Violet winter rose - unusual violets similar to roses


Modern varieties of room senpolia over 500 varieties. Their number, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, is constantly increasing. Violet Winter Rose is a novelty in the domestic market, impressive with its lush flowering of a saturated blue-violet hue with a purple border.

What does the Winter Rose violet look like, to which family it belongs

Flowers of this variety are different from usual, more like small roses. Many petals, similar to an evening dense blue cloud, gradually open like a pink bud, darker on the front side and much brighter on the inside. Peduncles - branching, numerous. As a result, the compact crown looks exceptionally elegant. The leaves of this cultivar are smaller than those of the ordinary ottambara senpolia, have a light green border along the serrated edge, and from the inside are significantly lighter with red-burgundy veins.

Violet Winter Rise

Violets similar to roses: varieties

Home Flower Violet Humako Inches

The popularity of varieties of violets, whose flowers are more magnificent than usual with numerous terry petals, is only growing. Large-bloomed senpolias are varieties with a rim diameter exceeding 7 cm. Among the most spectacular novelties that have managed to go on sale, it is worth noting:

Magic of Love - unusual violets with densely-terry flowers of a beet-red hue with a white border around the edge of the petals. The leaf is large emerald green. Peduncles bear 2 buds.

Love magic

Marshmallow - variety bred by breeder Morev K.L. Cup-shaped large star-shaped flower with double petals. A light pink hue is the main hue with darker pink spots in the center as the bud finally opens, becomes more saturated. The leaf is light green, evenly colored, slightly tucked along the edge, like ruffles.


Ming Dynasty - a variety bred by breeder I. Fredette. Its cupped pink flowers have a highly corrugated edge of the petals. Almost white in the center to the edges acquire a pale pink tone. The sheet is also corrugated and combines several shades of green in the form of specks and spots.

Ming Dynasty

Yesenia (Le Esenia) - a variety bred by Vinnytsia breeder Elena Lebetskaya. Large violet-white terry corollas with a diameter of up to 5 cm can simultaneously bloom in an amount of up to 40 pieces.

On a note! The flowering period is from September to March.


TZ-Sunset - violet K. Moreva. Pink-red large semi-double flower with a darker core. On peduncles 1-2 buds. Glossy large leaf with a slightly serrated edge.

TZ Sunset

Briefly about the history of the emergence of new varieties

In Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Europe, the United States, many nurseries are known, as well as private breeders whose specialization is varietal violets. It happens that the same trade name may belong to plants that are outwardly dissimilar in description. Therefore, it is not surprising that under the name Winter Rose in different catalogs you can see very different flowers. For example, Elena Korshunova, a well-known breeder in Togliatti, has registered her Winter Rose variety.

Winter Rose Elena Korshunova

The prefixes to the name indicate which nursery or breeder managed to get this flower for the first time. So, RM - an indication of the breeder Natalya Skornyakova, ND - Natalya Danilova-Suvorova, 23 - Yana Zubo, etc.

The process of introducing new products is very exciting, although not fast. There is no guarantee of success, but there is always a chance to grow varieties with unique characteristics.

Interesting! When crossing blue and violet violets, you can get a new flower with petals of two shades at once.

For breeding, two adult plants are needed in the flowering stage. Pollen ripens on the 5th day after the bud blooms. It is carefully transferred to the pestle of the crossed flower. If pollination was successful, then a box with seeds is formed from a wilted corolla. They are so small that they look like dust. They ripen within 6 months. The shrunken flower stalk with a box is cut, carefully opened and dried seeds for another 3 weeks. Then they sow. Seed germination lasts only 6 months. So get rare violets, as well as varieties of violets with the largest flowers.

Leaf cuttings of common senpolia will give plants 100% identical to the mother. But not the chimera variety. They do not breed in a leafy way with the preservation of maternal characters, new violets will drive out buds of unpredictable color.

Features of Violet Rose Winter Home Care

In general, the rules for leaving are not fundamentally different from other saints. This makes the variety a welcome acquisition for any grower who has experience growing violets.


Domestic violet bullfight - flower description

The ideal temperature regime for most varieties of indoor violets is in the range of + 22-24 ° C. They will suffer lossless reduction and increase by a couple of degrees. But cooling below +15 ° C, as well as an increase to +30 ° C or more, can lead to the death of the flower.


Light needs bright and diffused. The pot can be placed on the south window if you place a taller plant creating a shadow nearby. The eastern and western windowsills are much more suitable, where bright light only in the morning or in the afternoon.


It is most correct to water through a pan. Young bushes require it more often, since the volume of the pot is less. It is even better to lower the container into the water 1/3 of the bottom height until wet spots appear on the ground, and then remove it and place it on a dry tray.


Drops and splashes of water on the petals and leaves are strictly contraindicated. But humidifying the air around is good. To do this, put a pot with a pallet on a wider pan filled with small pebbles immersed in water.


Violets love moist air, so hot and dry cause the leaves and flowers to dry out. If the humidity in the room is below 60%, you will have to create an artificial microclimate around the flower pot, for example, by placing it in an aquarium or a greenhouse.


The soil mixture for transplants is prepared from sheet soil with the addition of sand, humus, pieces of charcoal, coconut fiber, peat. If you add moss, this will only improve the composition of the soil, as well as agroperlite or vermiculite for friability. Optimum acidity pH = 5.5-6.5. At the bottom put drainage of coal or small pebbles.

Top dressing

For flowering, violets require phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is introduced only in the stage of active development of a young plant until the first flowering. It is periodically useful to water the flower with water with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine, or with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Important! In winter, once a month they give a little sweetened water for food.

When and how it blooms

Uzambara violet - home care

If the care of the plant is correct, then the buds will appear regularly as the old flower stalks wither. If there is no goal to get seeds, then wilted flowers along with the legs are carefully removed immediately after wilting.

Types of flowers

In violets, corollas can be divided and with fused petals, the edges of which are even, serrated, terry. Coloring is monophonic, multi-colored, with specks, contrasting border.

Flower shapes

Hybrids with flowers resembling rosebuds are very popular. In addition, there are other forms:

  • bell (bell);
  • cupped (bowl);
  • "wasp" - with protruding long tips (wasp);
  • "pansies" (pansy);
  • "star" (star);
  • scallop;
  • terry and semi-terry;
  • simple (5 fused petals).

Flowering period

On average, domestic senpolia blooms 8 months a year. The period may be different, depending on the variety, lighting, age of the plant. More often it covers the warm season, but nothing prevents the violet from blooming in the winter, if it has all the necessary conditions for it.

Compared to many other flowering houseplants, the winter rose senpolia is very unpretentious. The opportunity to admire her unusually large and bright colors all year round pays for the collector's efforts to find her in stores where this beautiful variety can be found more often.


Watch the video: 18+ LOOK UP Then look WITHIN. Skies, synchronicity & Aussie comic relief. Chat in the Violet Lounge (October 2024).