Maple leaf home flower - striped abutilon


The leaves of this shrub are very similar to maple. However, the plant belongs to the family of Malvaceae and is not even a distant relative of maple. In Russia, abutilone appeared relatively recently as an indoor flower. In the wild, it grows only in the tropics: Africa, South Asia, Latin America. The people often call it indoor or flowering maple, but from a botanical point of view, this is a mistake.

Flowering maple

Domestic summer residents are happy to plant abutilon on sites in the summer, and in the fall they bring them into a city apartment. You can recognize it by the following characteristic signs:

  • shaggy leaves elongated or heart-shaped;
  • the height of an adult plant is 1.7-2 m;
  • a large number of shoots;
  • bell-shaped flowers.

Abutilon in the wild grows in the southern regions

The plant blooms from April to October. Bells can have different colors: yellow, orange, bright red.

The variety of names of this flower

Home Maple Abutilon - Indoor Flower

An unusual flower with maple leaves is known under various names. The official name of the plant with maple-like leaves is abutilon. There are also other folk. Most often, this flower is called maple, adding various adjectives:

  • indoor;
  • home;
  • decorative;
  • flowering.

The rope can have a different color depending on the type and variety

A less common name is the funicular, obtained due to the sturdy stalk.

For your information! "Cable Car" is a literal translation from Indian. The flower is so called because in India and other countries of South Asia since ancient times, its hard leaves and stems have been used for making twine, ropes, and rough burlap.

Abutilon received the national nickname cable car for the strong fibers that make up the stem

Main types

There are many plants with maple leaves that are artificially bred abutilone species. In total, 110 hybrids and varieties are known. The most beautiful are:

  • Organza;
  • Bella;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • Bella mix.
Home Indoor Flower with Purple Leaves

Most varieties bloom from the third decade of April to the first decade of September. Recently, a hybrid Belle Vue variety has been very popular with domestic flower growers. The height of an adult plant reaches two meters, and bright bluebells delight the eye with a variety of colors. The only drawback is that the plant needs frequent pruning for proper crown formation.

Fans of exotics also managed to appreciate the uniqueness of the Tiger's Eye variety. Orange flowers, shaped like a flashlight, are decorated with thin red stripes, which looks very beautiful. Each flashlight has its own unique pattern of elegant veins.

Note! The most unpretentious variety of abutilon is considered to be Juliet. This variety will grow well even on a shaded window sill with sparse watering. Juliet begins to bloom about six months after planting from the seed.

Botanical and indoor species of abutilon

Under natural conditions, the most common species of cable car is considered to be the Chitendeni variety, which grows in South America. The main features of the view:

  • powerful branches, a large number of shoots;
  • the height of an adult plant can reach three meters;
  • round, large dark green leaves with a soft pile on the back;
  • round orange flowers with thin bright red stripes.

Outwardly, this species resembles the Tiger's eye, but the flowers are wider, and their diameter is slightly larger.

The most common indoor species are:

  • terry;
  • spotted;
  • hybrid;
  • Savitsky.

The most convenient methods of propagation of the cable car - seeds and cuttings. The first method is more laborious. However, there are several varieties with spotted leaves that can be propagated exclusively by cuttings.

Indoor maple

This bright flower with leaves like maple immediately raises the mood, so it can often be found in offices and lounges.

Description of Abutilon: wild and domestic

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Wild flowering maple does not occur in Russia. But indoor flowers with maple-like leaves are very popular. They are often chosen as a gift in ornamental plants. The main difference between the wild-growing cable car and the domestic one at a high height (up to 3 m) and longer flowering. Otherwise, wild species visually practically do not differ from domesticated ones.

The rope-maker fell in love with domestic flower growers for the following characteristic features:

  • large, wide open flowers up to 6 cm in diameter with elegant veins;
  • soft, fluffy to the touch leaves, very similar to maple;
  • thick, shaggy crown;
  • shoots similar to arrows;
  • long and friendly flowering.

Among indoor varieties there are dwarfs and real giants. The most beautiful dwarf variety Abutilon Bella is compact, only 30 cm high. Delicate flowers in the shape of an inverted glass with velvet rims. Pleasant to the touch petals can have a different color: from pink, yellow, orange to rich burgundy or bloody red.

Note! Another popular dwarf species is Savitsky's cable car. It blooms rather sparingly, but gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to any conditions. Small flowers resemble bird cherry.

Care for unpretentious abutilon

Most often, domestic florists choose striped abutilon as a houseplant. It grows rapidly, and the flowers do not show off for a long time. This is the most common type of maple-like houseplant in Russia.

Abundant watering should be combined with regular loosening of the soil

The list of main care activities includes:

  • plentiful watering;
  • regular loosening;
  • pruning
  • removal of dried flowers during flowering;
  • spraying leaves with water;
  • fertilizing with indoor plants.

Note! If the winter turned out to be cold, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering before the onset of heat, otherwise the plant may not bloom. From a lack or excess of moisture, the leaves can dry and fall off.

Experts recommend protecting the flower from direct sunlight. Cable car grows well in the shade, but on the south window. In May - August, when abutilon blooms, it is better to place the plant on a balcony or outdoor terrace. Also, indoor maple will feel good on a summer cottage among grass, in the shade of fruit trees.

To indoor maple looked beautiful, you should regularly pay attention to the formation of the crown. Trimming should be done twice a year, in April and October. To make the bush compact, you need to remove all the branches, leaving a single stem. If you want to have a sprawling tree, pinch a young shoot from above. During pruning, all dried, deformed flowers and leaves, as well as shoots affected by pests or diseases, are removed.

The cable car often suffers from invasions of whiteflies and spider mites. To get rid of pests, you can use a soap solution or industrial insecticides.

Sometimes indoor maple leaves suddenly turn yellow and curl into leaves, and the shoots dry out at the ends. In this case, it is recommended to intensify watering and spray the leaves daily with spray water for additional moisture. If the earth in the pot is dry, you need to place the flower pot in a basin filled with warm water for half an hour. This measure will help urgently resuscitate the cable car.

It is recommended to carry out a transplant in a more spacious container in the spring. The optimal frequency of transplantation of adult plants is every three years. A new pot must be poured with boiling water to kill all bacteria and viruses. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom, then it is covered with soil for indoor flowers. Abutilon is carefully removed from the old vessel, transferred to a new one, covered with earth, and watered abundantly. Before this, you need to carefully look at the roots of the plant. If they have not grown much, it is recommended to postpone the transplant until autumn, until the end of flowering.

For your information! Seeds for planting are sown in containers with sand and peat in the second decade of March. The sowing depth is 6-9 mm. The containers must be covered with a lid or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. Seedlings should be expected in a month. The plant blooms for the first time about six months after planting.

Before sowing, indoor maple seeds are recommended to be placed in a vessel with water. Pop-up seeds will not sprout, so they can be thrown away. The largest seed is selected for planting. For germination to be high, the air temperature should reach 22-27 ° C. If the soil dries up, it can be sprayed with warm water.

In order for abutilon to please its flowering for a long time, it must be grown in a warm room on a bright, spacious window sill. It can be planted at home, in the office or in the winter greenhouse. The main thing is to water the southern “guest” more often, and he will certainly thank for the care with large bright flowers. If the summer turned out to be hot, the maple in the pot will grow well on the balcony or in the summer cottage.


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