hero of the work of Shakespeare - the companion of King Henry. The variety was obtained by David Austin in 1999. At the same time, in 2004 the plant was awarded the test certificate in Australia.

The rose has beautiful dark flowers with a lilac shimmer

Falstaff roses are characterized by cup-shaped flowers of dark raspberry color with a purple tint. In diameter, they reach 9-11 cm. Petals have a densely terry structure and curl toward the center. The buds have a pronounced aroma.

According to the description of the Falstaff rose, it is characterized by abundant flowering, which is observed throughout the entire growing season. The second wave is slightly weaker, but it still easily attracts the attention of others. Flowers form brushes of 4-5 pieces.

Rosa Falstaff has erect bushes that reach 100-150 cm in height. They are characterized by medium bright green leaves having a glossy surface.

Rose is characterized by high resistance to frost. However, it has an average resistance to black spotting and powdery mildew.

It is interesting! In Russia, the name of the variety is written with one and two letters "f" at the end, so in some catalogs the rose Falstaff is indicated. Very inexperienced flower lovers generally sometimes call the rose Falstart, which is not at all true.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

For the Austin Falstaff rose, many advantages are characteristic:

  • beautiful shape and rich color of buds;
  • lush flowering throughout the summer;
  • resistance to black spotting and powdery mildew;
  • good resistance to frost.

There are practically no disadvantages of the plant. The only drawback is the large number of thorns, which makes it difficult to care for the bushes.

Use in landscape design

Rose Falstaff is used as a single decoration of a garden or as part of a flower arrangement. It is characterized by long lashes that can be beautifully fixed on supports, put on the walls of a gazebo or other structure.

The plant is often used in landscaping for garden design

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Rosa Golden Celebration (Golden Celebration) - variety description

Rose English Falstaff is often used to decorate garden plots. To grow a beautiful flower, you must strictly follow the recommendations for planting.

The choice of planting material should be treated very responsibly. English seedlings are easily rooted and quickly adapt to new conditions. The main thing is that they do not contain signs of rot or mold.

Landing work is best done in the spring. It is recommended to plant Falstaff English park rose when the temperature of the soil reaches +15 degrees.

Location selection

Rosa Falstaff develops well in sunny areas that have reliable protection against drafts. The plant is considered hydrophilic, but it hardly tolerates moisture stagnation. It should not be planted in areas with high groundwater.

For lush flowering, a plant needs a well-lit area

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

For seedlings, a recess with a diameter of 70 cm is required. If you plan to plant a crop near the wall of the house, at least 50 cm should deviate from the foundation. To plant a crop, horse manure should be used that does not take nitrogen from the soil.

Important!Before planting, it is best to soak the seedlings for 12 hours in a growth stimulator - this will help to facilitate adaptation and straighten the roots.

Landing procedure step by step

To plant a bush rose, you should do the following:

  1. Dig a fairly deep and roomy hole.
  2. Lay out a 10 cm layer of drainage, cover it with ordinary earth.
  3. A hill is recommended to be poured into the central part of the pit.
  4. Set a seedling on it and spread the roots on the sides.
  5. Sprinkle the plant with prepared soil.
  6. Each layer should be moistened and compacted.
  7. Well tamp the surface of the earth and water.
  8. Cover the bed with a mulching layer. Its thickness should not exceed 5 cm.

Planting a rose bush usually does not cause trouble to gardeners.

Plant care

For the full development of the culture, she needs to provide normal care. It should include a whole range of actions.

Rosa Swany - description and characteristics of the variety

Watering the crop is recommended 1 time per week, but quite plentifully. It is recommended to spend 10 liters of water per plant. Only warm, settled liquid is suitable for irrigation. After moistening the soil, it is loosened and covered with mulch.

Top dressing and soil quality

In the first year, you should not feed the bush (there are enough fertilizers that were applied during planting). In autumn it is permissible to add potassium sulfate. For the second year, it is worth observing the following schedule:

  • in the early spring to make a solution of mullein;
  • after 2 weeks, use ammonium nitrate and other fertilizers with nitrogen;
  • during the formation of buds and during flowering, solutions based on calcium and phosphorus are used.

Important! In early autumn, feeding is recommended to stop. This will help to avoid the formation of new shoots that will not survive the freezing.

Pruning and transplanting

The rose must be pruned. It is recommended that you observe the following rules:

  • cut the shoots in half in the spring;
  • in the fall they are shortened by a third;
  • in the summer you can stop the top;
  • overgrown branches that do not bloom are shortened to the base;
  • after flowering is complete, buds must be removed;
  • remove withered leaves and dry shoots.

With the right fertilizer, the crop grows well in one place.

With the wrong choice of growing location and stagnation of moisture, the bush should be moved. This must be done carefully, by transshipment method.

Features of wintering a flower

Rose Eddy Mitchell - grade description

In order for the rose to survive the winter, it must be covered with foliage, straw or spruce branches. Above is to insulate the plant with non-woven material.

Before sheltering the rose should be well spud.

In spring, you need to open the rose on time so that the shoots do not soprel under winter protection.

Flowering roses

The plant has excellent decorative properties. To bloom was lush, you need to properly care for the rose bush.

For abundant and lush flowering, the crop needs proper care

Bushes begin to bloom in early or mid-summer. Flowering continues throughout the summer and only at the beginning of autumn does the Falstaff rose fade. With the advent of the first frosts, the culture begins the stage of rest.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, the rose should be regularly watered and loosened. Stagnant moisture adversely affects the appearance of buds.

Attention! During this period, it is forbidden to add nitrogen or trim.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The lack of flowering is associated with such factors:

  • increased soil moisture;
  • prolonged drought;
  • fluid deficiency;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • the development of disease or pest attack.

When waterlogging the soil, it must be systematically loosened. If dry weather is observed, the frequency of watering is increased. For top dressing, minerals and organics are used. With the development of viral infections, the culture is transplanted and treated with chemical agents.

Flower propagation

Most often, the culture is propagated by cuttings. To achieve excellent results in this, it is worth observing certain rules.

Cuttings are recommended to be harvested in the summer. This is done at the beginning of flowering, cutting off a branch with a bud.

The size of the handle should be 15 cm. It should have ripe spikes that easily crumble. On the plant, it is necessary to leave 2 upper leaves and plant in nutrient soil. After watering, the bushes should be covered with a jar or a bottle (form a greenhouse).

The first roots will appear in 3-4 weeks, but such a rose can be planted in the garden only after a year.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Culture may encounter such problems:

  • Powdery mildew - accompanied by the appearance of white plaque. Topaz or Fundazole helps to cope with the disease.
  • Rust - accompanied by the appearance of brown spots. In this case, the drug Topsin-M is used.
  • Peronosporosis - accompanied by the formation of yellow spots and gray plaque. Topsin-M will help to cope with the disease.
  • Aphid - affects the leaves. It can be destroyed by Actellic.
  • Spider mite - Covers shoots and leaves with cobwebs. Fitoverm helps to cope with it.

If you violate the rules of care, there is a risk of developing diseases


The rose of this variety has excellent decorative properties. It is often used to create garden compositions. To achieve good results in growing a crop, you should provide it with quality care.


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