Potted cypress - how to care at home


For many, cypress is associated with summer, fresh air, and even the sea. In conditions of the middle zone, such a plant cannot be obtained on a personal plot, but you can give yourself the smell of good mood and freedom if you plant an indoor view of cypress.

You should familiarize yourself with the features of a particular species in advance, as well as with the rules for the care and maintenance of this exotic plant.

What does it look like

To date, more than 166 species of cypress are known, but not all of them are suitable for growing in a pot in room conditions. The plant grows slowly and has a pleasant characteristic aroma. At the same time, it not only purifies the air in the room, but also repels moths.

About the history of appearance

Several folk legends are associated with the history of the appearance of cypress, which explain the origin of this tree. There is a myth that a beautiful girl who completely despaired of waiting for her lover from a long voyage turned into this plant. Every day she stood on a cliff and peered into the sea. Once, a girl sprouted roots in the ground and remained on a cliff in the form of a previously unknown plant. From it later Taurida cypresses arose.

Several myths and legends are associated with the origin of the exotic plant.

These plants live in tropical and subtropical latitudes. For the first time they learned about them during the Cenozoic era. Now the distribution area of ​​this plant has expanded to such territories as:

  • Mediterranean
  • North America;
  • Black Sea coast;
  • Far East;
  • Asia;
  • Australia.

Common varieties

How to care for Benjamin's ficus in a pot at home

It is known that not only cypress, but also cypress is suitable for indoor cultivation. Home care for them is almost identical. They equally well clean the air in the room and destroy many known bacteria. The most common varieties of cypresses are:

  • Evergreen;
  • Large-fruited;
  • Moroccan;
  • Kashmir.

Several species of this plant suitable for captive cultivation are known.

Florists say that the first appearance is very similar to a miniature spruce. Cypress breeders presented to the attention of gardeners much more:

  • Pea;
  • Lavson's cypress;
  • Yellow;
  • Stupid;
  • Tuevidny;
  • Mourning;
  • Formozsky.

Also, on Christmas Eve, New Year's cypress varieties appear in stores for sale. It is adapted exclusively to indoor conditions and is very demanding on care.

House Cypress Care

Before you plant indoor cypress, you should familiarize yourself with its features and care rules. This procedure has its own characteristics, if they are not taken into account, then the seedling can be completely destroyed.


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In the summer, a comfortable temperature for growing cypresses at home is considered to be + 18-20 ° C. It is not critical if this indicator rises to + 25 ° C. However, elevated temperatures do not affect the condition of the plant very well, therefore experienced flower growers advise to put ice cubes near the flower trunk to lower it.

Attention! When unfolding ice near the trunk of the cypress, it is important to prevent frostbite of the root system.

Elevated temperatures reduce decorative qualities


The pot is recommended to be placed in the most well-lit place in the apartment, while it should be protected from direct sunlight, which can provoke a burn of needles. With a lack of light, the crown thins, the shoots become elongated. It is also more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Even in winter, the plant needs good lighting

In the summer, it is better to move the pet to the garden or to the balcony. If you have your own garden, then a pot of cypress is placed under a tree to protect it from direct sunlight and prevent burns. If necessary, arrange artificial shading on the balcony.


An important condition for growing cypress at home is to provide it with a normal humidity regime. The soil must not be allowed to dry out during active vegetation.

Attention! The soil should be moderately moist, but in no case swampy.

In the winter, drying of the topsoil is allowed, but the earthen coma cannot be completely dried. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature.


Cypress is sprayed with the same water as the watering. In the summer, you need to spray liquid in the morning and in the evening, in winter you can refuse this procedure, but only if you adhere to the conditions for lowering the temperature.

Attention! In the case when the cypress pot is located near the heating battery, spraying is carried out even in winter.


Decorative elegant cypress prefers moist air, therefore it is best to purchase an artificial humidifier for the room. If this is not possible, then small open containers with water are placed near the plant.

Do not forget! Excessive hydration is not very beneficial effect on well-being and human health.


Planting a seedling is carried out in well-drained, nutritious and light soil. In this case, the acidity reaction should be weak or neutral. Nutritious soil mixture can be purchased in a horticultural store ready or prepared independently from the following components:

  • turf;
  • sheet earth;
  • coarse sand;
  • peat horse.

Seedlings are transplanted into soil with a neutral level of acidity

Top dressing

Top dressing required cypress no earlier than a month after transplantation. They are produced from March to November. At the same time, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers for conifers. A step-by-step instruction for their use is contained in the attached characteristics of the drug.

Attention! Top dressing is prepared in accordance with the attached instructions, however, the indicated dosage is reduced by 2 times.

In order for the plant’s crown to be decorative, it does not in any way use growth stimulants when growing it.

In the resting period of indoor cypress

When winter comes, the pot is cleaned away from heating appliances, since dry air is harmful to it. It is best to transfer the cypress in his pot to the southern windowsill, when spring comes, to remove it from direct sunlight. Often in the cold season they resort to additional illumination with fluorescent lamps. A comfortable temperature at this time of year for cypress is considered to be about + 15 ° C.


The crown of indoor cypress does not need molding. However, sometimes you need to pinch the tops of very long shoots so that they slightly stop in growth. In the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, during which it is necessary to remove all deformed, dry or damaged branches. Forming may be required if the crown begins to grow unevenly, with a bias in one direction.

The plant does not require additional molding

Attention! When forming pruning, you can not trim the needles, otherwise they will begin to die, and you will need to remove the entire shoot.

How room cypress propagates

How to grow beautiful cypress on your own? It can be propagated in several ways. At the same time, vegetative methods are preferred, since seed germination not only takes a lot of time, but also does not guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities.

Seed germination

Evergreen cypress - what it is and how it looks

Previously, the cypress seed is stratified. To do this, it is placed in a container with a mixture of sand and peat and put in the refrigerator. After 2.5 months, the vessel is removed and placed in a well-lit place at a temperature of about + 20 ° C. Greenhouse conditions are created for seedlings by covering them with cellophane or glass. From time to time the greenhouse is aired and seedlings are watered. Young cypress trees are planted when their height reaches at least 5 cm.

Rooting cuttings

Propagation of a handsome green man is also possible with rooted cuttings. For this method, last year's shoots are used as planting material.

Attention! A stem that is in the stage of active growth is very poorly rooted.

Propagation by rooting of cuttings

It is best to take shoots from 5 to 15 cm long. Remove all needles from their lower part and place in a pre-moistened mixture of peat and sand. Using a glass jar or cellophane, they create greenhouse conditions and place the container in a well-lit place. Periodically, the greenhouse should be aired and watered the seedling, also remove the accumulated condensate.

Air lay

This technique is used mainly for cypresses with a spreading crown, since curved seedlings are obtained from erect. Near the adult bush, place another vessel with nutritious soil mixture. A twig of the plant is bent and fixed with a metal bracket, after which it is sprinkled with soil and moistened. The layers are periodically watered, the soil is loosened and the ground part is sprayed. When the root system is formed, cuttings are cut from the mother bush.

Other options

To date, other methods of propagation of indoor cypress are not used, because they do not give the expected results. The plant does not form root shoots.


Transplanting a young cypress seedling into a new pot must be done every year in the spring. When growth processes noticeably slow down, such a procedure should be done once every 2-3 years. This is done by transshipment so that the adaptation process is quick and the small seedling is not sick. For adult plants, it is enough to replace the topsoil.

Problems in growing indoor cypress

Sometimes growing a decorative green plant at home causes some difficulties for gardeners. It is worth learning all the nuances of how to care for cypress in a pot at home.

Leaves turn yellow and fall

In cypress indoor leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble from a banal excess of light. First of all, the plant needs to be protected from direct sunlight, a little shade. Also, the cause of this trouble can be:

  • dry air
  • insufficient watering;
  • soil nutrient deficiency;
  • excess calcium due to the use of hard water for irrigation.

Improper care provokes yellowing and falling of leaves

If measures are not taken in time, then the green pet can dry completely.

The tips dry on the leaves

If the tips begin to dry on the leaves of the cypress, this indicates a dry air in the room, insufficient watering or drafts. Also, these symptoms are observed if in winter the twigs touch the cold glass.

Cypress is similarly ill. Proper care will help preserve the decorative qualities of a green pet. Otherwise, it may simply dry out.


 Of the pests, the cypress bush is most often affected:

  • aphids;
  • spider mite;
  • mealybug;
  • scabbard;
  • mining moth.

Pests pose a serious danger to the plant

Dry air, the removal of cypress on the street, the use of soil for planting that has not undergone preliminary disinfection can provoke the appearance of pests.

Attention! To control pests, plants are treated with acaricide or insecticide, which is approved for use at home.

Decorative indoor cypress is also subject to the negative effects of pests. When they appear, the bush begins to dry, loses its decorative effect. Timely treatments and preventive measures can save him.

Is it possible to plant cypress in a pot on the street?

Those who have a summer house or a private house, thought about the question of whether it is possible to transplant a houseplant on the street. Florists do not recommend planting these types of cypress trees in open ground. As a rule, these varieties have low winter hardiness. In the Black Sea or Krasnodar, they still have chances to survive in the cold season, in the middle lane - no. Even in regions with mild weather in winter, cypress is covered with non-woven material, and good insulation is organized. Most often, he dies in February or March from sunburn and temperature changes. Also, the plant may vytryat if not to remove the shelter in time. It is better to put it in a tub or a large pot and bring it into the room for the winter.

Indoor plants should be sent to the street in a pot in order to be able to pick them back up for the winter


If you had to plant cypress, then planting and care in the open ground will already be carried out using a different technology than in indoor conditions.


Watch the video: How to Grow Italian Cypress in Containers (September 2024).