Types of Zephyranthes Flower - Home Care


Many people call this houseplant "upstart" because of the ability to suddenly throw a flower. You can plant it in the open ground.

To grow marshmallows, home care is organized according to all the rules.

Description of popular varieties

In the Amaryllis family, there are about 40 types of marshmallows. Cultivated about 10. The flower of the west wind (the name is translated) refers to bulbous perennials. One bush throws several peduncles with delicate petals.

Blooming Zephyranthes

Zephyranthes grows rapidly, covering the entire flowerbed with a fragrant carpet. Using different types of upstarts, you can decorate the discount with original patterns. It looks great on the windowsill.

All types of upstart zephyranthes are equally actively developing. Many, blooming in April, smell fragrance all summer. Despite the general characteristics, varieties are characterized by certain features.

Popular types of marshmallows

PowerfulZephyranthes robustus has a bulb of at least 4 cm in diameter. On the corolla of medium size, long petals have a pleasant pastel pink hue. It blooms from April to July, dormant in the fall.
MulticoloredIt is distinguished by an unusual color of flowers with a diameter of 6-7 cm. At the base, the petals are red or brown, along the edges of the white plates are framed by a delicate pink. Indoor upstart blooms in the cool season - from January to the end of March
Zephyranthes AtamasSmall lilies prefer cool rooms. They have a small onion (up to 2 cm) with a shortened neck. From a rosette grows from 6 to 8 tubular leaves 15-20 cm long. Snow-white petals frame the core of yellow stamens
GoldenYellow Zephyranthes blooms in early winter. Funnel-shaped flowers are framed by a dense shoot of narrow leaves up to 30 cm long. A rounded bulb is characteristic of the plant.
Large floweredDue to the shade of the buds, the species is called pink marshmallow. The yellow core looks beautiful against the background of delicate petals. An elongated bulb with a diameter of up to 3 cm produces single peduncles with large buds (7-8 cm). The height of thin sheets varies from 15 to 20 cm
Zephyranthes WhiteThe upstart candida reaches a height of 30 cm. Snow-white funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm open in July and delight the eye until October. Onions of medium size (3 cm in diameter) have a longer neck

Snow White Marshmallows

To properly care for zephyranthes: powerful pink, multi-colored, snow-white, large-flowered, etc., it is necessary to take into account the periods of dormancy and flowering of each species.

Basic care instructions

Growing marshmallows is a simple matter due to the unpretentiousness of the plant. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the upstart develops. It is easier to provide comfort indoors than an open flowerbed.

At home

Koleria flower species - home care

Features of home care

Watering, humidityBulbs are sensitive to excess moisture. Waterlogging should not be allowed. Therefore, the upstart is watered only when the topsoil is dry.

The water is used warm, soft, its amount is taken taking into account the growing season:

· During flowering, abundant watering;

· After fragrance water procedures reduce;

· When the aerial part of the plant wilts, it is almost not watered.

In hot weather, air humidity is maintained by a sprayer with small cells.

Lighting and temperature· An upstart indoor plant needs an abundance of light, but from the direct rays of the sun, Zephyranthes burns;

· Flower pots are displayed on windows oriented west and east. Southern cover with curtains or blinds;

· For active growth, the flower needs a temperature of 25 °, but most varieties prefer a cool climate. In the period of rest, reduce degrees to + 10-15 (maximum 18)

NutritionDue to prolonged flowering, Zephyranthes spends a lot of effort. Therefore, top dressing is mandatory, they are introduced according to this scheme, using a complex mineral water:

· After rest, fertilize every 2 weeks;

· During flowering - after 10 days;

· After wilting, the lilies return to their previous regime.

Finish feeding the upstart when the ground part is completely dry

Note! Fertilizing is not combined with watering, but the water procedure is replaced by top dressing.

When grown outdoors

The upstart on the flowerbeds only feels comfortable in the warm southern climate. To actively bloom zephyranthes, planting and care in the open ground are carried out taking into account the requirements:

  • transfer the plant to the flower garden with the onset of summer;
  • fertile soil is prepared in advance, providing good breathability;
  • bulbs should not be planted in the ground completely - the neck of the flower should peek over the surface;
  • they do not use a watering can for watering - water is supplied directly to the roots;
  • after water procedures, the soil is loosened;
  • as soon as the zephyranthes blooms, they feed him.

Important! In open ground, a fragile upstart is vulnerable. To protect plants from pests and diseases, immediately after transplanting to the flowerbed, the flowers are treated with an antimicrobial agent.

Upstart in the flowerbed

In autumn, the upstart is dug up, transferred to a dry room and waiting for the ground part to dry. After trimming the tops, the bulbs are placed in a cardboard container, sprinkled with sawdust and stored at room temperature until spring.

During flowering

Techniques of agricultural technology always depend on the stage of development of plants. So in the care of the zephyranthes, they look at what stage he is at: woke up, blooming or getting ready for rest.

About how to properly ensure that the upstart flower care at home in the active phase is mentioned above. It is worthwhile to touch on the period of sleep.

Zephyranthes at rest

Each type of plant has its own time to go to rest. There are representatives in the family who ignore this phase. The fact that the upstart needs rest can be understood from the dried leaves.

The plant is preparing for rest

The plant is transferred to a cool, dry, dark room, maintaining the temperature there not lower than + 5 ° С. During this period, the flower does not need watering, but the soil is still periodically moistened with standing water so that the bulbs do not dry out.

Some species are at rest for a couple of months, others for the entire cold period. Therefore, constantly check the flower pot. As soon as leaves appear on the bulb, the upstart is taken out of the “imprisonment”.

The plant is placed closer to the light, abundantly watered and fed. If the care of the resting flower was correct, buds will appear on it soon.

If it does not bloom at home

Dreamiopsis: home care and basic flower types

Perennial fragrance every year. Inexperienced farmers sometimes ask why zephyranthes does not bloom, although he paid enough attention.

How to achieve flowering upstart

Why does not bloomWhat to do
Too large a pot causes the plant to “fatten” at the expense of buddingA transplant is required in a smaller container - the plant should feel a slight oppression
Incorrect lighting· If the flower is in the shade, it is carried closer to the light;

· In the opposite situation, when direct sunlight is directed at the plant, provide slight shading

The bulb is too deepTo make the upstart bloom, the root neck is gently released from the ground.
Excess nutrientsRegulate the frequency and amount of fertilizer application

Zephyranthes does not bloom

Note! If the flower upstart indoor during the dormant period was in a poorly ventilated room, and even with increased humidity, in the active phase it will not give buds.

Does not bloom in open ground

Varieties of Nematanthus Flower - Home Care

On the flowerbed completely different conditions. If the flaw was initially committed, it is difficult to fix it. It is better to take a number of measures in advance so that the upstart blooms in the open ground:

  • take only dense bulbs, with no signs of rot, with dry scales;
  • half an hour before planting, keep the onions in the Maxim solution;
  • properly prepare the holes - with a drainage layer of pebbles (gravel) and sand.

The chances of flowering will increase if the bulbs are kept in a flower pot for a couple of weeks.

Pests, methods of combating them

Zephyranthes flower parasites rarely annoy. With improper care, some insects cause damage to the upstart. The plant itself will signal their appearance.

The main pests of marshmallows

InsectSigns of InvasionMeasures
Amaryllis WormIt feeds on the juice of the flower, as a result of which the leaves begin to turn yellow, fade and fallThe plant is treated with an insecticide. With a severe defeat of the bulb, it is destroyed
WhiteflyA whitish small moth is clearly visible on the underside of the plate. Signs of harm are not immediately detectedSprayed with a chemical, then taken out to a cool room. Due to the lack of love for low temperatures, the pest leaves the plant itself
False shieldA 4 mm bulging insect immediately catches your eyeStart with mechanical removal, wiping the foliage with a soap solution. Handle the window, window sill, flower pot. Then the upstart is sprayed with an insecticide
Spider miteThe appearance of a sucking insect will be indicated by fading leaves and a spider web on a plantThe affected flower is treated with a chemical.

Spider mite on a plant

To avoid insect infestations, the room maintains optimal humidity and temperature conditions. The insecticide is also used for preventive purposes, without waiting for the appearance of pests.

Transplanting and breeding zephyranthes

It is enough to start one pot with an upstart in the house, so immediately there is a desire to decorate all window sills with blooming mini-beds. Lily is easy to propagate by applying one of the proposed methods.


The upstart always gives a lot of children, which are separated in the fall and planted in pots. The first capacity should be low, but wide, so that the sprouts feel comfortable.

Bulb propagation

You should not plant small onions separately, several pieces are determined in one container at once (maximum 10). In this case, pay attention to the shape of the baby:

  • onions with a short neck are completely immersed in the ground;
  • in oblong, the neck should protrude slightly above the surface.

At the bottom of the pot pour a good layer of drainage. The soil is selected loose, fertile. It is recommended to use turf soil, sand and humus, taken in equal quantities.

Seed cultivation

This method of reproduction is more troublesome. If in the first version the upstart will please bloom for the next season, then when using seeds, the first buds will appear in 3 years.

In order for zephyranthes to reproduce in this way, artificial pollination of flowers will be required. A ripe seed can be obtained after 2 months, it must immediately be used for sowing.

Seed box

Note! With prolonged storage, Zephyranthes seeds lose their germination ability.

The upstart is sown in a shallow bowl with an interval of 2-3 cm. The substrate is chosen the same as for reproduction by children, supplemented with peat.

For active germination of seeds, the container is covered with a transparent film, put in a dark place at a temperature of at least + 22 ° C. After 3-4 weeks, when the shoots appear, the container is transferred to the light and remove the shelter.

Zephyranthes is a beautiful delicate plant that can bring joy to any home. The upstart easily multiplies, so it will be a great gift for loved ones.


Watch the video: how to grow and care 8 different type of Lilly bulbs (October 2024).