Rosa Swany - description and characteristics of the variety


Rosa Swani is one of the most spectacular ground cover crops. The plant spreads beautifully on the ground and covers a large area. Therefore, it is often called carpet. To achieve success in growing a crop, it is necessary to provide it with full care.

Rose Swany (Swoni, Swani, MEIburenac) - what kind of variety is it

The culture was bred from a Japanese wrinkled rose.

The plant has excellent decorative properties.

The varietal rose was first received in 1977 in France.

  • In 2003, Meilland breeders introduced a new variety, Pink Swany. This culture is characterized by a change in the color of inflorescences from pale pink to lilac. They have a pronounced pleasant aroma and look very impressive.
  • Then another edition of the Swan groundcover rose, Red, was received. A characteristic feature of the culture became bright red inflorescences.

Roses of this variety are characterized by lush branchy bushes with a large number of leaves. In height, they reach 60-70 cm, and in diameter - 2 m. The foliage is small in size and rich in green.

Terry inflorescences reach a diameter of 5-6 cm. The flowers have a white color with a pink tint in the center. They form umbrella inflorescences, in each of which up to 20 buds can be present.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of culture include the following:

  • excellent decorative properties;
  • long and plentiful flowering;
  • gentle pleasant aroma;
  • resistance to frost;
  • strong immunity.

At the same time, culture has some disadvantages.

The plant is characterized by many advantages

Despite its resistance to frost, the Swoni rose still needs to be prepared for winter. It also requires quality care.

Use in landscape design

Swany groundcover looks great in flowerpots and containers. It can also be planted on the slopes. Thanks to this, it is possible to compact the top layer of the soil and protect it from erosion.

The plant is great for single plantings and the formation of spectacular compositions. To emphasize the decorativeness of the culture, you can use dark green bushes.

Important! A rose can be planted with lilac, viburnum or junipers. They will help to focus on the attractive flowering culture.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Rose Blush (Blush) - description and characteristics of the variety

To succeed in growing a crop, you need to study its description and properly conduct planting work.

This culture is not propagated by seed method. It is best to use ready-made seedlings for planting. In a mild climate it is permissible to use cuttings.

In regions with mild winters, crops can be planted in the fall - from mid-September to mid-October. Thanks to this, roses will be able to adapt to new conditions before the onset of cold weather. If severe frosts are expected, planting work should be carried out in the spring.

Location selection

For culture, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area. Sometimes a shadow may appear. Roses should be placed in the west or southeast.

Ideal for culture is loam.

Rose needs a lighted area

The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. High-quality drainage and aeration are of great importance.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

For 1 year before planting, it is worth adding nitrogen or organic fertilizers to the soil. If the soil is clayey or swampy, sand should be poured onto the bottom of the recess.

Light sandy soil requires the use of a 10 cm clay layer. To facilitate the rooting process, the soil in the recess must be loosened qualitatively.

Important!To prepare the seedling, it is recommended to prune the branches. On each of them should remain 3-5 kidneys.

Before carrying out planting, it is worthwhile to carefully examine the condition of the root system in order to identify damaged areas. They must be removed and sprinkled with chopped coal.

Landing procedure step by step

To plant a crop, you must do the following:

  1. Spread the roots of the seedling. The kidneys below the vaccination area must be removed.
  2. Trim the roots and lower them into the clay solution.
  3. Pour a layer of sand 10 cm thick at the bottom of the recess. This option is suitable for clay soil. For too loose soil, it is better to use clay.
  4. Pour 2 buckets of compost and make a small hill.
  5. Place a seedling in the recess. The vaccination area should be located just below the surface of the earth.
  6. Lightly compact the soil.
  7. Pour and cover with humus or compost.

Plant care

In order for the Swanie rose, as it is sometimes called, to grow and develop normally, she needs full and high-quality care.

Watering rules and humidity

Rosa Boscobel (Boscobel) - description and characteristics of the culture

Water the plant in the morning or evening. Otherwise, burns may appear on the foliage.

In the first year, the rose is moistened twice a week. Then this can be done every 7-10 days. Watering conditions are affected by weather conditions.

Top dressing and soil quality

During the growing season, the culture needs to be fed three times per season. The first 2 times apply complex mineral preparations. The last top dressing involves the use of phosphorus and potassium.

Pruning and transplanting

Trimming the crop is recommended in spring. During this period, it is worth removing frost-affected branches and dry shoots. In the fall, it is necessary to carry out sanitary crop pruning. Thus it is necessary to get rid of weakened and sick shoots. Once every 5 years it is worth performing a bush rejuvenation.

Important!It is definitely worth removing wilted buds on time. This helps to stimulate repeated flowering, in addition, in this way it is possible to avoid the loss of decorative properties of the culture.

Transplanting an adult plant is not recommended. If such a need still arises, the procedure is carried out by transshipment.

Features of wintering a flower

Although the plant is considered frost-resistant, it must be sheltered for the winter. This is especially important for young cultures. You can warm the bushes with fallen leaves or spruce branches. It is also permissible to use special covering material.

For the winter the rose needs to be covered

In the spring, bushes should be opened in a timely manner so that they do not shed.

Flowering roses

Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

The culture is distinguished by beautiful lush flowering. Snow-white inflorescences go well with green foliage. The culture can be grafted onto the stem. With proper care, you can get an excellent standard plant.

Bushes begin to bloom in June and retain their decorativeness until mid-autumn. Then the rose of Svani begins a period of rest.

During flowering, fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus are applied under the bushes. It is also worthwhile to remove wilted buds in time - this stimulates the appearance of new flowers.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The lack of flowering is due to insufficient care. Most often, the problem appears when the wrong place for the flower is selected. It is important that the site is well lit.

Also, the absence of flowers can be associated with a large amount of green mass. This most often occurs due to excess nitrogen in the soil.

Buds may be absent after a difficult winter.

The roses are characterized by lush and plentiful flowering

In this situation, the plant needs a full recovery from the cold. Another factor is the development of diseases or damage to the culture by parasites.

Flower propagation

Most often, the rose is propagated by cuttings or using layering. Apply the seed method does not make sense. This crop belongs to hybrid varieties. Therefore, this method of cultivation does not help to maintain the features of the mother plant.

Propagate the plant in the fall. During this period, planting material should be prepared.

A rose can be propagated by layering. To do this, take an escape, press it to the ground and wait for rooting. Later it must be sprinkled with soil and well watered.

When cultivating the culture by cuttings, it is worth taking ripened shoots with 3 internodes and making a cut under the lower kidney. For 2 hours, soak the culture in a growth promoter and plant in a shaded place.

In this case, you need to make small indentations measuring 15 cm. Place in the pits of the plant and sprinkle with soil. Compact and water the soil.

Important!It is recommended to separate the shoot with a fragment of the branch on which it grows. This will help to achieve good results.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

If you violate the rules of care, the plant may encounter diseases and pests. Most often, a rose suffers from such parasites:

  • Spider mite. This insect often attacks plants. Actellik or Fitoverm help cope with parasites.
  • Rose sawfly. Caterpillars of these parasites eat leaves. To cope with pests, affected stems must be removed. In this case, the plants are treated with Actellic or Spark.
  • Aphid. Most often, insects breed with an excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil. Fitoverm, Karbofos help to cope with parasites.

Also, a rose can suffer from the following diseases:

  • Gray rot. With the development of pathology, rotting of all fragments of culture is observed. Copper chloroxide helps to cope with it.
  • Rust. The disease appears on the leaves during attacks of aphids and worms. Copper sulfate helps to cope with the disease.
  • Powdery Mildew In this case, the leaves are covered with a gray coating. An infusion of ash or mullein will help cope with the disease.

Svani rose is a beautiful ornamental plant, which is actively used in landscape design. To succeed in growing a crop, you need to properly care for it.


Watch the video: How to Prune White Meidiland Roses (October 2024).