How to plant, grow and form a bush of ampelous tomatoes


Ampel tomatoes can be considered the most unusual vegetables, the cultivation of which just makes them unique. These tomatoes are not grown in the usual way, both in the beds and in hanging pots. With proper care, they can be planted even on the balcony or terrace.

Ampel Tomatoes: Growing

Growing ampelous tomatoes yourself is not as difficult as it seems. Caring for this type of tomato is practically no different from this for ordinary, but some nuances are still present.

Growing ampel tomatoes

The main rules for planting ampelous tomatoes

Ampelous tomatoes are grown in two ways: by sowing seeds directly into pots or through seedlings, which are then transplanted into larger containers. Seedlings of ampelous tomatoes are sown in early March, at home even earlier periods are allowed.

Note! Before directly sowing seeds in pots, it is recommended to disinfect them. To do this, leave the planting material for an hour in a mixture of aloe juice and a solution of potassium permanganate.


Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil, to fertilize it in advance: peat and humus. Seeds are sown in boxes, the bottom of which is covered with drainage in the form of expanded clay chips to avoid stagnation of water. Top with soil, on top of which a hole is made at a distance of 2 cm. They put one seed in them and gently sprinkle with earth

Note! Drainage saves plants from the formation of fungi, the appearance of chlorosis and other diseases.


Features of planting seedlings

Growing seedlings of ampelous tomatoes is no different from growing other varieties of tomatoes. Before planting seeds, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with ash, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. You can use special complex preparations containing the necessary dose of minerals. The box must be placed on a well-lit window sill.

Seedling Care

After sowing seeds, it is important to regularly feed with preparations containing potassium and nitrogen, to monitor the illumination of seedlings. If there is not enough natural light, add artificial light - put the lamp next to the box.

Watering is recommended only as the soil dries, since excess moisture will lead to the formation of mold, fungus, and disease. Water should not be cold from the tap, but soft a little warm. Together with watering, it is necessary to top-dress complex preparations once every two weeks.

Note! Adding a pinch of citric acid or lemon juice to the irrigation water will help increase the acidity of the soil and prevent leaf chlorosis, which often disturbs seedlings.

Seedlings require regular loosening of the soil for oxygen. Only this is done very carefully so as not to damage the root system. In the apartment seedlings, it is necessary to create good ventilation, humidity and lighting. Additionally, fans and artificial light lamps are used for these purposes. If the air is dry, you can put a container of water in the room closer to the seedlings.

How to plant in open ground

Ampel tomatoes can be left for decorative purposes in hanging pots, or can be planted in open ground. Planting tomatoes on the beds is carried out in May, when the land on the street warmed up enough.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to apply fertilizer to the soil. Tomatoes grow well in acidified soil, so the ground is fed with peat, humus, overripe compost. If the soil, on the contrary, is with a high level of acidity, ash, gypsum or lime must be added to it. Transplanting seedlings into the ground must be done carefully, being careful not to damage the root system. After abundantly water the plant and take a break for 10 days, then carry out watering as the soil dries.

Summer care

For a rich harvest, proper and timely care is very important. In the presence of extra shoots, stepsoning is done. This helps the plant direct all efforts to form the main bush, leaves and fruits.

For the formation of healthy fruits, tomatoes need a constant supply of moisture, but excessive watering also has a bad effect on the fruits and the plant as a whole. Water the plant in the morning or evening with rain or river water.

Important! If for some reason the tomatoes survived a small drought, watering should be carried out gradually, with a small amount of water, otherwise the tomato fruits will crack, the crop will deteriorate. It is recommended that the soil be loosened to a depth of about 3-5 cm.

It is necessary to grow ampelous tomatoes at a temperature of 20 ° C to 25 ° C. Shrubs are recommended to shake, remove yellowed leaves and shoots. If necessary, independently pollinate in the morning hours by transferring pollen to pistils.

Every two weeks, fertilizing ampel tomatoes with mineral fertilizers during irrigation is necessary.

Ampel tomatoes in the open ground

How to form bushes

How to care for ampel begonia and form a bush

The formation of a bush of ampelous tomatoes during house cultivation occurs independently by the plant itself. When planting in open ground, gardeners themselves take measures for convenient placement and growth of the bush. To do this, use special vertical structures along which tomatoes grow up. This helps in the future to conveniently carry out the harvest. Also, tomatoes in this cultivation receive more natural light for growth and ripening.

On overhead tanks, the bush is formed in a natural determinant way. Falling down from the pots and boxes, the plant branches well, the branches are usually thin and long, on which the fruits grow and ripen in the form of clusters. The fruits are small and round.

Top dressing

Ampoule tomato or tomato - varieties, description and characteristics

Tomatoes are usually fed with complex mineral and organic preparations. The procedure is carried out together with watering every two weeks. The first time the plant is fed when the first pair of leaves appears. In addition, it is useful to increase the plant's immunity to diseases by treatment with phytosporin.

Note! During flowering, it is necessary to stop fertilizing with nitrogen-containing preparations and increase the level of potassium in the composition of fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Ampel tomatoes are susceptible to the following pests and diseases:

  • chlorosis - a violation of the process of photosynthesis;
  • fungus;
  • rot;
  • late blight;
  • cracks in the fruit;
  • blackleg;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly.
Tradescantia - types of ampelous plants Anderson, Zebrina and others

Some diseases are dangerous and contagious, such as infectious chlorosis and fungus. If a plant has an infectious disease, it is urgent to treat or get rid of it, otherwise it will infect healthy seedlings.

Late blight is a common disease among tomatoes that can harm not only leaves and stems, but also fruits.

Note! Pests, in addition to causing damage to leaves and fruits, are carriers of diseases.

Ampel tomato crop


Harvesting and storage

Ampel tomatoes for food are usually picked slightly unripe. Fruits are carefully picked from the bunch and placed in a dry, ventilated place until fully ripened. Some housewives intentionally do not pick ripe tomatoes, but leave for decorative purposes. Tomatoes are not stored for a long time, so it is recommended to make preparations from them.

Perhaps the most decorative kind of vegetables is ampelous tomatoes, the cultivation of which can decorate the garden plot, balcony, terrace and delight with their fresh ripe fruits at any time. Caring for them is not difficult, and the result will exceed all expectations.


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