
The conditions under which dogwood blooms and bears fruit

Dogwood blooms in early spring, looks against the background of other, still unblown shrubs and trees, very impressive. It is for this feature that culture is often cultivated as a decorative one. And in some gardens this is what happens; after flowering, the berries are not tied. However, this is not a peculiarity of dogwood, but errors of planting or leaving.

Stalk: description and nuances of care

Stem (ceratium) is an annual or perennial plant that belongs to the clove family. The scientific name Cerástium (cerastium) is from Latin horned, derived from small horns that have flowers of some varieties. Description of stalks It grows in the Northern part of the Earth: Eurasia, Africa, America and Australia.

Royal geranium care at home

Large-flowered pelargonium is a breeding species whose ancestors were introduced to Europe in the 18th century from the tropics of South Africa. Thanks to the constant crossing of varieties, scientists managed to bring out the Royal geranium. It differs from other representatives in large flowers, forming a hat over greens and a delicate aroma.


Photo of a nephrolepis in a pot Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis) - an ancient, herbaceous, perennial plant of the genus ferns, has been widely cultivated in indoor floriculture since the first half of the 19th century, as an ornamental foliage culture. The birthplace of nephrolepis is humid South Asian tropics and subtropics. It is growing actively throughout the year, can double the volume of green mass during the year, with virtually no dormant period.

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