Humako inches violet - plant features


Saintpaulia can be called one of the best flowering plants for growing in the room. Another more familiar name is violet. Currently, there are more than a thousand varieties of this flower. Species with unusually colored large flowers are especially decorative. Senpolia Humako inches stands out from this group due to the original color and shape of the inflorescences. In addition, with proper care and favorable conditions of detention, it blooms profusely for 6-8 months.

What does Saintpaulia Humako inches look like

Before deciding to purchase this cultivar of Saintpaulia and start growing it, it does not hurt to find out the history of the origin of this flower and the features of its appearance.

Lovely Humako inches


This species is distinguished by the large size of both leaves and flowers. The leaves have a rich green color and pubescence, characteristic of all representatives of this species.

Especially decorative are the flowers of this Saintpaulia. They have a rich inner blue color, which smoothly passes into the snow-white edge. The flowers are the same size, each 6-8 cm in diameter. During flowering, the leaves are almost invisible under the head of lush inflorescences.

Species affiliation

Saintpaulia belongs to the Gesneriev family. The flower was first discovered in the Uzambara mountains of East Africa, for this reason it is called the Uzambara violet.

In conditions of natural growth, the plant is evergreen. The height of the outlet can reach 30-40 cm, which significantly exceeds the size of indoor copies.

Origin history

The name of the senpolia was received in honor of the commandant of the Uzambara district Saint-Paul Iller who discovered them in 1893. It was he who first discovered this plant and collected seeds. Subsequently, the seed was transferred to the German botan German Wendland, and he already gave the flower a name and determined its belonging to the Gesneriev family.

For reference! The Humako inches variety is the result of breeding work by the Dutch company Humako, which specializes in the development of new varieties of senpolia.

Highly decorative varieties such as Humako flame and Humako violet are also the merits of this company. It is worth mentioning the Humaco Isabella variety, whose flowers have simply incredible color.

Features of home care

Home Flower Violet Humako Inches

The main conditions necessary for the normal growth and development of the plant are light, air, heat, water and nutrients in the soil. Especially important for the senpolia are adherence to the technology and watering schedule, as well as the selection of the optimal location for its placement.

The main list of requirements and conditions for growing this plant includes several points.

Temperature modeThe optimum temperature for growth is 20-23 degrees. They can tolerate a slight decrease of 3-4 degrees.
LightingLighting is necessary, long daylight hours, but direct light should be avoided. With a lack of light, the senpolia can not bloom, and the leaves stretch to the top.
WateringWatering should be carried out in a pan, but the water in it should not stagnate. The difference between the water temperature for irrigation and air more than 5 degrees is unacceptable. Therefore, water for irrigation should be used only at room temperature.
SprayingSaintpaulia leaves do not wash and do not spray. Hair on the leaf surface has the ability to retain moisture - this leads to the development of rot.
HumidityIt has no special requirements for humidity, but it will be useful to place plants near vessels with water or trays with wet expanded clay.
PrimingFor planting, use ready-made soil mixture for Uzambara violets or independently mix 4 parts of deciduous land and one part peat and sand.
Top dressingIt is recommended in the spring-summer period to make complex mineral supplements with a frequency of 12-15 days. It is acceptable to add cow dung diluted 1 to 10 with water, but care should be taken to avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves.

A very important point in the cultivation of the senpolia Humako inches is the choice of place for its placement. Experienced gardeners know that it is the correctly selected window sill that plays a decisive role for the full development of this plant.

Wet expanded clay tray increases humidity

Attention! For all saints, the intensity of illumination and the duration of daylight are very important. With a lack of natural light, additional artificial lighting should be installed.

How and when it blooms

What does a violet look like - a description of the plant

Uzambar violet Humako inches has a very long flowering period. As a rule, it begins in March and lasts until the end of November. In rare cases, blooming specimens can be seen even in winter.

An interesting fact is that there are two types of this plant, new and old, which have a difference in the shape of the petals on the flowers. The true representative of the variety is considered to be the senpolia with large simple petals, and the presence of light waviness along the edge is classified as an experimental subspecies. Both varieties can be found not only in private collections of lovers of Uzambara violets, but also in free sale.

Feature of the experimental variety - wavy petals

Features of care during flowering

The most anticipated moment in the cultivation of senpolia is the flowering period. To extend it and provide the flower at this time the optimal conditions, it is worth considering several important points:

  • you can not rearrange the pot with the plant to another place;
  • watering should be carried out especially carefully, avoiding moisture on the flowers;
  • mineral supplements should be regularly applied at intervals of 10-14 days;
  • wilted flowers must be carefully removed.

Another point concerns young plants. Usually, blooming uzambara violet occurs at the age of 8 months. If the buds began to form earlier, it is better to remove them. This will allow the young plant to fully grow the vegetative mass and develop the root system.


The healing properties of the flower violet tricolor - description of the plant

The senpolia is propagated most often by leafy cuttings. You can also apply the division of the bush into rosettes and growing from seeds. It is worth noting that reproduction by seeds is the most difficult, since it is a rather long and painstaking process.

Senpolia can be propagated by dividing rosettes

Important! Get seeds of Saintpaulia at home can only be done by artificial pollination.

Vegetative propagation

To get a new copy of Humako violet by rooting leafy cuttings is quite simple. The whole process consists of several stages:

  1. In an adult plant, several well-developed, not very young leaves are cut with a sharp knife or blade, leaving petioles 3-4 cm long.
  2. Settled water is poured into a glass container and the stalk is fixed in it so that only the lower part of the petiole is in the water and the sheet is above the container.
  3. After 2-3 weeks, the roots will begin to appear.
  4. When they reach 2-3 cm, the leaves are transplanted into a container filled with a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 2/1, deepening the cuttings into the ground by no more than 2 cm. Next, they put a shelter.
  5. The container is placed in a well-lit place, shading seedlings from direct sunlight, maintain a constant soil moisture and a temperature of 21-24 degrees.
  6. When young leaves appear and reach a length of 2-3 cm, the seedlings are removed from the ground and planted in separate pots.

Propagation of senpolia by leafy cuttings is the most optimal way. The survival rate of young plants is very high and after 8-10 months you can wait for flowering.

Leafy cuttings quickly form roots

Transplant after purchase and during reproduction

One of the main conditions for the full growth of senpolia and their annual flowering is the correct planting. It implies the fulfillment of certain conditions:

  • the drainage layer should occupy at least a quarter of the capacity;
  • it is better to use the soil ready for the senpolia, or mix garden soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2/1/1, respectively;
  • the surface of the soil after planting can be sprinkled with wood ash to disinfect and prevent decay of the lower part of the leaves.

By following these simple rules, you can count on the rapid rooting of the flower and its active growth in the future.

The main thing is to comply with all transplant rules

Possible growing problems

As a rule, when observing the rules for caring for uzambar violets, there are no problems with their cultivation. Deterioration of leaves, general appearance or lack of flowering can be caused by improper care. Sometimes problems arise as a result of defeat by pests and diseases.

Leaf condition

The most common problem for the senpolia is the deterioration of the leaves. There may be several reasons for this:

  • too close placement of pots (leaves of neighboring flowers are touching);
  • excessive watering;
  • improper fit;
  • pest infestation;
  • root system disease;
  • lack of light.

All these factors can cause the appearance of spots on the leaves or the development of rot of the cuttings.

Change in leaf condition is a sign of disease

Important! Plants should be inspected regularly and appropriate measures should be taken at the first sign of deterioration.

Pests and diseases

All varieties of senpolia, and especially varietal varieties such as Humako inches, are susceptible to the following diseases: fusarium, late blight, powdery mildew, various rot. The cause of the disease can be improper care, or infection from another neighboring plant. Cyclamen mites and aphids are also dangerous.

At the first signs of the disease, measures should be taken and necessary treatment should be carried out. It is also necessary to isolate the diseased flower from other plants until complete recovery. In severe cases, it is recommended to transplant into another pot with a complete replacement of the soil.

Against pests, systemic insecticides are used, which can easily be found in a flower shop.

Improper care

Growing senpolia requires strict implementation of the rules for the care and maintenance of these flowers. They are very sensitive to temperature changes, drafts, non-compliance with the irrigation schedule.

Any deviation from the flower care program will lead not only to a deterioration in its appearance and lack of flowering, but also to the death of the plant.

Saintpaulia, a common violet, Humako inches - a wonderful representative of the Gesneriev family. This flower is quite unpretentious. By following the simple rules of care and providing optimal conditions of detention, you can admire the flowering of this beautiful Saintpaulia for 8 months a year.


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