Streptocarpus - home care


Streptocarpus is a tropical plant that has become popular due to its exotic appearance. And if earlier it was quite difficult to grow it at home, now, thanks to the work of breeders, it has become easy to get a room variety. To do this, it is enough to know the basic rules for the care and cultivation of streptocarpus at home.

Streptocarpus - description, belonging to the family

The first streptocarpus flower was discovered in 1818 in the mountains of South Africa. Its name is a combination of two Greek words: streptos - curled and karpos - fruit. The bush was named for a reason. The fact is that its seeds during the ripening period are in the form of a box. It is characterized by large leaf plates and long peduncles, on which buds of blue or purple hue are located.

Streptocarpus (appearance)

Additional Information! The birthplace of streptocarpus is the Cape Province of South Africa. Therefore, it is often called the Cape Primrose.

Currently, almost 150 species of wild-growing Cape primrose are known. Some of them grow on rocky surfaces, others on trees. Depending on the variety, flowers can grow in the shade or in sunny meadows. They can be both annuals and perennials. But all of them are united by one thing - they belong to the Gesneriev family.

Domestic varieties usually do not differ in large sizes - they rarely reach a height of more than 40 cm, and peduncles grow no more than 25 cm. The leaves of the flower are quite large - 30 cm in length and up to 7 cm in width.

Blooming buds in addition to the standard colors, can have different shades:

  • red
  • purple
  • pink
  • yellow
  • black
  • with stripes
  • speckled,
  • with patterns.

It is interesting! Another distinguishing feature of streptocarpus is the fruit, which has a spiral shape.

Varieties of indoor plants

Streptocarpus - care and growing at home

Currently, there are many varieties of this houseplant. However, it is better for novice gardeners to grow the most common varieties, which will be discussed below.

Snow-white streptocarpus (Streptocarpus candidus)

Rosette plant with shriveled leaves that grow up to 45 cm in length and 15 cm in width.

The variety is characterized by very lush flowering. The buds are white with purple stripes.

Large streptocarpus (Streptocarpus grandis)

The plant has one leaf of a very large size: 30 cm wide and 40 cm long. The stem reaches 50 cm in height, and on its top there is a racemose inflorescence, in which buds of a pale purple hue are collected.

Streptocarpus grandis

Cornflower streptocarpus (Streptocarpus cyaneus)

At this rosette, the stem reaches 15 cm in height. It contains pink buds with a yellow core, collected in pairs in bunches.

Wendland Streptocarpus (Streptocarpus Wendlandii)

The birthplace of this variety is South Africa. The bush has one huge leaf plate. Its length is 100 cm and a width of 50 cm. On a long peduncle, buds of a dark purple hue grow.

Streptocarpus wendlandii

Indoor streptocarpus - home care

Domestic varieties of plants in their appearance are much superior to violets. At the same time, streptocarpus is less picky in its care than the senpolia. Streptocarpus feels good and blooms in almost any environment. But still, you need to know the basic tips for proper care of it.

Illumination and temperature

Dizigoteka: home care and main varieties

Indoor plants need natural diffused light. It is best to place it on window sills facing the west or east side of the house.

Important! On the north side, the plant will grow poorly and bloom, and on the south it is necessary to scatter direct sunlight.

For good flower growth from the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, it is necessary to provide a temperature of 20-25 ° C in the room. From the beginning of October and during the wintering period, the plant needs cooler conditions, but not lower than 15 ° С.

Watering rules and humidity

For optimal conditions in the room, it is necessary to maintain a humidity level of 55 to 75%. On particularly hot summer days or with strong heating, the air can become drier. Then next to the flower, but not on it, you can spray with a spray gun. Near the bush you can put a tray with water.

In winter and summer, you need to water the plant so often that the earth does not remain dry for a long time. With the onset of frost, the amount of moisture is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out too much and, conversely, that water stagnation does not form.

Important! Irrigation fluid should be used settled for 24 hours at room temperature.

Top dressing and soil quality

For the proper cultivation of streptocarpus, he needs a landing in high-quality soil. To do this, you can buy a substrate for flowering houseplants in the store and add peat to it to improve the porosity of the mixture. When making soil at home, it is necessary to use light and breathable soil. It is mixed with humus, river sand and peat.

Additional Information! Too hard a substrate can be diluted with perlite or vermiculite, as well as charcoal.

For more intensive development, streptocarpus needs nutrients. Therefore, when waking up from hibernation, the flower needs nitrogen fertilizers, and during the vegetative period, phosphorus-potassium supplements are required.

Necessary fertilizers are easiest to buy in garden stores. Make them into the soil should be no more than once every 8-10 days, observing the proportions indicated in the instructions on the package.

Flower Tank Size

The first streptocarpus sprouts are planted in pots measuring 6-8 cm. Then, with each transplantation, the volume of the container increases.

For an adult indoor plant, a shallow pot with a diameter of 16-18 cm is sufficient. It is important not to transplant the bush into a large container. In this case, the flower will slow down development and flowering.

Pruning and transplanting

Cut the plant only for sanitary purposes. To do this, yellowed or diseased fragments are removed from the bush in spring or autumn. It is allowed to remove overgrown shoots for decorative purposes.

Streptocarpus should be transplanted regularly. The young plant is changed place of growth once a year. An adult plant is enough once every 3-4 years. For transplantation, low capacities with nutritious soil mixtures are used. When moving the bush, it is necessary to control the moisture level of the substrate. To do this, crushed charcoal is added to the soil.

Plant transplant

Flowering features

Hamelacium - home care and flowering

Depending on the conditions of cultivation and cultivation, as well as on the variety of plants, flowering of the bush can occur in different ways.

Streptocarpus can please with flowers of various sizes and shades. But all of them are connected by a bright color and a lush volume, which many gardeners like.

How do streptocarpuses breed?

Streptocarpus can be propagated at home in several ways: dividing the bush, from seeds and cuttings.

Bush division

This requires a strong healthy bush. Its root system is divided in half with a sharp knife and sprinkled with coal.

After that, each part of the flower is planted in a separate pot, the soil is compacted, and the plant is watered. For better germination, the bush is covered with a film.

Reproduction of streptocarpus from seeds

At home, this method of reproduction is very popular. Seeds are planted in a small container and covered with a film or glass. Then, seedlings are provided with regular care - it is ventilated, and adequate lighting is provided.

When the first shoots appear, they must be rooted in bulk pallets and watered. Young seedlings must be placed where there is constant sunlight.

Important! You can grow seedlings at any time of the year. Thus, it is possible to create conditions under which flowering plants will constantly be present at home.


To do this, a healthy fragment of the bush is cut out and planted in a small pot. Then the container is covered with a film and put away in a warm, lit place.

When the first shoots appear and the plant is strong enough, it is transplanted into a permanent pot.

Additional Information! To propagate streptocarpus, you can use not only the stalk, but also just part of the leaf plate.

Why streptocarpus does not bloom: diseases, problems and pests

Spider mite on streptocarpus

The absence of flowering in a plant may be due to the following reasons:

  • A variety is grown that simply does not bloom in the cold season.
  • The age at which the plant is just beginning to gain strength.
  • Streptocarpus will not bloom if it is improperly looked after. Improper watering, top dressing and transplanting can cause the buds to not bloom.

To avoid such problems, the flower must be properly looked after, as well as remove damaged areas and treat the bush with fungicides.

Pests can be dangerous for a flower only if it is improperly taken care of. The most dangerous are thrips, spider mites and aphids. To combat them, it is enough to regularly treat the bush with insecticides.

Important! Non-infected plants growing next to a sick individual must be treated as a preventative measure.

Streptocarpus will be a great option for ornamental plants for growing at home. The most common varieties, such as Crocus and the like, will create a feeling of coziness and comfort at home.


Watch the video: Streptocarpus CareTIPSStrepts Blooming (October 2024).